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Created February 13, 2019 17:19
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function Get-BitLockerStatus {
param (
[Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADComputer] $Computers,
[pscredential] $Credential
process {
$sb = {
$Bitlocker = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:"
enum ChassisType {
Other = 1
Unknown = 2
Desktop = 3
LowProfileDesktop = 4
PizzaBox = 5
MiniTower = 6
Tower = 7
Portable = 8
Laptop = 9
Notebook = 10
HandHeld = 11
DockingStation = 12
AllinOne = 13
SubNotebook = 14
SpaceSaving = 15
LunchBox = 16
MainSystemChassis = 17
ExpansionChassis = 18
SubChassis = 19
BusExpansionChassis = 20
PeripheralChassis = 21
StorageChassis = 22
RackMountChassis = 23
SealedCasePC = 24
$params = @{
ClassName = 'Win32_SystemEnclosure'
Namespace = 'root\CIMV2'
Property = 'ChassisTypes'
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Type = [ChassisType](Get-CimInstance @params).ChassisTypes
ComputerName = $Bitlocker.ComputerName
Status = $Bitlocker.ProtectionStatus
ChassisType = $Type
foreach ($Computer in $Computers) {
if ( Test-WSMan -ComputerName $ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$params = @{
ComputerName = $
ScriptBlock = $sb
Credential = $Credential
$return = Invoke-Command @params
$return | Add-Member @{ DN = $Computer.DistinguishedName } -PassThru
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