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Created November 5, 2016 19:48
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function Get-age {
HelpMessage="Date must be written as dd/mm/yy",
Begin {
# use 'get-date' to convert '$Bday' Variable
$cDate = (get-date -Date $Bday)
# from today's date subtract birth date
$diff = (Get-Date).Subtract($cDate)
Process {
# Work out Years, months and days
[int]$daysInYear = '365'
[int]$averageMonth = '30'
# years
$totalYears = [math]::Truncate( $($diff.Days) / $daysInYear )
$totalMonths = [math]::Truncate( $($diff.Days) % $daysInYear / $averageMonth )
# days
$remainingDays = [math]::Truncate( $($diff.Days) % $daysInYear % $averageMonth )
# Your star sign
$thisYear = (get-date).Year
$starSign =
switch ($cDate.DayOfYear) {
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 22/12/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..365; 0..((get-date 19/01/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Capricorn" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 20/01/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 18/02/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Aquarius" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 19/02/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 20/03/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Pisces" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 21/03/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 19/04/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Aries" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 20/04/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 20/05/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Taurus" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 21/05/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 20/06/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Gemini" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 21/06/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 22/07/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Cancer" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 23/07/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 22/08/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Leo" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 23/08/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 22/09/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Virgo" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 23/09/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 22/10/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Libra" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 23/10/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 21/11/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Scorpio" }
{ $_ -in @( ((get-date 22/10/$thisYear).DayOfYear)..((get-date 21/12/$thisYear).DayOfYear) ) } { "Sagittarius" }
# Work out how many days until birthday
$now = [DateTime]::Now
$dm = get-date $Bday -UFormat "%m/%d/"
$Days = [Datetime]($dm + $now.Year) – $Now
# If birthday has happened this year change sum
if (!($Days -ge 0)) { $Days = $now - [Datetime]($dm + $now.Year) }
End {
# display
"`nYou are {0} year(s), {1} month(s) and {2} day(s)" -f $totalYears, $totalMonths, $remainingDays
"Your Star sign is: " + $starSign
# and...
if ($cDate.Year -eq (get-date).Year) {
"You have another $($daysInYear - $diff.Days) days until your birthday" # If you are under 1 years old
} else {
"You have another $($Days.days) days until your birthday" # over the age of 1
}# Function End
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