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Created May 3, 2016 18:38
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App-V PowerShell removal script
Remove Visio 2010 AppV Package
Controller script to invoke 'Remove-Package' cmdlet
. .\$PSScriptRoot\Remove-AppvPackage.ps1
Links to further documentation
Version : 1.0
Date Created : 28/04/2016
Created by : Graham Beer
#Dot source the script
. $PSScriptRoot\Remove-AppvPackage.ps1
#splat the arguements to pass to 'Remove-AppvPackage' cmdlet
$RemoveVisio = @{
AppVPackage = 'Microsoft_Visio_Standard_2010SP1'
Shortcut = 'Microsoft Visio 2010.lnk'
FlagFileName = 'Visio_2010_Removal' # .flg extension created by 'Remove-AppvPackage.ps1' script.
#Run the code to remove Visio 2010
Remove-AppvPackage @RemoveVisio
Remove Appv from device
This script has been created for the removal of AppV applications published to a user
remove-Appv -AppVPackage 'SomeApp' -shortcut "file.lnk" -FlagFileName Marker
remove-Appv -AppVPAckage 'Microsoft_Visio_Standard_2010SP1' -Shortcut "Microsoft Visio 2010.lnk"
Add APPV package and shortcut file to remove
If the application removes successfully it will create a flag file in c:\windows\temp
General notes
Created by G Beer
Function Remove-AppvPackage {
param (
[ValidateScript({ test-connection $ENV:COMPUTERNAME -quiet })]
#create log file
try {
$Path = 'C:\Windows\Temp'
$FileName = (Get-Date).tostring("ddMMyyyy-hhmmss")
$LogFile = "AppV_Removal_" + $FileName + ".log"
New-Item -itemType File -Path C:\Windows\Temp -Name $logfile | out-null
} Catch [exception] {
Write-Warning $_
#Set log file header
Write-Output "[ Title ] Removal of $AppVPackage`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
Write-Output "[ DateTime ] $(get-date)`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
}#End Begin block
#Get application
$AppvPKG = Get-AppvClientPackage -all | ? { $ -eq $AppVPackage }
if ($AppvPKG -eq $null) {
Write-Output "[ Error ] App-V Package Not Found`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) ; break
} else {
Write-Output "[ Success ] App-V Package $AppVPackage Found`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
#Add error control
try {
$AppvPKG | Publish-AppvClientPackage -Global -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null #re-publish the application globally
Write-Output "[ Success ] Republished $AppVPackage to global as to overwrite previous installation settings`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
} catch [exception] {
Write-Output "[ Error ] $_" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) ; break
#Get application
$GlobalAppvPKG = Get-AppvClientPackage -all | ? { $ -eq $AppVPackage }
try {
$GlobalAppvPKG | Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -Global -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Write-Output "[ Success ] globally UnPublished $AppVPackage package in readiness for removal`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
$GlobalAppvPKG | Remove-AppvClientPackage -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Write-Output "[ Success ] Removed all traces of package $AppVPackage`n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
} catch [exception] {
Write-Output "[ Error ] $_" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) ; break
#remove shortcut link from machine
#Excluding C:\Users\Public as it contains a different directory structure and UnPublish cmdlet removes if in Public directory
$users = ((Get-ChildItem C:\Users).Name).GetEnumerator() | ? { $_ -ne "Public" }
#Run check against all users
$exist = foreach ($user in $users)
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\$user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" -Filter $shortcut -Recurse
if ( ($exist | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 ) {
Write-Output "[ Information ] Shortcut does not exist" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
} else {
try {
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$exist | foreach { $_.delete() ; Write-Output "[ Information ] Shortcut remove from $_ `n" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) }
} catch [exception] {
Write-Output "[ Error ] $_" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) ; break
}#End of Process block
#Post removal check
$Check = Get-AppvClientPackage -all | ? { $ -eq $AppvPKG }
if ([boolean]$Check) {
Write-Output "[ Error ] Failed to remove $AppVPackage" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile) ; break
} else {
New-Item -Path $Path -Name $($FlagFileName + ".flg") -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
Write-Output "[ Completed ] Successfully removed $AppVPackage" | Add-Content -Path $($path + "\" + $LogFile)
}#End of 'End' block
}#End of function
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