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Last active October 8, 2018 19:30
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A wrapper around 3box-js
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { WEB3 } from '../web3';
import { BoxOptions, GetProfileOptions, Threebox } from './3box';
import Web3 from 'web3';
import * as ThreeboxFactory from '3box';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class ThreeBox {
private _box = new BehaviorSubject<Threebox>(null);
public box$ = this._box.asObservable();
constructor(@Inject(WEB3) private web3: Web3) {}
/** Get a snapshot of the current box opened */
public get box(): Threebox {
return this._box.getValue();
/** Set the current box opened and alert components that subscribed to box$ */
public set box(box: Threebox) {;
* Opens the user space associated with the given address.
* @param address An ethereum address.
* @param options Optional parameters.
* @returns The threeBox instance for the given address.
public openBox(address?: string, options?: BoxOptions): Promise<Threebox> {
if (!this.web3.currentProvider) { throw new Error('No web3 provider available'); }
if (!address && !this.web3.eth.defaultAccount) { throw new Error('Please provide an address'); }
if (address && !this.web3.utils.isAddress(address)) { throw new Error(`This is not a valid address: ${address}`); }
return ThreeboxFactory.openBox(
address || this.web3.eth.defaultAccount,
).then(box => { = box;
return box;
* Get the public profile of a given address.
* @param address An Ethereum address.
* @param options Optional parameters.
* @returns A json object with the profile for the given address.
public getProfile(address: string, options?: GetProfileOptions): Promise<Object> {
if (!this.web3.utils.isAddress(address)) { throw new Error(`This is not a valid address: ${address}`); }
return ThreeboxFactory.getProfile(address, options);
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