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Last active May 11, 2016 10:54
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Hardens DNET Masternodes Hosted at
# Change settings here!!!
sshport="54814" # <-- change to random high port!
keepdnetdata="no" # <-- "yes" or "no"
## Nothing to edit below this line. ##
# get the password from the command line
echo "Enter a password for $username (it will not be masked):"
printf "Password: "
read clearpass
# set locale
locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 hu_HU hu_HU.UTF-8
dpkg-reconfigure locales
# calculate password for useradd and add the user
pwsalt=`perl -e 'printf "%08X", rand(0xffffffff)'`
password=`perl -e 'printf "%s", crypt($ARGV[0], "\\$6\\$$ARGV[1]\\$")' $clearpass $pwsalt`
useradd -m -p $password -s /bin/bash $username
# determine home folder
homefolder=`eval echo "~$username"`
# stop the masternode in case it is running
/root/darknet-cli stop
# move the dnet data dir to new user (if it exists)
if [ -d /root/.darknet ]; then
if [ $keepdnetdata == "yes" ]; then
mv /root/.darknet $homefolder
# move the dnet executables to the user's home dir
mv /root/darknet* $homefolder
# remove apache -- it's not needed
service apache2 stop
apt-get -y remove apache2*
# add our user to sudoers
sed -i.bak s/sudo:x:27:$/sudo:x:27:$username/ /etc/group
# disallow root login via ssh and change port
sed -i.bak "s/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i'' "s/Port 22/Port $sshport/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service ssh restart
# don't keep a history file because they are security problem
echo "HISTFILE=/dev/null" >> $homefolder/.profile
echo "HISTFILE=/dev/null" >> /root/.profile
# change all ownership
chown -R $username:$username $homefolder
# indicate success
echo Sucessful Termination. Don\'t forget to test login remotely with:
echo ssh -p $sshport $username@`ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}'`
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Most linux vps are poorly configured for security out of the box. For example, they will have apache2 enabled, use the root account as the primary login, allow root remote login by ssh, run ssh over port 22, and even have bash history enabled. I created this script to fix these major issues.

This script by no means hardens for production, but it's good enough for masternodes like DNET, where the masternode output is kept on a remote server.

To use this script, you have to edit the file with the username and a new random high port number for ssh. It is recommended not to use the defaults.

Download the script like this:


Then edit it at the top.


Then run it:


It will prompt for the new user's password (which will show when you type it, so make sure no one is looking over your shoulder). The final instructions give you a hint how to access the machine as the new user.

Test the remote login for the new user before logging out as root or you will need to reinstall your VM.

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