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Last active March 17, 2021 00:37
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Simple translator to Morse code
# get the input as English text
raw_text = input("Please type in your text input:\n")
# This is the dictionary I created to relate English text to Morse text
morse = {"-":"T", "/":"-..-.", " ":"/", ".":".-.-.-", "1":".----", "2":"..---", "3":"...--", "4":"....-", "5":".....", "6":"-....", "7":"--...", "8":"---..", "9":"----.", "0":"-----", "!":"-.-.--", "@":".--.-.", "&":".-...", "(":"-.--.", ")":"-.--.-", "=":"-...-", "+":".-.-.", "q":"--.-", "w":".--", "e":".", "r":".-.", "t":"-", "y":"-.--", "u":"..-", "i":"..", "o":"---", "p":".--.", "a":".-", "s":"...", "d":"-..", "f":"..-.", "g":"--.", "h":"....", "j":".---", "k":"-.-", "l":".-..", ":":"---...", '\'':".----.", "\"":".-..-.", "z":"--..", "x":"-..-", "c":"-.-.", "v":"...-", "b":"-...", "n":"-.", "m":"--", ",":"--..--", "?":"..--..s"}
# parse the text while converting it to morse code
morse_text = raw_text.lower()
for key, value in morse.items():
morse_text = morse_text.replace(key, f"{value} ")
# print the result
print(f"\n\"{raw_text}\" in morse code is:\n{morse_text}")
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