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Grant Bourne GrantBGreat

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GrantBGreat / Morse
Last active March 17, 2021 00:37
Simple translator to Morse code
# get the input as English text
raw_text = input("Please type in your text input:\n")
# This is the dictionary I created to relate English text to Morse text
morse = {"-":"T", "/":"-..-.", " ":"/", ".":".-.-.-", "1":".----", "2":"..---", "3":"...--", "4":"....-", "5":".....", "6":"-....", "7":"--...", "8":"---..", "9":"----.", "0":"-----", "!":"-.-.--", "@":".--.-.", "&":".-...", "(":"-.--.", ")":"-.--.-", "=":"-...-", "+":".-.-.", "q":"--.-", "w":".--", "e":".", "r":".-.", "t":"-", "y":"-.--", "u":"..-", "i":"..", "o":"---", "p":".--.", "a":".-", "s":"...", "d":"-..", "f":"..-.", "g":"--.", "h":"....", "j":".---", "k":"-.-", "l":".-..", ":":"---...", '\'':".----.", "\"":".-..-.", "z":"--..", "x":"-..-", "c":"-.-.", "v":"...-", "b":"-...", "n":"-.", "m":"--", ",":"--..--", "?":"..--..s"}
# parse the text while converting it to morse code
morse_text = raw_text.lower()
for key, value in morse.items():
morse_text = morse_text.replace(key, f"{value} ")
GrantBGreat / spam.ahk
Created March 19, 2021 19:55
AHK Spam Script
This is a AHK script to spam whatever is on your clipboard seperated by enters. For chat cooldowns, it waits 5 seconds every 9 messages.
This script is not made to be abused, but is made for grinding with certain bots in discord.
To start the script press f3
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force ; Makes sure the script only runs one at a time.
GrantBGreat /
Created January 27, 2022 16:35
There is something wrong with me...
# Add a command for this to your .bashrc file and bam! You go from 0 friends to 1 friend!!!!
# He has no arms because he is too cool for them duhhh
echo " _____________"
echo " . / Beep Boop \\"
echo " ___/___ \\ ____________/"
echo " / \\ |/"
echo " / * * \\"
GrantBGreat /
Last active January 9, 2023 14:27
Instructions all about first installation for WPILib and other required tools for Java

Installing WPILib and Tools

WPILib Installation
  1. Install the latest Windows 64 bit release of WPILib from the official git. The filename will start with WPILib_Windows64
  2. Right click the .iso file you had just installed and click Mount. You may get a security warning, if you do simply click open anyways. Mounting example
  3. Once the iso is mounted, open it and run the WPILibInstaller.exe file.
  4. When prompted to install VSCode, click 'download for this computer only.' Then click Next. image