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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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public class Cup implements Replenishable {
private int capacity;
private int amount;
public Cup(int c){
capacity = c;
amount = 0;
public void fill(int foo) {
if foo + amount > capacity {
amount = 0;
} else {
amount += foo;
public void empty(int foo) {
if amount - foo >= 0 {
amount -= foo;
public String checkAmount(){
public class Person implements Replenishable {
private int capacity;
private int amount;
public Person(int c){
capacity = c;
amount = 0;
public void fill(int foo) {
if foo + amount > capacity {
amount = 0;
System.out.println("*BLARGH* ... I just threw up.");
} else {
amount += foo;
System.out.println("Yum! That tasted good.")
public void empty(int foo) {
if amount - foo >= 0 {
amount -= foo;
System.out.println("I just pooped.");
public String checkAmount(){
if (amount > 7){
System.out.println("I feel full.");
} else if (amount > 5) {
System.out.println("I feel pretty darn satiated.");
} else if (amount > 3){
System.out.println("I feel a bit hungry.");
} else {
System.out.println("I am starving.");
interface Replenishable {
void fill(int amount);
void empty(int amount);
String checkAmount();
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