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Created October 2, 2019 09:15
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Generate a 3D model based on a 2D equation
# Generate a 3D model based on a 2D equation
# The model will be rectangular with a flat base. The top surface is based on
# a provided equation in "surface_function". The file name can be set with the
# output_filename variable. The x and y width of the model and the grid spacing
# is defined by the following parameters.
# x_spacing
# y_spacing
# x_number_of_points
# y_number_of_points
# There may be a warning that model isn't closed. Most likely this is an error
# caused by the way numpy-stl tests the model. This usually only happens on
# models with a large number of faces. Ignore this warning but check the model
# to be sure.
import numpy as np
from stl import mesh
import math
from typing import NamedTuple, List
# Simple coordinate storage class
class Vertex(NamedTuple):
x: float
y: float
z: float
# The function that describes the upper surface
def surface_function(x, y):
return 10 - 2*(1 - math.cos(2 * x * math.pi / 20)) *\
(1 - math.cos(2 * y * math.pi / 20))
# Define dimensions and display parameters
output_filename = "model.stl"
x_spacing = 1
x_number_of_points = 101
y_spacing = 1
y_number_of_points = 101
print("x size = " + str(x_spacing * (x_number_of_points - 1)))
print("y size = " + str(y_spacing * (y_number_of_points - 1)))
number_of_top_coordinates = x_number_of_points * y_number_of_points
number_of_top_faces = (x_number_of_points - 1) * \
(y_number_of_points - 1) * 2
print("number of coordinates in the upper surface = " +
print("number of faces in the upper surface = " + str(number_of_top_faces))
total_number_of_faces = number_of_top_faces * 2 +\
4 * (y_number_of_points + x_number_of_points - 2)
print("total number of faces in the model = " + str(total_number_of_faces))
# Storage for vertex coordinates using the x and y index of the coordinates
top_vertices = dict()
bottom_vertices = dict()
# Create the vertices for the top and bottom surfaces
for y_index in range(y_number_of_points):
for x_index in range(x_number_of_points):
x_coord = x_index * x_spacing
y_coord = y_index * y_spacing
# Create the vertices for the top surface. These are defined by
# surface_function
top_vertices[(x_index, y_index)] =\
Vertex(x_coord, y_coord, surface_function(x_coord, y_coord))
# Create the vertices for the bottom flat surface at z = 0
bottom_vertices[(x_index, y_index)] =\
Vertex(x_coord, y_coord, 0)
# Preallocate storage for the triangles that make up the upper and lower faces.
# I've chosen to preallocate storage for the face data instead of constantly
# growing the list. It shouldn't make a difference for models with a small
# number of faces, but it seems to improve speed for larger models.
top_faces: List[tuple or None] = [None] * \
((x_number_of_points - 1) *
(y_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
bottom_faces: List[tuple or None] = [None] * \
((x_number_of_points - 1) *
(y_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
# Every vertex in the grid (apart from ones on the top and right sides)\
# correspond to 2 triangular faces. For example, in a grid with spacing of 1,
# the coordinate of (x, y) would correspond to two triangles. The order of the
# coordinates in each face is important as it defines the outward facing
# direction of the face based on the right hand rule.
# (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1)
# (x, y), (x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1)
# *---*---*
# | / | / |
# *---*---
# | / | / |
# *---*---*
counter = 0
for y_index in range(y_number_of_points - 1):
for x_index in range(x_number_of_points - 1):
# Add faces for the top surface by adding the coordinates of three
# vertices to a tuple
top_faces[counter * 2] = ((top_vertices[x_index, y_index],
top_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index + 1],
top_vertices[x_index, y_index + 1]))
top_faces[counter * 2 + 1] = ((top_vertices[x_index, y_index],
top_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index],
top_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index + 1]))
# Add faces for the bottom surface
bottom_faces[counter * 2] =\
((bottom_vertices[x_index, y_index],
bottom_vertices[x_index, y_index + 1],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index + 1]))
bottom_faces[counter * 2 + 1] =\
((bottom_vertices[x_index, y_index],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index + 1],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, y_index]))
counter += 1
# Add faces along the edge of the model to close it. These faces are parallel
# to the x-axis
x_faces_1: List[tuple or None] = [None] * ((x_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
x_faces_2: List[tuple or None] = [None] * ((x_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
counter = 0
for x_index in range(x_number_of_points - 1):
x_faces_1[counter * 2] = ((top_vertices[x_index, 0],
bottom_vertices[x_index, 0],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, 0]))
x_faces_2[counter * 2] =\
((top_vertices[x_index, y_number_of_points - 1],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, y_number_of_points - 1],
bottom_vertices[x_index, y_number_of_points - 1]))
x_faces_1[counter * 2 + 1] =\
((top_vertices[x_index + 1, 0],
top_vertices[x_index, 0],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, 0]))
x_faces_2[counter * 2 + 1] =\
((top_vertices[x_index, y_number_of_points - 1],
top_vertices[x_index + 1, y_number_of_points - 1],
bottom_vertices[x_index + 1, y_number_of_points - 1]))
counter += 1
# Add faces along the edge of the model to close it. These faces are parallel
# to the y-axis
y_faces_1: List[tuple or None] = [None] * ((y_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
y_faces_2: List[tuple or None] = [None] * ((y_number_of_points - 1) * 2)
counter = 0
for y_index in range(y_number_of_points - 1):
y_faces_1[counter * 2] = ((top_vertices[0, y_index],
bottom_vertices[0, y_index + 1],
bottom_vertices[0, y_index]))
y_faces_2[counter * 2] =\
((top_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index],
bottom_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index],
bottom_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index + 1]))
y_faces_1[counter * 2 + 1] = ((top_vertices[0, y_index],
top_vertices[0, y_index + 1],
bottom_vertices[0, y_index + 1]))
y_faces_2[counter * 2 + 1] =\
((top_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index + 1],
top_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index],
bottom_vertices[x_number_of_points - 1, y_index + 1]))
counter += 1
# Combine all the faces
all_faces = top_faces + bottom_faces +\
x_faces_1 + x_faces_2 +\
y_faces_1 + y_faces_2
model = mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(total_number_of_faces*4, dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype))
# Create the model
for index, face in enumerate(all_faces):
for vertex_index in range(3):
model.vectors[index][vertex_index] = np.array([face[vertex_index].x,
# Print model properties
volume, cog, inertia = model.get_mass_properties()
print("Volume of the model = " + str(volume))
print("Centre of gravity of the model [x, y, z] = " + str(cog))
print("Mass moment of inertia matrix at centre of gravity =\n" + str(inertia))
# Save the model
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