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Forked from SimonSimCity/pagination.html.twig
Last active July 11, 2018 05:34
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A gist for pagination in Twig, based on the total number of pages, the current page and some URL-settings. UIkit design.
{% include 'modules/pagination.twig' with {
currentFilters: {
foo: 'bar',
currentPage: 43,
paginationPath: '/news',
showAlwaysFirstAndLast: true,
lastPage: 75,
urlType: 'slash',
} %}
{% import _self as macros %}
Updated by: Simon Schick <>
Updated by: Daniil Pronin <>
* currentFilters (array) : associative array that contains the current route-arguments
* currentPage (int) : the current page you are in
* paginationPath (string) : the route name to use for links
* showAlwaysFirstAndLast (bool) : Always show first and last link (just disabled)
* lastPage (int) : represents the total number of existing pages
* urlType (string) : 'query' (`/news?page=4`) or 'slash' (`/news/4`) a way to build URL
{% set scope = {
currentFilters: currentFilters ?: {},
currentPage: currentPage ?: 1,
paginationPath: paginationPath ?: '',
showAlwaysFirstAndLast: showAlwaysFirstAndLast,
lastPage: lastPage,
urlType: urlType ?: 'query',
} %}
{% macro url_with_query(url, query) %}
{{ url ~ '?' ~ query|url_encode }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro pagination_url(scope, url, query) %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{% if scope.urlType == 'query' %}
{{ macros.url_with_query(url, query) }}
{% elseif scope.urlType == 'slash' %}
{% set query_string = query|merge({ page: null })|url_encode %}
{{ url }}/{{ }}{{ query_string ? '?' ~ query_string }}
{% else %}
{{ url }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro content(scope) %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{# the number of first and last pages to be displayed #}
{% set extremePagesLimit = 3 %}
{# the number of pages that are displayed around the active page #}
{% set nearbyPagesLimit = 2 %}
{% if scope.currentPage > 1 %}
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: scope.currentPage - 1
})) }}'>
{{ 'pagination.previous'|trans }}
{% for i in range(1, extremePagesLimit) if ( i < scope.currentPage - nearbyPagesLimit ) %}
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: i
})) }}'>{{ i }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if extremePagesLimit + 1 < scope.currentPage - nearbyPagesLimit %}
<li class='uk-disabled'>
{% endif %}
{% for i in range(scope.currentPage - nearbyPagesLimit, scope.currentPage - 1) if ( i > 0 ) %}
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: i
})) }}'>{{ i }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% elseif scope.showAlwaysFirstAndLast %}
<li class='uk-disabled'>
<span>{{ 'pagination.previous'|trans }}</span>
{% endif %}
<li class='uk-active'>
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: scope.currentPage
})) }}'>
{{ scope.currentPage }}
{% if scope.currentPage < scope.lastPage %}
{% for i in range(scope.currentPage + 1, scope.currentPage + nearbyPagesLimit)
if ( i <= scope.lastPage )
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: i
})) }}'>{{ i }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if (scope.lastPage - extremePagesLimit) > (scope.currentPage + nearbyPagesLimit) %}
<li class='uk-disabled'>
{% endif %}
{% for i in range(scope.lastPage - extremePagesLimit + 1, scope.lastPage)
if ( i > scope.currentPage + nearbyPagesLimit )
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: i
})) }}'>{{ i }}</a>
{% endfor %}
<a href='{{ macros.pagination_url(scope, scope.paginationPath, scope.currentFilters|merge({
page: scope.currentPage + 1
})) }}'>
{{ ''|trans }}
{% elseif scope.showAlwaysFirstAndLast %}
<li class='uk-disabled'>
{{ ''|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if scope.lastPage > 1 %}
<ul class='uk-pagination'>
{{ macros.content(scope) }}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
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