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Last active May 16, 2021 13:03
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Common Coding Patterns
// PRIMITIVES (JavaScript -- 7)
// boolean null undefined number string symbol object
// The Factory Pattern is a little dated (ES6 classes offer a pretty pain free way of defining classes and using default
// constructors with the 'new' keyword) however they do still see some use in modern web development and automation.
// Factories can be especially useful when designed to return objects/data structures common to certain test operations
// within an automation suite (i.e. mocking an object used to fill out all form fields with valid data).
function Car (options) {
this.state = options.state || 'used';
this.doors = options.doors || 4;
this.color = options.color || 'red';
function Truck (options) {
this.state = options.state || 'new';
this.color = options.color || 'yellow';
this.doors = options.doors || 2;
this.wheels = options.wheels || 8;
// Define a skeleton factory first
function VehicleFactory() {}
// Define the default vehicle type the factory will create
VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass = Car;
// Our Factory method for creating new Vehicle instances
VehicleFactory.prototype.createVehicle = function (options) {
switch (options.vehicleType) {
case "car":
this.vehicleClass = Car;
case "truck":
this.vehicleClass = Truck;
return new this.vehicleClass(options);
// Create an instance of our factory that makes cars
const carFactory = new VehicleFactory();
let car = carFactory.createVehicle( { vehicleType: "car", color: "yellow", doors: 6 } );
// A decorator is a structural design pattern that aims to promote code re-use. Decorating an object in JavaScript is pretty
// straight forward since one can easily extend an object by defining a new method on it,
// for example car.setModel = (name) => { this.model = name } would add a setModel decorator to our car object.
// Their true potential is unlocked through the combined use of multiple decorators as in the following example, where the
// original constructor is left in tact (unchanged) but the instance is modified (decorated) by using certain upgrade methods
// Constructor
function MacBook() {
this.cost = () => 999;
this.screenSize = () => 11.6;
this.insured = () => false;
this.memory = () =>'8gb';
this.engraving = () => '';
// Decorator 1
function memory(macbook) {
let cost = macbook.cost();
macbook.memory = () => '16gb';
macbook.cost = () => cost + 75;
// Decorator 2
function engraving(macbook, text) {
let cost = macbook.cost();
macbook.engraving = () => text;
macbook.cost = () => cost + 200;
// Decorator 3
function insurance(macbook) {
let cost = macbook.cost();
macbook.insured = () => true;
macbook.cost = () => cost + 250;
let mb = new MacBook();
mb.cost(); // Outputs: 1524
mb.memory(); // Outputs: 16gb
mb.insured(); // Outputs: true
// The Singleton pattern guarantees that only a single instance of a given object will ever be instantiated, which is useful
// if the object has a specific task or function that needn't be replicated and should be persistent and available at all times,
// for example a framework or library will rarely, if ever, require multiple copies of itself. In JavaScript, Singletons serve
// as a shared resource namespace which isolate implementation code from the global namespace and provide a single point
// of access for functions.
const singleton = (function() {
let instance;
function init() {
function privateMethod() {
console.log("private method");
let privateRandomNumber = Math.random();
return {
publicMethod: () => {
console.log("public method");
publicProperty: "public property",
getRandomNumber: () => privateRandomNumber;
return {
getInstance: function () {
if (!instance) instance = init(); // fundamental check, this is what makes this a singleton
return instance;
})(); // immediately invoked function
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