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Created July 10, 2017 15:21
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from pwn import *
from collections import defaultdict
def add_row(graph, y, row):
for x, col in enumerate(row):
true_x = x/2
if col == " ": # Can do down or left
if not x & 1: # This is the left wall part
# Can go left
graph[(true_x, y)].add((true_x - 1, y))
graph[(true_x - 1, y)].add((true_x, y))
else: # This is the space
# Can go down
graph[(true_x, y)].add((true_x, y - 1))
graph[(true_x, y - 1)].add((true_x, y))
return graph
def parse_maze(maze):
# Graph is an adjacency list: key(point):{point...}
graph = defaultdict(set)
# Flip the maze to make iteration go in order
maze = maze[::-1][:-2]
for i, row in enumerate(maze):
# Chop off the extra bytes on the right
row = row[:-2]
graph = add_row(graph, i, row)
return graph
def find_path(start, goal, graph, visited, path):
if start == goal:
return path, True
neighbours = graph[start]
for neighbour in neighbours:
if neighbour not in visited:
new_path = path[:]
new_visited = visited.copy()
p, s = find_path(neighbour, goal, graph, new_visited, new_path)
if s: return p, s
return None, False
def convert_path(path):
wasdpath = ""
current = path[0]
path = path[1:]
for node in path:
if node[0] > current[0]:
wasdpath += "d"
elif node[0] < current[0]:
wasdpath += "a"
elif node[1] > current[1]:
wasdpath += "w"
elif node[1] < current[1]:
wasdpath += "s"
raise Exception("WTF?")
current = node
return wasdpath
def solve():
maze_raw = r.recvuntil("start")
maze = maze_raw.split("\n")[:-1]
start = (0, 0)
r.recvuntil("goal: ")
goal = tuple([int(x) for x in r.recvuntil("\n").split(",")])
print maze_raw
graph = parse_maze(maze)"Goal: {}".format(goal))
path, solved = find_path(start, goal, graph, {start}, [start])
if solved:
print "Solved!"
print "WTF no solution"
wasdpath = convert_path(path)
print wasdpath
if __name__ == "__main__":
host = ""
port = 31337
r = remote(host, port)
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