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Created February 20, 2023 09:35
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Observe Dependency
struct TestReducer: Reducer {
@Dependency(\.repo) var repo
struct State: Equatable {
var string: String = ""
var int: Int = 0
enum Action {
case task
case onInt(Int)
case onString(String)
func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> Effect<Action> {
switch action {
case .task:
return .observe {
repo.strings => Action.onString
repo.ints => Action.onInt
case .onInt(let int): = int
return .none
case .onString(let string):
state.string = string
return .none
// Where
struct Repo {
var ints: AsyncStream<Int> { ... }
var strings: AsyncStream<String> { ... }
// Behind the scenes
enum ObservationBuilder<Action> {
static func buildBlock(_ components: Observation<Action>...) -> [Observation<Action>] {
struct Observation<Action> {
let f: (Effect<Action>.Send) async -> Void
init<Value>(_ stream: AsyncStream<Value>, action: @escaping (Value) -> Action) {
self.f = { send in
for await value in stream {
extension Effect where Failure == Never {
static func observe(@ObservationBuilder<Action> _ observations: () -> [Observation<Action>]) -> Self {
let obs = observations()
return run { send in
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for observation in obs {
group.addTask {
await observation.f(send)
infix operator =>
func =><Value, Action>(stream: AsyncStream<Value>, action: @escaping (Value) -> Action) -> Observation<Action> {
.init(stream, action: action)
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