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Created December 9, 2021 17:07
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Convert Sharepoint/Onedrive urls in ThisWorkbook.FullName to local filepaths VBA
Attribute VB_Name = "PathParsing"
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Private Enum PathType
End Enum
Public Enum LocalPathParsingErrors
[_Base] = vbObjectError 'sets all subsequent error numbers to be in the custom range
End Enum
Private Const webAddressPrefix As String = "https://"
Private Const slashesInPrefix As Long = 2
Private Sub RaiseCustomError(ByVal errorCode As LocalPathParsingErrors, Optional ByVal source As String = "PathParsing")
Dim unformattedErrorText As String
Select Case errorCode
Case OneDriveFolderOrFileDoesNotExistLocallyError, UnrecognisedLocalPathError
unformattedErrorText = "Failed to convert to valid local path, path may not exist locally"
Case TrimOneDrivePathError
unformattedErrorText = "Unexpected number of `/` in OneDrive string"
Case OneDriveNotInEnvironError
unformattedErrorText = "No relevant reference to OneDrive was found in the Environ registry (local path variables)"
Case Else
unformattedErrorText = Error$(errorCode)
End Select
Err.Raise errorCode, source, unformattedErrorText
End Sub
'@Description("Converts a Local, OneDrive or OneDrive for Business path to an absolute local one. Throws an error if format is invalid or path does not exist"
Public Function GetLocalPath(ByVal source As String) As String
Const ERROR_SOURCE As String = "GetLocalPath"
Dim pathTypeEnumVal As PathType
pathTypeEnumVal = getPathType(source)
Dim result As String
Static fso As New FileSystemObject
Select Case pathTypeEnumVal
Case PathType.LocalPath, PathType.LocalFile
result = source
Case PathType.OneDriveCommercial, PathType.OneDriveConsumer
result = fso.BuildPath(LocalStemFromRegistry(pathTypeEnumVal), TrimOffWebStuff(source, pathTypeEnumVal))
Select Case getPathType(result) 'check return path is now parsed as local
Case LocalPath, LocalFile: 'conversion successful
Case Else: RaiseCustomError OneDriveFolderOrFileDoesNotExistLocallyError, ERROR_SOURCE
End Select
Case Else
RaiseCustomError UnrecognisedLocalPathError, ERROR_SOURCE
End Select
GetLocalPath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(result)
End Function
Private Function TrimOffWebStuff(ByVal fullPath As String, ByVal pathTypeEnumVal As PathType) As String
Dim countOfSlashesInStemSection As Long
Select Case pathTypeEnumVal
Case PathType.OneDriveCommercial
countOfSlashesInStemSection = 6
Case PathType.OneDriveConsumer
countOfSlashesInStemSection = 4
Case Else 'we shouldn't be here
Err.Description = "Only OneDrive PathTypes are valid for this function"
Err.Raise 5
End Select
Dim currentSearchStartingIndex As Long
currentSearchStartingIndex = Len(webAddressPrefix) 'start after https:// or whatever prefix is universal
Dim slashIndex As Long
For slashIndex = slashesInPrefix + 1 To countOfSlashesInStemSection 'loop to find final slash, skip the first 2 though
currentSearchStartingIndex = InStr(currentSearchStartingIndex + 1, fullPath, "/")
If currentSearchStartingIndex = 0 Then RaiseCustomError TrimOneDrivePathError
Next slashIndex
TrimOffWebStuff = Mid$(fullPath, currentSearchStartingIndex)
End Function
'@Description("Get environ string for OneDrive path, resort to basic OneDrive path if Consumer/Commercial not found")
Private Function LocalStemFromRegistry(ByVal enumVal As PathType) As String
Attribute LocalStemFromRegistry.VB_Description = "Get environ string for OneDrive path, resort to basic OneDrive path if Consumer/Commercial not found"
Dim result As String
Select Case enumVal
Case PathType.OneDriveConsumer, PathType.OneDriveCommercial
result = Environ$(GetEnvironVariableName(enumVal))
If result = vbNullString Then result = LocalStemFromRegistry(OneDrive) 'try more general version
Case PathType.OneDrive
result = Environ$(GetEnvironVariableName(enumVal))
Case Else 'we shouldn't be here
Err.Description = "Only OneDrive PathTypes are valid for this function"
Err.Raise 5
End Select
If result = vbNullString Then
RaiseCustomError OneDriveNotInEnvironError, "LocalStemFromRegistry"
LocalStemFromRegistry = result
End If
End Function
Private Function GetEnvironVariableName(ByVal enumVal As PathType) As String
Select Case enumVal
Case PathType.OneDriveConsumer
GetEnvironVariableName = "OneDriveConsumer"
Case PathType.OneDriveCommercial
GetEnvironVariableName = "OneDriveCommercial"
Case PathType.OneDrive
GetEnvironVariableName = "OneDrive"
Case Else
Err.Raise 5
End Select
End Function
Private Function getPathType(ByVal path As String) As PathType
If StringContains(webAddressPrefix, path) Then
Const commercialOneDriveID As String = ""
If StringContains(commercialOneDriveID, path, start:=8) Then 'skip the https bit
getPathType = OneDriveCommercial
getPathType = OneDriveConsumer
End If
Else 'local path, check it is valid
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
If fso.FolderExists(path) Then
getPathType = LocalPath
ElseIf fso.FileExists(path) Then
getPathType = LocalFile
getPathType = Unrecognised
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function StringContains(ByVal needle As String, ByVal haystack As String, Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare, Optional ByVal start As Long = 1) As Boolean
StringContains = InStr(start, haystack, needle, Compare) <> 0
End Function
Attribute VB_Name = "WorksheetFunctions"
Option Explicit
'@Description(Excel worksheet function to convert onedrive files/folders to local paths. Local paths will pass through silently. Returns #REF if Local file is missing, #NA if onedrive link is malformed, #CONNECT if OneDrive not in environment variables, #VALUE on unexpected errors)
Public Function ConvertToLocalPath(ByVal folderOrFilePath As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo convertException
ConvertToLocalPath = PathParsing.GetLocalPath(folderOrFilePath)
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case LocalPathParsingErrors.OneDriveFolderOrFileDoesNotExistLocallyError _
, LocalPathParsingErrors.UnrecognisedLocalPathError
ConvertToLocalPath = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrRef) 'parse was fine but file doesn't exist
Case TrimOneDrivePathError
ConvertToLocalPath = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrNA) 'this approach can't parse that web address
Case OneDriveNotInEnvironError
ConvertToLocalPath = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrConnect) 'OneDrive not installed in usual place
Case Else
Err.Raise Err.Number 'rethrow as this is a genuine unexpected error
End Select
Resume CleanExit
End Function
Public Function ThisWorkbookFullPath() As Variant
ThisWorkbookFullPath = ConvertToLocalPath(ThisWorkbook.FullName)
End Function
Public Function ThisWorkbookParentDirectory() As Variant
ThisWorkbookParentDirectory = ConvertToLocalPath(ThisWorkbook.path)
End Function
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