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Attribute VB_Name = "COMHelper" | |
'@Folder "TypeInfoInvoker" | |
Option Private Module | |
Option Explicit | |
Private Type GUID | |
Data1 As Long | |
Data2 As Integer | |
Data3 As Integer | |
Data4(0 To 7) As Byte | |
End Type | |
Private Type bytes | |
bytes(0 To 15) As Byte | |
End Type | |
Private Enum IUnknownVtableOffsets | |
OfQueryInterface = 0 | |
OfAddRef = 1 | |
OfReleaseRef = 2 | |
End Enum | |
Public Enum hResultCode | |
S_OK = 0 | |
End Enum | |
Public Declare PtrSafe Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pvInstance As LongPtr, ByVal offsetVtable As LongPtr, ByVal CallConv As Long, ByVal vartypeReturn As Integer, ByVal paramCount As Long, ByRef paramTypes As Integer, ByRef paramValues As LongPtr, ByRef returnValue As Variant) As Long | |
Public Declare PtrSafe Function IIDFromString Lib "OLE32.DLL" (ByVal lpsz As LongPtr, ByRef lpiid As GUID) As Long | |
Public Function ObjectFromObjPtr(ByVal Address As LongPtr) As IUnknown | |
Dim result As IUnknown | |
MemLongPtr(VarPtr(result)) = Address | |
Set ObjectFromObjPtr = result | |
MemLongPtr(VarPtr(result)) = 0 | |
End Function | |
Public Function QueryInterface(ByRef ClassInstance As IUnknown, ByVal InterfaceIID As String) As LongPtr | |
Dim hresult As hResultCode | |
Dim retVal As LongPtr | |
Dim varTypes(1) As Integer | |
Dim ptrVarValues(1) As LongPtr | |
Dim apiRetVal As Variant | |
Dim InterfaceGUID As GUID | |
IIDFromString StrPtr(InterfaceIID), InterfaceGUID | |
Dim valueWrapper0 As Variant | |
Dim valueWrapper1 As Variant | |
valueWrapper0 = VarPtr(InterfaceGUID) | |
valueWrapper1 = VarPtr(retVal) | |
ptrVarValues(0) = VarPtr(valueWrapper0) | |
ptrVarValues(1) = VarPtr(valueWrapper1) | |
varTypes(0) = VbVarType.vbLong | |
varTypes(1) = VarType(retVal) | |
Dim paramCount As Long | |
paramCount = 2 | |
Dim objAdr As LongPtr | |
objAdr = ObjPtr(ClassInstance) | |
hresult = DispCallFunc(objAdr, IUnknownVtableOffsets.OfQueryInterface * PTR_SIZE, CC_STDCALL, VbVarType.vbLong, paramCount, varTypes(0), ptrVarValues(0), apiRetVal) | |
If hresult = S_OK Then | |
hresult = apiRetVal | |
If hresult = S_OK Then | |
QueryInterface = retVal | |
Else | |
Err.Raise hresult, "QueryInterface", "Failed to cast to interface pointer. IUnknown::QueryInterface HRESULT: 0x" & Hex(hresult) | |
End If | |
Else | |
Err.Raise hresult, "DispCallFunc", "Failed to cast to interface pointer. DispCallFunc HRESULT: 0x" & Hex(hresult) | |
End If | |
End Function | |
Public Function QueryInterfaceObject(ByRef ClassInstance As IUnknown, ByVal InterfaceIID As String) As IUnknown | |
Set QueryInterfaceObject = ObjectFromObjPtr(QueryInterface(ClassInstance, InterfaceIID)) | |
End Function | |
Attribute VB_Name = "ExampleModule" | |
'@Folder "TypeInfoInvoker" | |
Option Private Module | |
Option Explicit | |
Public Type ummmmmm | |
case As Long | |
End Type | |
Public Sub CallME(Optional ByVal readme As Long = 2) | |
Debug.Print "Hi from ExampleModule", "Readme="; readme | |
End Sub | |
Private Sub Whisper() | |
Debug.Print "You can't call me I'm private" | |
End Sub |
Attribute VB_Name = "Experiments" | |
'@Folder "TypeInfoInvoker" | |
Option Explicit | |
Public Type VBEReferencesObj | |
vTable1 As LongPtr 'To _References vtable | |
vTable2 As LongPtr | |
vTable3 As LongPtr | |
object1 As LongPtr | |
object2 As LongPtr | |
typeLib As LongPtr | |
placeholder1 As LongPtr | |
placeholder2 As LongPtr | |
refCount As LongPtr | |
End Type | |
Public Type VBETypeLibObj | |
vTable1 As LongPtr 'To ITypeLib vtable | |
vTable2 As LongPtr | |
vTable3 As LongPtr | |
Prev As LongPtr | |
Next As LongPtr | |
End Type | |
Public Function StdModuleAccessor(ByVal moduleName As String, Optional ByVal projectName As Variant) As Object | |
Dim project As String | |
project = IIf(IsMissing(projectName), Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name, projectName) | |
Dim referencesInstancePtr As LongPtr | |
referencesInstancePtr = ObjPtr(Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References) | |
Debug.Assert referencesInstancePtr <> 0 | |
'The references object instance looks like this, and has a raw pointer contained within it to the typelibs it uses | |
Dim refData As VBEReferencesObj | |
CopyMemory refData, ByVal referencesInstancePtr, LenB(refData) | |
Debug.Assert refData.vTable1 = MemLongPtr(referencesInstancePtr) | |
Dim typeLibInstanceTable As VBETypeLibObj | |
CopyMemory typeLibInstanceTable, ByVal refData.typeLib, LenB(typeLibInstanceTable) | |
'Create a class to iterate over the doubly linked list | |
Dim typeLibPtrs As New TypeLibIterator | |
typeLibPtrs.baseTypeLib = refData.typeLib | |
'Now we could use proj.module.sub to find something in particular | |
'For now though, we just want a reference to the typeInfo for the ExampleModule | |
Dim projectTypeLib As TypeLibInfo | |
Dim found As Boolean | |
Do While typeLibPtrs.TryGetNext(projectTypeLib) | |
If projectTypeLib.Name = project Then | |
Dim moduleTI As TypeInfo | |
If TryGetTypeInfo(projectTypeLib, moduleName, outTI:=moduleTI) Then | |
found = True | |
Exit Do | |
Else | |
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5, Description:="Module with name '" & moduleName & "' not found in project " & project | |
End If | |
End If | |
Loop | |
If Not found Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5, Description:="No project found with that name" | |
'Cast to IVBEComponent Guid("DDD557E1-D96F-11CD-9570-00AA0051E5D4") | |
' In RD this is done via Aggregation | |
' Meaning an object is made by merging the COM interface with a managed C# interface | |
' We don't have to worry about this, it is just to avoid some bug with C# reflection I think | |
Dim IVBEComponent As LongPtr | |
IVBEComponent = QueryInterface(moduleTI.ITypeInfo, "{DDD557E1-D96F-11CD-9570-00AA0051E5D4}") | |
'Call Function IVBEComponent::GetStdModAccessor() As IDispatch | |
Dim stdModAccessor As Object | |
Set stdModAccessor = GetStdModAccessor(IVBEComponent) | |
'ERROR: Failed to call VTable method. DispCallFunc HRESULT: 0x80004001 - E_NOTIMPL | |
'return result | |
Set StdModuleAccessor = stdModAccessor | |
End Function | |
Private Function TryGetTypeInfo(ByVal typeLib As TypeLibInfo, ByVal moduleName As String, ByRef outTI As TypeInfo) As Boolean | |
On Error Resume Next | |
Set outTI = typeLib.GetTypeInfo(moduleName) | |
TryGetTypeInfo = Err.Number = 0 | |
End Function | |
Public Sub InvokeParamaterlessSub(ByVal projectName As String, ByVal moduleName As String, ByVal methodName As String) | |
Dim accessor As Object | |
Set accessor = StdModuleAccessor(moduleName, projectName) | |
On Error GoTo logErr | |
Debug.Print "Before" | |
CallByName accessor, methodName, VbMethod | |
Debug.Print "After" | |
Exit Sub | |
logErr: | |
MsgBox Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error when Invoking Sub" | |
Resume Next | |
End Sub |
Attribute VB_Name = "TypeInfoExtensions" | |
'@Folder "TypeInfoInvoker" | |
Option Private Module | |
Option Explicit | |
'<Summary> An internal interface exposed by VBA for all components (modules, class modules, etc) | |
'<remarks> This internal interface is known to be supported since the very earliest version of VBA6 | |
'[ComImport(), Guid("DDD557E1-D96F-11CD-9570-00AA0051E5D4")] | |
'[InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] | |
Public Enum IVBEComponentVTableOffsets '+3 for the IUnknown | |
CompileComponentOffset = 12 + 3 'void CompileComponent(); | |
GetStdModAccessorOffset = 14 + 3 'IDispatch GetStdModAccessor(); | |
GetSomeRelatedTypeInfoPtrsOffset = 34 + 3 'void GetSomeRelatedTypeInfoPtrs(out IntPtr a, out IntPtr b); // returns 2 TypeInfos, seemingly related to this ITypeInfo, but slightly different. | |
End Enum | |
Public Function GetStdModAccessor(ByVal IVBEComponent As LongPtr) As Object | |
Dim outResult As Object | |
Dim valueWrapper As Variant | |
valueWrapper = VarPtr(outResult) | |
Dim parameterPointers(0 To 0) As LongPtr | |
parameterPointers(0) = VarPtr(valueWrapper) | |
Dim parameterVarTypes(0 To 0) As Integer | |
parameterVarTypes(0) = VarType(outResult) | |
Dim paramCount As Long | |
paramCount = 1 | |
Dim calledFunctionHresult As Variant | |
Dim apiHresult As hResultCode | |
apiHresult = DispCallFunc(IVBEComponent, IVBEComponentVTableOffsets.GetStdModAccessorOffset * PTR_SIZE, CC_STDCALL, VbVarType.vbLong, paramCount, parameterVarTypes(0), parameterPointers(0), calledFunctionHresult) | |
If apiHresult = S_OK Then | |
Dim VTableFuncHresult As hResultCode | |
VTableFuncHresult = calledFunctionHresult | |
If VTableFuncHresult = S_OK Then | |
Set GetStdModAccessor = outResult | |
Else | |
Err.Raise VTableFuncHresult, "GetStdModAccessor", "Function did not succeed. IVBEComponent::GetStdModAccessor HRESULT: 0x" & Hex(VTableFuncHresult) | |
End If | |
Else | |
Err.Raise apiHresult, "DispCallFunc", "Failed to call function. DispCallFunc HRESULT: 0x" & Hex(apiHresult) | |
End If | |
End Function | |
MultiUse = -1 'True | |
END | |
Attribute VB_Name = "TypeLibIterator" | |
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False | |
Attribute VB_Creatable = False | |
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False | |
Attribute VB_Exposed = False | |
'@Folder "TypeInfoInvoker" | |
Option Explicit | |
Private Type TIterator | |
currentTL As VBETypeLibObj | |
End Type | |
Private this As TIterator | |
Public Property Let baseTypeLib(ByVal rawptr As LongPtr) | |
currentTL = rawptr | |
ResetIteration | |
End Property | |
Private Property Let currentTL(ByVal rawptr As LongPtr) | |
CopyMemory this.currentTL, ByVal rawptr, LenB(this.currentTL) | |
End Property | |
Public Sub ResetIteration() | |
Do While this.currentTL.Prev <> 0 | |
currentTL = this.currentTL.Prev | |
Loop | |
End Sub | |
Private Function NextTypeLib() As LongPtr | |
If this.currentTL.Next = 0 Then Err.Raise 5, Description:="We've reached the end of the line" | |
NextTypeLib = this.currentTL.Next | |
currentTL = this.currentTL.Next | |
End Function | |
'@Desccription("Gets type library com objects from list") | |
Public Function TryGetNext(ByRef outTypeLib As TypeLibInfo) As Boolean | |
On Error GoTo cleanFail | |
Dim tlPtr As LongPtr | |
tlPtr = NextTypeLib | |
Set outTypeLib = TLI.TypeLibInfoFromITypeLib(ObjectFromObjPtr(tlPtr)) | |
TryGetNext = True | |
cleanExit: | |
Exit Function | |
cleanFail: | |
TryGetNext = False | |
Set outTypeLib = Nothing | |
Resume cleanExit | |
End Function | |
A bit more detail:
- Use
to get a pointer to theVBEReferencesObj
structure. - Use
to get a pointer to theVBETypeLibObj
structure. VBETypeLibObj
forms a doubly linked list of pointers to prev and next typelib - use these to create an iterable for all the typelibs in the project.- At this point, I diverge a little from what RD does; RD declares some wrappers for the the raw
, and uses them to filter typelibs by name etc to get the Typelnfo of the module of interest containing the function to be invoked. I do a similar thing with the TLBINF32.DLL to select a typelib which has the name matchingActiveVBProject.Name
, then navigating to get to the childTypeInfoWrapper
. - Extract raw
pointer from TypeInfoWrapper for module of interest. - Call
on that pointer with an Interface ID ofGuid("DDD557E1-D96F-11CD-9570-00AA0051E5D4")
to get the object'sIVBEComponent
interface. - In C# it's possible to declare the
interface, but for VBA it is not, so I useDispCallFunc
to invoke the item in theIVBEComponent
vtable which maps toFunction IVBEComponent::GetStdModAccessor() As IDispatch
. I.e. offset17*PTR_SIZE
- Finally, this should give me the
interface toStdModAccessor
for the module I'm after, which can be used in C# with anIDispatchHelper
, but for VBA would just be a late-bound Object that I could call the method on withCallByName
is supported natively.
This gist is missing the definition for CopyMemory
which I can replicate but am uncertain how you've defined the Src/Dest parameters (I used As Any
for now). It's also missing the definition for MemLongPtr
as well.
@bclothier see the comment directly underneath https://gist.github.com/Greedquest/faa9b2cd39a2503e84dc297c3d961f73#gistcomment-3636320 i.e. the memory manip stuff comes from https://github.com/cristianbuse/VBA-MemoryTools which I thought was a very good implementation of CopyMemory
Ah, I missed the 1st comment and was reading only the 2nd comment. Thanks!
@bclothier (& @cristianbuse I'm not sure I mentioned) - I just now updated this gist as I ultimately sorted out some of the issues and got it all working, such that you can write code like StdModuleAccessor(moduleName, projectName).Foo(args)
to call projectName.moduleName.Foo
Now the default IDispatch interface of the StdModuleAccessor
object only exposes public methods of the module, however using the typeinfo of the module from earlier we can get type ids of private functions, then using DispCallFunc you can actually call private methods of the module object which is a lot cooler. Never got round to implementing this though so left as an exercise for the reader.
Nice. Works like a charm. Thanks for the notification!
Requires some memory copying library for pointer stuff, I used https://github.com/cristianbuse/VBA-MemoryTools
Also TypeLib navigation could be done througth the IDispatch interface, but I used a TLI library, see this thread for install info