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Last active April 16, 2018 07:25
G.rab - Generic test data generator written in TypeScript


Inspired by FakeItEasy

This small framework has the goal to generate test data more efficient. It should reduce the boilerplate for tests arranging the test. There are Plans providing default values for a certain model.


It is recommended to put all plans you create in a own directory. This makes your test data easy to discover.

To define a plan make use of the base class Plan. Then you need to implement a constructor. You will see that a super call is needed. This ensures that you pass some default data baseed on your model.

No worries the constructor is typed meaning that you get informed if you pass an invalid object.

import { Plan } from './grab';
import { Customer } from './models';

export class CustomerPlan extends Plan<Customer> {
  constructor() {
      firstName: 'Steven',
      lastName: 'Hawking'

After creating a plan you are able to access the generated test data by using the mehtod model();

import { CustomerPlan } from './plans';

const customerPlan = new CustomerPlan();
const customer = customerPlan.model();

A plan also allows you to override the default values. The mehtod model(overrides?: T): T takes an optional parameter allowing you to specify concrete test data.

import { CustomerPlan } from './plans';

const customerPlan = new CustomerPlan();
const customer = customerPlan.model({ firstName: 'Elon' });

Notice that the method model() is typed which saves you from passing invalid properties.

import { CustomerPlan } from './plans';

const customerPlan = new CustomerPlan();
const customer = customerPlan.model({ astName: 'Musk' });
//                                    ^-- error


In order to reduce the boilerplate of your test data even more the factory G can generate your Plans on the fly.

import { G } from './grab';
import { CustomerPlan } from './plans';

const customer = G.rab(CustomerPlan).model();

You still have the possibility to override custom values.

import { G } from './grab';
import { CustomerPlan } from './plans';

const customer = G.rab(CustomerPlan)
    firstName: 'Laura',
    lastName: 'Seiler'
import { OverwritablePlan } from './overwritable-plan';
* Takes a Plan (@see Plan) and creates a instance of it.
* This class is used to provide a more comfortable way creating test data.
* @example
* import * Plan from 'testing/plans'
* const pruductPlan = G.rab(Plan.Product)
* const product = productPlan.model;
export class G {
static rab<Model, Plan extends OverwritablePlan<Model>>(plan: (new () => Plan)): Plan {
return new plan();
export * from './g';
export * from './plan';
* A plan simplifies the way creating test data.
* Plans can be used by @see G which is a factory creating plans.
export interface OverwritablePlan<T> {
* Allow to override the default values of the model
model(overrides?: { [key in keyof T]?: T[key] } ): T;
import { OverwritablePlan } from './overwritable-plan';
export class Plan<T> implements OverwritablePlan<T> {
constructor(private defaultModel: T) {}
model(overrides?: { [key in keyof T]?: T[key] }): T {
return {
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