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Created October 6, 2012 21:35
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namespace Solid.Implementations
open Solid
open Bitwise
open System
open Extensions
open System.Collections.Generic
open Solid.Implementations.MsdHashing
module TrieMap =
let keyWidth = 5
type LocalKey = int
type PartialHash with
member this.LocalKey (HashedKey(hash, _)) : LocalKey = this.LocalKey(hash)
member this.LocalKey (PartialHash(prefix2, length2)) : LocalKey = prefix2.BitsLeft(keyWidth, min this.Length length2)
member this.LocalKey (hash : FullHash) : LocalKey = hash.BitsLeft(this.Length, keyWidth)
type TrieNode<'key, 'value when 'key : equality> =
| Nil
| Leaf of HashedKey<'key> * 'value
| LeafCluster of FullHash * IMap<HashedKey<'key>, 'value>
| Parent of PartialHash * IMap<LocalKey, TrieNode<'key, 'value>>
let Cluster (key1 : HashedKey<_>, value1) (key2 : HashedKey<_>, value2) = LeafCluster(key1.Hash, LinearMap<_, _>.Make(key1, value1).Set(key2, value2))
let zeroHashMap<'a> = VectorHashMap<'a>.Bounded 32
type TrieNode<'key, 'value> with
member this.TryGet(findKey : HashedKey<'key>) =
match this with
| Nil -> None
| Leaf(myKey, _) when not <| myKey.KeyEquals(findKey) -> None
| LeafCluster(sharedHash, _) when findKey.Hash <> sharedHash -> None
| Parent(partialHash, _) when not <| partialHash.Match findKey -> None
| Leaf (myKey, myValue) -> Some(myValue)
| LeafCluster(sharedHash, cluster) ->
match cluster.TryGet findKey with
| None -> None
| Some(_) as some -> some
| Parent(partialHash, localMap) as parent ->
let localKey = partialHash.LocalKey(findKey)
match localMap.TryGet localKey with
| None -> None
| Some(node) -> node.TryGet findKey
member this.Contains (findKey : HashedKey<'key>) = this.TryGet(findKey).IsSome
member this.Pairs =
seq {
match this with
| Nil -> yield! Seq.empty
| Leaf(myKey, myValue) -> yield (myKey, myValue)
| LeafCluster(_, collisions) -> yield! collisions.Pairs
| Parent(_, map) -> yield! (map.Values |> Seq.collect (fun x -> x.Pairs))
member this.IsEmpty = match this with | Nil -> true | _ -> false
member this.Remove(findKey : HashedKey<'key>) =
match this with
| Nil -> raise errors.IsEmpty
| Leaf(oldKey, _) -> raise errors.KeyNotFound
| Leaf(oldKey, oldValue) when oldKey.KeyEquals(findKey) -> Nil
| Parent(partialHash, _) when not <| partialHash.Match findKey -> raise errors.KeyNotFound
| LeafCluster(oldHash, _) when oldHash <> findKey.Hash -> raise errors.KeyNotFound
| LeafCluster(oldHash, cluster) ->
let newCluster = cluster.Remove findKey
if newCluster.Count = 1 then
Leaf(newCluster.Keys |> Seq.head, newCluster.Values |> Seq.head)
LeafCluster(oldHash, newCluster)
| Parent(partialHash, localMap) ->
let localKey = partialHash.LocalKey(findKey)
match localMap.TryGet localKey with
| None -> raise errors.KeyNotFound
| Some(node) ->
let newNode = node.Remove findKey
if newNode.IsEmpty then
let newMap = localMap.Remove localKey
if newMap.Count = 1 then
newMap.Values |> Seq.head
Parent(partialHash, newMap)
let newMap = localMap.Set(localKey, newNode)
Parent(partialHash, newMap)
member this.Set(newKey : HashedKey<'key>, newValue : 'value) =
match this with
| Nil -> Leaf(newKey, newValue)
| Leaf(oldKey, oldValue) when oldKey.KeyEquals newKey -> Leaf(oldKey, oldValue)
| Leaf(oldKey, oldValue) when oldKey.HashEquals newKey -> Cluster (oldKey, oldValue) (newKey, newValue)
| LeafCluster(oldHash, cluster) when oldHash = newKey.Hash -> LeafCluster(oldHash, cluster.Set(newKey, newValue))
| (Leaf(HashedKey(oldHash, _), _) | LeafCluster (oldHash, _)) as oldLeaf ->
let sharedPrefix = PartialHash.Common(oldHash, newKey.Hash)
let oldLocalKey, newLocalKey = sharedPrefix.LocalKey(oldHash), sharedPrefix.LocalKey(newKey)
let newLeaf = Leaf(newKey, newValue)
let newMap = zeroHashMap.Set(oldLocalKey, oldLeaf).Set(newLocalKey, newLeaf)
Parent(sharedPrefix, newMap)
| Parent(partialHash, localMap) when partialHash.Match newKey ->
let newLocalKey = partialHash.LocalKey(newKey)
match localMap.TryGet newLocalKey with
| Some(localNode) ->
let newLocalNode = localNode.Set(newKey, newValue)
let newLocalMap = localMap.Set(newLocalKey, newLocalNode)
Parent(partialHash, newLocalMap)
| None ->
let newLocalMap = localMap.Set(newLocalKey, Leaf(newKey, newValue))
Parent(partialHash, newLocalMap)
| Parent(partialHash, _) as parent ->
let sharedPrefix = partialHash.Common(newKey)
let oldLocalKey, newLocalKey = sharedPrefix.LocalKey(partialHash), sharedPrefix.LocalKey(newKey)
let newMap = zeroHashMap.Set(oldLocalKey, parent).Set(newLocalKey, Leaf(newKey, newValue))
Parent(sharedPrefix, newMap)
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