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Created June 22, 2017 21:10
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! *************************************************
! Module for reading/writing compressed pgm files.
! Author: Plyusch Gregory
! Use this module only for compressed pgm files with 255 maximum value per pixel.
! *************************************************
module pgmio
implicit none
integer, parameter, private :: iounit = 10
public :: pgmsize, pgmread, pgmwriteheader, pgmappendbytes
subroutine pgmsize(filename, nx, ny, offset)
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: width, height, maxval, total, comments
character*(*), intent(in) :: filename
character(1) :: onechar
character(2) :: type
integer :: mypos
integer, intent(out) :: nx, ny, offset
width = ''
height = ''
maxval = ''
total = ''
comments = ''
open(unit=iounit, file=filename, status='old',form='unformatted',access='stream')
! reading pgm type
read(iounit) type
read(iounit) onechar
total = total//type//onechar
call skipcomments(comments) !skipping comments
inquire(iounit, pos=mypos)
! reading image width
read(iounit, pos=mypos-1) onechar
do while (onechar /= ' ')
width = width//onechar
read(iounit) onechar
total = total//onechar
end do
call skipcomments(comments)
inquire(iounit, pos=mypos)
! reading image height
read(iounit, pos=mypos-1) onechar
do while (ichar(onechar) /= 10)
height = height//onechar
read(iounit) onechar
total = total//onechar
end do
call skipcomments(comments)
inquire(iounit, pos=mypos)
! reading image value for white color
read(iounit, pos=mypos-1) onechar
do while (ichar(onechar) /= 10)
maxval = maxval//onechar
read(iounit) onechar
total = total//onechar
end do
read(width,'(i4)') nx
read(height,'(i4)') ny
total = total//comments
offset = len(total)+1
end subroutine pgmsize
subroutine pgmread(filename, offset, w, h, imgmatrix, startX, startY)
implicit none
character*(*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: startX, startY
double precision, intent(inout) :: imgmatrix(startX:,startY:)
character(1), allocatable :: bitmap(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: offset, w, h
open(unit=iounit, file=filename, status='old',form='unformatted',access='stream')
allocate (bitmap(w,h))
!allocate (imgmatrix(-left+1:nxt+right,-top+1:nyt+bottom))
read(iounit, pos=offset) bitmap
! converting signed int to unsigned value in double precision type
!imgmatrix(1:nxt,1:nyt) = bitmap(:,:)+256
! Where(bitmap(1:w,1:h) < 0)
! imgmatrix(1:w,1:h) = bitmap(1:w,1:h)+256
! ElseWhere
! imgmatrix(1:w,1:h) = bitmap(1:w,1:h)
! End Where
imgmatrix(1:w,1:h) = ichar(bitmap)
!imgmatrix = imgmatrix
end subroutine pgmread
subroutine pgmwriteheader(filename, width, height)
implicit none
character*(*), intent(in) :: filename
character(2) :: type = 'P5'
integer, intent(in) :: width, height
character(len=10) :: swidth, sheight
write(swidth, '(i10)') width
write(sheight, '(i10)') height
open(unit=iounit, file=filename, status='new',form='unformatted',access='stream')
write(iounit) type
write(iounit) char(10)
write(iounit) trim(adjustl(swidth))//' '//trim(adjustl(sheight))
write(iounit) char(10)
write(iounit) '255'
write(iounit) char(10)
end subroutine pgmwriteheader
subroutine pgmappendbytes(filename, x, startX, startY)
implicit none
character*(*), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: width, height
integer, intent(in) :: startX, startY
double precision, intent(inout) :: x(startX:,startY:)
character(len=10) :: swidth, sheight
width = size(x,1)
height = size(x,2)
write(swidth, '(i10)') width
write(sheight, '(i10)') height
open(unit=iounit, file=filename, status='old', position='append', action='write', form='unformatted', access='stream')
write(iounit) int(x, kind=1)
end subroutine pgmappendbytes
recursive subroutine skipcomments(comments)
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: comments
character(1) :: c
read(iounit) c
comments = comments//c
if (c == "#") then
!comment section
do while (ichar(c) /= 10)
read(iounit) c
comments = comments//c
end do
call skipcomments(comments)
end if
end subroutine skipcomments
end module pgmio
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