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Last active December 6, 2015 20:19
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Save Gregoor/730a3ae1ccb6ef2fef2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Advent of Code - Day 3: Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum
const parseSantaRoute = (str, roboMode = false) => {
const charFns = {
'^': (x, y) => [x , y + 1],
'v': (x, y) => [x , y - 1],
'>': (x, y) => [x + 1, y ],
'<': (x, y) => [x - 1, y ]
let error;
let position = [0, 0];
let roboPosition = [0, 0];
let santasMove = true;
let visitedHouses = new Map();
visitedHouses.set(position.toString(), true);
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const char = str[i];
const fn = charFns[char];
if (!fn) {
error = `Invalid character ${char} at position ${i + 1}`;
let newPosition;
if (!roboMode || santasMove) {
santasMove = false;
newPosition = position = fn(...position);
} else {
santasMove = true;
newPosition = roboPosition = fn(...roboPosition);
visitedHouses.set(newPosition.toString(), true);
return error ? {error} : {visitedHouses: visitedHouses.size};
const expect = (actual, expected) => {
if (actual !== expected) {
console.error(`Expected ${expected} got ${actual}`);
return false;
return true;
const tests = [
['>', 2],
['^>v<', 4]
].map(([str, expected]) => {
return expect(parseSantaRoute(str).visitedHouses, expected);
['^v', 3],
['^>v<', 3],
['^v^v^v^v^v', 11]
].map(([str, expected]) => {
return expect(parseSantaRoute(str, true).visitedHouses, expected);
if (tests.every(Boolean)) console.log('All tests passed!');
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