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Setting Expectations

Setting Group Expectations

Team Name: Team Happy Rainbow Puppies

Group Member Names: Beth Sebian, Jordan Lawler, Greg Armstrong

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?

Group Availability Calendar -

  1. How will group members communicate? How often will communication happen, and how will open lines of communication be maintained?

Group Slack Channel, frequent communication over phone/laptop on the daily. Phone numbers also available on slack.

  1. Which feature(s) does each group member want to work on? Which feature(s) does each group member not want to work on?

Jordan - Wants to be a part of all aspects, especially those he feels weaker on. Wants to do styling and some JS.

Greg - Wants to work on authorization, styling. Not averse to any aspects.

Beth - Wants to be a part of all aspects, wants to use RSpec and do some authorization. Wants to do styling.

  1. What does each group member hope to get out of the project?

Beth - Wants to get core functionality finished early to focus on extensions/prettiness.

Jordan - Badass project, accepting and using referenced code without rabbit-holing into rampant customization.

Greg - Want to get core functionality finished early as well to focus on extensions and extra stuff/refactoring.

  1. What is the agreed upon Git workflow? Who will review pull requests, and when? What project management tool will be used?

Project Management: Waffle for project management. All members present for beginnings of the project, once core functionality is established we can begin small solo or duo additions.

Git: Branching off of master as per the spec, master only for finished and ready code. Once we get core functionality established and people are individually branching, regular morning pull requests or ad-hoc PRs. PRs must be merged by a different member than the one creating the request, and they discuss it before its official.

General workflow: Strict pomodoro-ing, frequent commits (per passing test), group funtimes, semi-frequent switching of the driver. At the end of the day we discuss what worked or what didnt in terms of workflow.

  1. What is expected of group members when they run into problems implementing a feature?

Open and friendly communication is expected whenever a problem arises. Limit struggles to 25/30 mins before asking for help.

  1. How does each group member want feedback (both positive and constructive) to be delivered?

Daily group discussion about what worked and what didnt, with an end-of-project summarization of feedback through slack chat for the portfolio.

  1. Is there anything else the group should know about personal work/communication styles?

Greg - Prefers to work hard initially to get ahead to enable extensions/refactoring at the end without panic. Totally open about communication.

Beth - Wants to frequently summarize or recap concepts or ideas. Wants to avoid being nit-picked immediately about a small spelling or coding error. When debugging, discuss the flow of the app relating to the issue.

Jordan - Makes hard work in the beginning a priority but without rushing. Wants to avoid lack of communication about implementing a new idea or bit of code.

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