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Migrations, Databases, Models, and Relationships in Rails

What is the difference between a primary key and a foreign key?

  • Primary Key = Usually an autoincrementing number for each row in the database, specific to the row.
  • Foreign Key = Key in a database which comes from another table, doesnt have to be that other table's primary key but often is. Where would we find a primary key?
  • Primary key is usually the first column in a table, autoincrementing # called ID What would it be called by default?
  • ID Where would we find a foreign key?
  • Secondary table, coming from another (usually primary) table What is the naming convention for a foreign key?
  • 'something_id' where something is singular form of noun, comes from other table being referenced. One-to-One Relationship Example:
  • Person / SSN One-to-Many Relationship Example:
  • Child / Toys Many-To_many Relationship Example:
  • Students / Classes 3 Different Environments:
  • Test : Used during testing only, wiped clean each run of tests
  • Development : Used while writing your app, locally run server and database
  • Production : Real data on live app What files are created by typing rails g model ...?
  • Migration File
  • Model File
  • 2 Test Files (Model and Fixtures) What's the difference between typing rails g model ... and rails g migration ...?
  • Model will generate migration file and model
  • Migration will not generate a model with the same name as the table, but will generate migration file Imagine that the items table has a category called quantity. What command would you type if you wanted to get rid of the quantity attribute?
  • rails g migration RemoveQuantityFromItems quantity:integer, in terminal Imagine that you have a table students. What is the ActiveRecord query that would return all students with the first name of Richard?
  • Student.where(first_name: "Richard") How would you update the student record with ID 4 to have a new phone number of "101-222-3333"?
  • Student.find(4).update(phone_number: "101-222-3333")
  • or: Student.update(4, phone_number: "101-222-3333")
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