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Created March 25, 2017 10:53
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Convert C struct into Kaitai Struct spec (.ksy)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
'uint8_t' => 'u1',
'uint16_t' => 'u2',
'uint32_t' => 'u4',
'uint64_t' => 'u8',
'int8_t' => 's1',
'int16_t' => 's2',
'int32_t' => 's4',
'int64_t' => 's8',
'char' => 's1',
'short' => 's2',
'int' => 's4',
'uint' => 'u4',
'long' => 's8',
'float' => 'f4',
'double' => 'f8',
'WORD' => 'u2',
'DWORD' => 'u4',
'__s32' => 's4',
'__s64' => 's8',
def parse_body(body)
r = []
body.gsub(/\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*;\s*(\/\*\s*(.*?)\s*\*\/)?/) {
type, name, comment, comment_body = $1, $2, $3, $4
h = {'id' => name, 'type' => TYPE_TO_KSY[type] || type}
h['doc'] = comment_body unless comment_body.nil? or comment_body.empty?
r << h
r = {}
$\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)?\s*\{(.*?)\}\s*(.*?);/m) {
tag, body, name = $1, $2, $3
name = name.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]
name = tag if name.nil? or name.empty?
r[name] = parse_body(body)
puts({'types' => r}.to_yaml)
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GreyCat commented Jan 13, 2020

It's like literally 30-40-50 lines of code. If you want to take lead for this project and rewrite it in anything else (Python? JavaScript? Perl?) — by all means, feel free to, it should be pretty straightforward :)

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