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Created February 17, 2018 03:48
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CREATE DATABASE Concesionario;
matricula int,
marca varchar(30),
modelo varchar(30),
color varchar(30),
primary key(matricula)
NIF int,
nombre varchar(30),
direccion varchar(30),
ciudad varchar(30),
telefono varchar(30),
autoId int,
primary key (NIF),
foreign key (autoId) references auto(matricula)
CREATE TABLE revision (
filtro varchar(30),
aceite varchar(30),
frenos varchar(30),
cliente_id int,
foreign key (cliente_id) references cliente(NIF)
INSERT INTO auto values(9999, "Mercedez", "GGG-300", "Negro");
INSERT INTO auto values(1234, "BMW", "GGG-500", "Gris");
INSERT INTO cliente values(234, "Carlos Rojas", "Calle 26", "Bogota", "234567890", 9999);
INSERT INTO cliente values(321, "Laura Rojas", "Carrera 32", "Medellin", "234567890", 1234);
INSERT INTO revision values("Martes", "Domingo", "Lunes", 234);
INSERT INTO revision values("Miercoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", 321);
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