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Created July 7, 2023 13:50
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A3 mod key validator

A3 mod key validator


  1. Download the latest version of bisign from
  2. Extract bisign.exe into a new folder
  3. Add validate.bat in the same folder

How to use

  1. Open the Command Prompt
  2. Go to the folder with validate.bat and bisign.bat
  3. Execute the following:
validate.bat "path/to/mod"


To validate CBA you simply add the full path to the mod folder

validate.bat "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@CBA_A3"


  • It assumes that the PBO's are present in /addons (required by Arma)
  • It assumes that the public keys (.bisign) are present in /addons (required by Arma)
  • It assumes that the private key (.bikey) is present in /keys (required by Arma)
@ECHO off
:: Get proper directories based on mod path
SET mod_dir=%1
SET addons_dir=%mod_dir%\addons
SET keys_dir=%mod_dir%\keys
SET valid=1
:: Loop over keys directory, and get the .bikey (we assume there's only one!)
FOR %%k IN (%keys_dir%\*.bikey) DO (
SET key_file=%%k
:: Loop over PBO files, and validate each one of them with the .bikey
FOR %%a IN (%addons_dir%\*.pbo) DO (
@ECHO :: %%~na
bisign verify "%key_file%" "%%a" | findstr /N /L /C:"Verified!" >nul && (
ECHO Valid
) || (
SET valid=0
IF %valid% EQU 0 (
ECHO One or more PBO's have a problem...
) ELSE (
ECHO All Valid!
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