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Last active December 29, 2021 22:11
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Spreadsheet to dictionary
from collections import namedtuple
import pathlib
import pickle
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
__version__ = '2019.01.16.2'
__all__ = ['spreadsheet_to_dict',]
WorksheetKey = namedtuple('WorksheetKey', "index name")
def spreadsheet_to_dict(filename, cachename=None):
"""Return a dict: {(index, name): <list of tuples>}
filename: a path to a .ods or .xlsx file. It may also work
with .csv and .xls and others
cachename: if not None, a path to a pickle file where the
python dictionary will be stored. If this file exists
and its modification time is more recent than that of
the spreadsheet file, it is read directly instead of
the spreadsheet.
Worksheet keys are namedtuples with members .index and .name
see also: libreoffice, openpyxl
filename = pathlib.Path(filename)
if cachename:
cachename = pathlib.Path(cachename)
if cachename.is_file() and (
cachename.stat().st_mtime > filename.stat().st_mtime):
return load_cache(cachename)
if filename.suffix == '.xlsx':
return _xlsx_to_dict(filename, cachename)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpd:
tmp = pathlib.Path(tmpd)
userdir = tmp/'.user'
convert_to_xlsx = [
# avoid possible interaction with running instance of libreoffice
# 'xlsx:"Calc MS Excel 2007 XML"', # <- doesn't work
# 'xlsx', # <- works
'xlsx:Calc MS Excel 2007 XML', # <- also works
str(filename)], check=True, stdout=sp.DEVNULL)
return _xlsx_to_dict(
(tmp/'.xlsx'), cachename)
def _xlsx_to_dict(filename, cachename):
db = {}
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
for i, (ws, name) in enumerate(zip(wb.worksheets, wb.sheetnames)):
db[WorksheetKey(i, name)] = list(ws.values)
if cachename:
dump_cache(db, cachename)
return db
def load_cache(cachename):
with'rb') as ifh:
return pickle.load(ifh)
def dump_cache(obj, cachename):
exc_occurred = False
with'wb') as ofh:
pickle.dump(obj, ofh)
except Exception:
exc_occurred = True
if exc_occurred:
except OSError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
fn = pathlib.Path(tmp)/'tmp_example.csv'
with'w') as ofh:
Bacon,nocab,128""", file=ofh)
d = spreadsheet_to_dict(str(fn))
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I'm new to GitHub, so if I'm not doing things correctly, please let me know...

Can you give an example of (1) what the spreadsheet/csv looks like, and (2) an example of how to use this file?


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@BlacksheepVMF-214 Hi, thank you for your interest in this snippet. Usage is quite simple, save it on the python path, then in a program write for example

from spreadsheet_to_dict import spreadsheet_to_dict
datadict = spreadsheet_to_dict('myfile.ods', cachename='mycache.pkl')

This call returns a Python dictionary with the contents obtained from the spreadsheet. Using a cache file is optional, but if you run your program several times and the spreadsheet was not modified between two runs, then it will be loaded very fast after the first run because a pickled version of the dictionary is stored in the cache. If the spreadsheet is changed on disk, it will be read again.

As for which spreadsheet this can load, well, the main tool is to call libreoffice to convert the spreadsheet to xlsx, so let's say it is every file for which this conversion is successful.

This code uses the 'soffice' command, but with today's version of the 'libreoffice' command, the call could probably be simplified.

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Thank you for your prompt response, and its content.

My best guess as to how the csv file should look is this:

Is this correct?

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@BlacksheepVMF-214 No, not at all. The data contained in the csv file (or ods or xls) does not need to be related to python, nor to this script. Create a simple spreadsheet with Excel or LibreOffice and try to load it in Python with this code. For each sheet in the workbook, a pair (key, value) will be created.

Just run the code and see what it produces.

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