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Created December 28, 2020 12:57
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Draw random squares in a rectangle
from collections import namedtuple
from random import randrange
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
Part = namedtuple('Part', 'inf sup subpart area')
def mincoord(point, other):
return Point(min(point.x, other.x), min(point.y, other.y))
def maxcoord(point, other):
return Point(max(point.x, other.x), max(point.y, other.y))
def rectarea(point, other):
return max(0, other.x - point.x) * max(0, other.y - point.y)
class Lace:
def __init__(self, root=None):
self.root = root
def punch(self, inf, sup):
if self.root is None:
inf = maxcoord(inf, self.root.inf)
sup = mincoord(sup, self.root.sup)
if rectarea(inf, sup):
self.root = punch(self.root, inf, sup)
def find_random_point(self):
if self.root is None:
raise RuntimeError("Empty lace")
n = randrange(self.root.area)
return find_point(self.root, n)
def find_point(part, n):
if part.subpart:
for p in part.subpart:
if n < p.area:
return find_point(p, n)
n -= p.area
raise ValueError('Invalid value')
w = part.sup.x - part.inf.x
q, r = divmod(n, w)
return Point(part.inf.x + r, part.inf.y + q)
def punch(part, inf, sup):
res = []
if part.subpart:
for p in part.subpart:
i, s = maxcoord(inf, p.inf), mincoord(sup, p.sup)
if rectarea(i, s):
q = punch(p, i, s)
if q:
else: # part is a rectangle
ix, iy = inf
sx, sy = sup
if part.inf.x < ix:
p = Point(ix, part.sup.y)
r = rectarea(part.inf, p)
if r:
res.append(Part(part.inf, p, None, r))
if part.inf.y < iy:
p = Point(ix, part.inf.y)
q = Point(part.sup.x, iy)
r = rectarea(p, q)
if r:
res.append(Part(p, q, None, r))
if sx < part.sup.x:
p = Point(sx, iy)
q = Point(part.sup.x, part.sup.y)
r = rectarea(p, q)
if r:
res.append(Part(p, q, None, r))
if sy < part.sup.y:
p = Point(ix, sy)
q = Point(sx, part.sup.y)
r = rectarea(p, q)
if r:
res.append(Part(p, q, None, r))
if not res:
return None
elif len(res) == 1:
return res[0]
ix = min(r.inf.x for r in res)
iy = min(r.inf.y for r in res)
sx = max(r.sup.x for r in res)
sy = max(r.sup.y for r in res)
a = sum(r.area for r in res)
return Part(
Point(ix, iy), Point(sx, sy), tuple(res), a)
def main():
r = 3
W, H = 10, 15
p0, q0 = Point(0, 0), Point(W - r + 1, H - r + 1)
lace = Lace(Part(p0, q0, None, rectarea(p0, q0)))
irect = []
for i in range(10):
p = lace.find_random_point()
except RuntimeError:
lace.punch(Point(p.x-r, p.y-r), Point(p.x + r + 1, p.y + r + 1))
irect.append((p, Point(p.x+r, p.y+r)))
draw_rects(Point(0, 0), Point(W, H), irect)
def draw_rects(p0, q0, irect):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
#import numpy as np
# Create figure and axes
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
for p, q in irect:
# Create a Rectangle patch
w, h = q.x - p.x, q.y - p.y
print(p, w, h)
rect = patches.Rectangle(
(p.x, p.y), w, h,
linewidth=1, edgecolor='black',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
ax.set(xlim=(p0.x, q0.x), ylim=(p0.y, q0.y), aspect='equal')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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