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Created March 31, 2016 16:15
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# Variables wont work here unless otherwise stated
# as this file is just for general messages.
PREFIX: '&8&l[&c&lPunish&8&l] &r'
BAN_CHECK: '&c&l%playerName% &7&lis currently banned on &c&l%amount% &7&lother servers!'
JAIL_MUTED: '&c&lYou can''t talk while in jail!'
JAIL_BLOCKED_CMD: '&c&lYou cant use this command in jail!'
NO_LONGER_MUTED: '&a&lYou''re no longer muted!'
NO_LONGER_JAILED: '&a&lYou''re no longer jailed!'
JAIL_NOT_SETUP: '&c&lThe jail has not been setup yet!'
JAIL_SETUP: '&a&lThe jail has been set to your current location.'
PLAYER_EXEMPT: '&c&lThat player is exempt!'
CMD_ARGS: '&c&lYou must enter all the arguments...'
NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS: '&c&lNot enough arguments...'
RELOAD: '&a&lReload complete.'
NO_PERMISSION: '&c&lYou dont have permission to do this!'
# ALL variables should work for the below
# NOTE: Variables will not be replaced when
# running the command as console..
CMD_UNBAN: '&f&l%target_name%&a&l has been unbanned!'
CMD_UNBAN_NOT_BANNED: '&b&l%target_name% &c&lis not banned!'
CMD_UNMUTE: '&f&l%target_name%&a&l has been unmuted!'
CMD_UNMUTE_NOT_MUTED: '&b&l%target_name% &c&lis not muted!'
CMD_UNJAIL: '&f&l%target_name%&a&l has been unjailed!'
CMD_UNJAIL_NOT_JAILED: '&b&l%target_name% &c&lis not jailed!'
CMD_UNBANIP: '&f&l%target_name%&a&l has been unipbanned!'
CMD_UNBANIP_NOT_IPBANNED: '&b&l%target_ip% &c&lis not banned!'
CMD_EXEMPT_ADD: '&f&l%target_name% &a&lis now exempt'
CMD_EXEMPT_REMOVE: '&f&l%target_name% &a&lis no longer exempt'
CMD_EXEMPT_CHECK_TRUE: '&f&l%target_name% &f&lis &a&lexempt'
CMD_EXEMPT_CHECK_FALSE: '&f&l%target_name% &f&lis not &a&lexempt'
HISTORY_HEADER: '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
HISTORY_FOOTER: '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
# Below is the format of the history for userdata
# %type% = Type of punishmant (ban,jail,kick,etc)
# %date% = date of punishment
HISTORY_FORMAT: '&f&l%type% &a&lon &f&l%date%'
TIME_COLOR: '&b&l'
DAYS: ' &c&lDays '
HOURS: ' &c&lHours '
MINUTES: ' &c&lMinutes '
SECONDS: ' &c&lSeconds '
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