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Created August 16, 2023 22:12
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Solve those silly triangle tessellation puzzles with the colored pips
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
import time
Color = Enum('Color', ['K', 'W', 'R', 'Y', 'G', 'B'])
# Open them to this scope
for col in Color:
globals()[] = col
RESET = '\x1b[m'
K: '\x1b[1;35m',
W: '\x1b[1;37m',
R: '\x1b[1;31m',
Y: '\x1b[1;33m',
G: '\x1b[1;32m',
B: '\x1b[1;34m',
def print_color(s, end='\n'):
for c in s:
m = Color[c]
except KeyError:
print(c, end='')
print(f'{COLORMAP[m]}{c}{RESET}', end='')
class Piece:
def __init__(self, *seq):
self.seq = seq
self.dim = len(seq)
self.rots = []
form = list(seq)
for i in range(len(form)):
class TriPuzzle:
IX, IY, IZ = 0, 1, 2
class Placement:
piece: int
rot: int
class Locator:
x: int
y: int
down: bool
class State:
def __init__(self, puzzle, locs = None, used = None):
self.puzzle = puzzle
if locs is None:
self.locs = {}
for y in range(puzzle.dim):
for x in range(puzzle.dim - y):
self.locs[TriPuzzle.Locator(x, y, False)] = None
if x != puzzle.dim - y - 1:
self.locs[TriPuzzle.Locator(x, y, True)] = None
self.locs = locs
self.used = frozenset() if used is None else used
def disp_place(self, pl, down):
if pl is None:
return ' ', ' '
r = self.puzzle.pieces[pl.piece].rots[pl.rot]
x, y, z = [ for i in r]
if down:
return f' {y} ', f'{x} {z}'
return f'{y} {z}', f' {x} '
def disp(self):
rows = []
for y in reversed(range(self.puzzle.dim)):
pad = 3 * y + 2
row1 = ' ' * (pad - 2) + f'{self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IY][y].name} '
row2 = ' ' * pad
row0 = row2
for x in range(self.puzzle.dim - y):
r1, r2 = self.disp_place(self.locs[TriPuzzle.Locator(x, y, False)], False)
row0 += ' '
row1 += r1
row2 += r2
if x != self.puzzle.dim - y - 1:
r1, r2 = self.disp_place(self.locs[TriPuzzle.Locator(x, y, True)], True)
row0 += r1
row1 += r2
row2 += ' '
row0 += ' '
row1 += f' {self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IZ][y].name}'
row2 += ' '
rows.extend((row0, row1, row2))
lastrow = ' '
for col in self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IX]:
lastrow += f' {} '
return rows
def print(self):
def color_at(self, loc, ix):
pm = self.locs.get(loc)
if pm is None: return None
return self.puzzle.pieces[pm.piece].rots[pm.rot][ix]
def adjacent_col(self, loc):
if loc.down:
# Downs can only be inside the puzzle
a = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x, loc.y, False), TriPuzzle.IZ)
b = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x, loc.y+1, False), TriPuzzle.IX)
c = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x+1, loc.y, False), TriPuzzle.IY)
if loc.y == 0:
a = self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IX][loc.x]
a = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x, loc.y-1, True), TriPuzzle.IY)
if loc.x == 0:
b = self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IY][loc.y]
b = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x-1, loc.y, True), TriPuzzle.IZ)
if loc.x == self.puzzle.dim - 1:
c = self.puzzle.legs[TriPuzzle.IZ][loc.y]
c = self.color_at(TriPuzzle.Locator(loc.x+1, loc.y, True), TriPuzzle.IX)
return (a, b, c)
def with_place(self, loc, plc):
locs = self.locs.copy()
assert loc in locs
locs[loc] = plc
assert plc.piece not in self.used
return TriPuzzle.State(self.puzzle, locs, self.used | {plc.piece})
def all_substates(self):
loc = next(self.open_locs, None)
if loc is None:
adj = self.adjacent_col(loc)
for cand, pls in self.puzzle.adjacencies.items():
skip = False
for a, c in zip(adj, cand):
if a is not None and a != c:
skip = True
if skip:
for pl in pls:
if pl.piece not in self.used:
yield self.with_place(loc, pl)
def solutions(self, deep=None):
for st in self.all_substates():
if st.complete or deep == 0:
yield st
nd = (deep - 1) if deep is not None else None
yield from
def open_locs(self):
yield from (loc for loc, pl in self.locs.items() if pl is None)
def complete(self):
return next(self.open_locs, None) is None
def __init__(self, legs, pieces):
assert len(legs) == 3
assert all(piece.dim == 3 for piece in pieces)
self.legs = legs
self.dim = len(legs[0])
assert all(len(leg) == self.dim for leg in legs)
self.pieces = pieces
self.adjacencies = {}
for pci, pc in enumerate(pieces):
for ix, rot in enumerate(pc.rots):
if rot not in self.adjacencies:
self.adjacencies[rot] = set()
self.adjacencies[rot].add(TriPuzzle.Placement(pci, ix))
def initial_state(self):
return TriPuzzle.State(self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = TriPuzzle([
(G, G, W, G),
(Y, W, R, W),
(K, G, R, B),
], [Piece(*s) for s in [
(G, Y, W),
(G, K, R),
(K, G, R),
(G, R, K),
(K, W, B),
(G, Y, R),
(K, K, G),
(Y, R, W),
(G, W, R),
(W, W, B),
(W, G, Y),
(K, Y, G),
(B, K, W),
(K, B, Y),
(Y, G, B),
(B, B, W),
s = p.initial_state
start = time.perf_counter()
sols = list(
stop = time.perf_counter()
for st in sols:
print(f'all {len(sols)} solutions in {stop - start}s')
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