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Created July 28, 2016 09:44
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import argparse, hashlib, json
from random import SystemRandom
from shcs.rsa.crypto import Cipher as RSA
from shcs.pad import LSBPadding
from shcs import modular
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-h', '--hash', dest='hash', default='sha512', help='Hash function to use for commitment')
class SENPAI(object):
# ALICE, PHASE 1: Make an x or y. The highbits for x and y MAY be equal IFF ALICE chooses both to have the same semantics (e.g., both "no")
# Returns both the unpadded x or y, and a randomly-selected s concatenated into it, for commitment purposes.
def make_choice(self, highbits, randbits, rand):
rbs = rand.getrandbits(randbits)
return highbits << randbits | rbs, rbs
# ALICE, PHASE 1: Commit to a given value (usually s from at least one choice). hashfunc should be previously unused.
# Returns a digest.
def make_commitment(self, s, hashfunc):
return hashfunc.digest()
# ALICE, PHASE 1: Prepare BOB's packet, giving BOB all the necessary information in the system.
# Returns a mapping object suitable for use with most of BOB's PHASE 1 functions.
def alice_phase1(self, key, padder, choices, commitments, choicenames, randbits):
return {
'key': {'n': key.n, 'e': key.e},
'padding': padder.bits,
'randbits': randbits,
'choices': [key.encrypt(padder.pad(choice)) for choice in choices],
'commitments': commitments,
'choicenames': choicenames,
# BOB, PHASE 1: Returns available choices in a packet.
def get_choicenames(self, p1pkt):
return p1pkt['choicenames']
# BOB, PHASE 1: Map a choice name to a choice index.
def get_choiceidx(self, p1pkt, chname):
return p1pkt['choicenames'].index(chname)
# BOB, PHASE 1: Make a decision and prepare an ALICE PHASE 2 packet.
# Returns a secret r, and a mapping object suitable for use with most of ALICE'S PHASE 2 functions.
def bob_phase1(self, p1pkt, chidx, rand):
key = RSA(p1pkt['key']['n'], p1pkt['key']['e'])
sec = rand.randint(2, key.n - 1)
return sec, {
'choice': (p1pkt['choices'][chidx] * key.encrypt(sec)) % key.n,
# ALICE, PHASE 2: Decrypt BOB's PHASE 1 packet, which is a choice multiplied by a secret, and send that back.
# Returns a mapping object suitable for use with BOB's PHASE 2 functions.
def alice_phase2(self, p1pkt, key):
return {
'result': key.decrypt(p1pkt['choice']),
# BOB, PHASE 2: Cancel secret r from a choice and unpad it to reveal its highbits and rbs (preimage of s).
# It is then possible to determine if rbs was a commited s (if that s is in the given commitments), which
# allows both BOB and ALICE to ascertain the legitimacy of the choice and rbs, respectively.
# If no such commitment exists, ALICE will nonetheless reveal committed choices in PHASE 3, after the
# decision is made.
# Returns the highbits (the "real choice"), whether or not rbs was a valid preimage (a fairly strong trust indicator), and a mapping object suitable for ALICE's PHASE 3.
def bob_phase2(self, sec, hashfunc, p1pkt, p2pkt):
choice = (p2pkt['result'] * modular.modinv(sec, p1pkt['key']['n'])) % p1pkt['key']['n']
highbits, rbs = choice >> p1pkt['randbits'], choice & ((1 << p1pkt['randbits']) - 1)
commitment = hashfunc.digest()
return highbits, commitment in p1pkt['commitments'], {
'highbits': highbits,
'rbs': rbs,
# ALICE, PHASE 3: Determines the result and secret from BOB.
# Returns the highbits (the "real choice"), whether or not BOB's choice was valid at all (a certain trust indicator), and a packet for BOB's PHASE 3.
def alice_phase3(self, key, choices, randbits, padder, hashgen, p2pkt):
result = []
choice = p2pkt['highbits'] << randbits | p2pkt['rbs']
found = False
for ech in choices:
ch = padder.unpad(key.decrypt(ech))
if choice == ech:
found = True
rbs = ch & ((1 << randbits) - 1)
hashfunc = hashgen()
s = self.make_commitment(rbs, hasfunc)
if s in commitments:
return p2pkt['highbits'], found, {
'commitchoices': result
# BOB, PHASE 3: Determines whether ALICE sent valid commitments. At this point, the decision is already made.
# Returns True if all commitments were valid and complete (a strong trust indicator)
def bob_phase3(self, hashgen, p1pkt, p3pkt):
comset = set(p1pkt['commitments'])
for ech in p3pkt['commitchoices']:
hashfunc = hashgen()
return not comset
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