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## Search for floating point numbers which are close to a multiple of pi.
## Double precision
mantissa_size = 52
exponent_size = 11
## Single precision
# mantissa_size = 23
# exponent_size = 8
## 80-bit extended precision
# mantissa_size = 63
# exponent_size = 15
mantissa_bound = 2^(mantissa_size+1)
best_i = None
best_k = None
best_n = None
best_eps = 1
def testappr(i, k, n):
# Check if n*2^i is closer to k*pi than the best we've had so far.
global best_i, best_k, best_n, best_eps
eps = abs(N(k * pi - n * 2^i, 20000))
if eps < best_eps:
best_i = i
best_k = k
best_n = n
best_eps = eps
print "best so far: ", i, n * 2^i, k, N(eps,100)
def transform_continued_fraction(a,b,c,d, infrac):
# Compute continued fraction expansion of (a+b*x)/(c+d*x) in function of
# that of x (infrac).
intab = list(infrac)
outtab = []
while True:
# print "transforming by",a,b,c,d
if c != 0 and d != 0 and floor(a/c) == floor(b/d):
q = floor(a/c)
(a,b,c,d) = (c, d, a-c*q, b-d*q)
if len(intab)==0:
if d!=0:
return outtab
p = intab.pop(0)
(a,b,c,d) = (b, a+b*p, d, c+d*p)
def testexp(i, f):
# Try to find n and k so that n*2^i is close to k*pi, by trying to get n/k
# close to pi/2^i. Here f is the list of coefficients of the continued
# fraction expansion of pi/2^i.
# First, compute continued fraction approximations to pi/2^i.
j = 0
(prev_k, prev_n) = (1, 0)
(cur_k, cur_n) = (0, 1)
while True:
# Compute convergents until numerator exceeds mantissa_bound
next_k = cur_k * f[j] + prev_k
next_n = cur_n * f[j] + prev_n
if next_n >= mantissa_bound:
j += 1
(prev_k, prev_n) = (cur_k, cur_n)
(cur_k, cur_n) = (next_k, next_n)
if j<=1:
testappr(i, cur_k, cur_n)
# Now try best rational approximations which aren't convergents
for m in range(floor(f[j]/2), f[j]):
test_k = cur_k * m + prev_k
test_n = cur_n * m + prev_n
if test_n >= mantissa_bound:
testappr(i, test_k, test_n)
# Now try all exponents sucessively
lst = list(continued_fraction(N(pi*2^mantissa_size, 2^(exponent_size+1) + 2*mantissa_size + 100)))
for ei in range(2^(exponent_size-1) + 1):
if ei%100==0:
print "ei=", ei
testexp(ei - mantissa_size, lst)
lst = transform_continued_fraction(0,1,2,0, lst)
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