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Last active May 14, 2024 10:15
PoV-ray illustration of the theorem of Desargues in 3D
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#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// povray +Idesargues.pov final.ini -W800 -H800
// convert desargues.png -quality 98 ~/public_html/images/geom/desargues3d.jpg
// convert desargues.png -resize 300x300 -quality 98 ~/public_html/images/geom/desargues3d-small.jpg
global_settings {
photons { count 100000 }
assumed_gamma 1.0
// Memento: POV-Ray uses a left-handed coordinate system.
// Here, x points right, y points down and z points toward camera.
#declare camera_dist = 12;
camera {
location <0, 0, camera_dist>
sky <0, -1, 0>
right <image_width/image_height, 0, 0>
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 2*atan(2/camera_dist * image_width/image_height)*180/pi
sky_sphere {
rotate <0,0,180>
plane {
texture {
scale 5
light_source {
<-2, -15, 30>
color White
#declare point_O = <0,-3/2,0>;
#declare point_A1 = <0, 38/65, 0>;
#declare point_B1 = <-10/15 / (1 + (77/30)/camera_dist), 16/15 / (1 + (77/30)/camera_dist), 77/30 / (1 + (77/30)/camera_dist)>;
#declare point_C1 = <-10/10, 2/10, 0>;
#declare point_A2 = <0, -1/4, 0>;
#declare point_B2 = <-300/884 / (1 + (1155/884)/camera_dist), -171/884 / (1 + (1155/884)/camera_dist), 1155/884 / (1 + (1155/884)/camera_dist)>;
#declare point_C2 = <-150/584, -621/584, 0>;
#declare point_U = <-1/2 / (1 + (77/20)/camera_dist), 3/2 / (1 + (77/20)/camera_dist), 77/20 / (1 + (77/20)/camera_dist)>;
#declare point_V = <3/10, 7/10, 0>;
#declare point_W = <3/2 / (1 + (-231/40)/camera_dist), -1/2 / (1 + (-231/40)/camera_dist), -231/40 / (1 + (-231/40)/camera_dist)>;
sphere {
// The point O
point_O, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 1 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point A₁
point_A1, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0 blue 0.5 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point B₁
point_B1, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0 blue 0.5 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point C₁
point_C1, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0 blue 0.5 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point A₂
point_A2, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point B₂
point_B2, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point C₂
point_C2, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 1 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point U
point_U, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0 blue 1 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point V
point_V, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0 blue 1 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
sphere {
// The point W
point_W, 0.05
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0 blue 1 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_O, 5*point_A1-4*point_O, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_O, 5*point_B1-4*point_O, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_O, 5*point_C1-4*point_O, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0.5 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_C1, point_U, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0 blue 0.25 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_C1, point_V, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0 blue 0.25 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_B1, point_W, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0 blue 0.25 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_C2, point_U, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0.25 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_C2, point_V, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0.25 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
point_B2, point_W, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0.25 blue 0 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
cylinder {
2*point_U-point_W, 101*point_W-100*point_U, 0.01
texture {
pigment { color red 0 green 0 blue 0.5 }
finish { ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
triangle {
point_A1, point_B1, point_C1
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0 blue 0.25 transmit 0.2 }
finish { reflection { 0.1 } ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
triangle {
point_A2, point_B2, point_C2
texture {
pigment { color red 0.5 green 0.5 blue 0.25 transmit 0.2 }
finish { reflection { 0.1 } ambient .45 diffuse .6 phong .3 }
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