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Created April 19, 2021 15:20
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Compile with

gcc -o earthprojs earthprojs.c  -O6 -Wall -std=c99 -pedantic -Wextra `pkg-config --cflags --libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0` -lm

after making TEXTURE_DIR point to a directory containing subdirectories level$n each containing files tx_$i_$j.jpg of size 1024×1024 with $i ranging from 0 inclusive to 2^($n+1) exclusive and $j ranging from 0 inclusive to 2^$n exclusive. (I think this is a fairly "standard" earth texture file format, I don't remember where I got it from.) TEXTURE_LEVEL indicates which texture level to use.

Center of projection is defined by CENTER_LAT (in radians) at compile time and argv[1] (in full turns) at runtime. This is not at all logical, but that's what I found useful to generate the images in

PROJECTION indicates the projection to use: 0 is stereographic, 1 is gnomonic, 2 is orthographic, 3 is Lambert azimuthal equal-area, 4 is azimuthal equidistant, 5 is Mercator, 6 is cylindrical and 7 is trivial (plate-carrée).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#ifndef SIZE
#define SIZE 512
#ifndef IMGWIDTH
#define PROJECTION 0
#define ANTIALIAS 0
#ifndef CENTER_LAT
#define CENTER_LAT 0.409092814
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#ifndef M_PI_2
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */
#ifndef M_PI_4
#define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 /* pi/4 */
#define C_PROCESSOR_SUCKS(x) #x
GdkPixbuf *texture_images[(1<<(TEXTURE_LEVEL+1))][(1<<TEXTURE_LEVEL)];
get_texture_int (int full_i, int full_j, int *red, int *green, int *blue)
g_assert ( full_i >=0 && full_i<(1<<(11+TEXTURE_LEVEL)) && full_j>=0 && full_j<(1<<(10+TEXTURE_LEVEL)) );
int image_i = full_i >> 10;
int image_j = full_j >> 10;
int pixel_i = full_i & 1023;
int pixel_j = full_j & 1023;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
if ( ! (texture_images[image_i][image_j]) )
char fnbuf[512];
snprintf (fnbuf, sizeof(fnbuf),
TEXTURE_NAME_TEMPLATE, image_i, image_j);
GError *err = NULL;
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (fnbuf, &err);
if ( pixbuf == NULL )
g_printerr ("%s\n", err->message);
g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (pixbuf) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB);
g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (pixbuf) == 8);
g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf) == 3);
g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) == 1024);
g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) == 1024);
texture_images[image_i][image_j] = pixbuf;
pixbuf = texture_images[image_i][image_j];
int rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
guchar *pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
*red = pixels[pixel_j * rowstride + pixel_i * 3];
*green = pixels[pixel_j * rowstride + pixel_i * 3 + 1];
*blue = pixels[pixel_j * rowstride + pixel_i * 3 + 2];
get_texture (double pcx, double pcy, int *red, int *green, int *blue)
g_assert ( pcx>=0 && pcx<2 && pcy>=0 && pcy<1 );
int float_i = pcx*(1<<(10+TEXTURE_LEVEL));
int float_j = pcy*(1<<(10+TEXTURE_LEVEL));
int full_i = (int)(float_i);
int full_j = (int)(float_j);
double frac_i = float_i - full_i;
double frac_j = float_j - full_j;
int red00, green00, blue00;
int red01, green01, blue01;
int red10, green10, blue10;
int red11, green11, blue11;
get_texture_int (full_i, full_j, &red00, &green00, &blue00);
get_texture_int (full_i, full_j+(full_j < (1<<(10+TEXTURE_LEVEL))-1 ? 1 : 0),
&red01, &green01, &blue01);
get_texture_int ((full_i+1)%(1<<(11+TEXTURE_LEVEL)), full_j,
&red10, &green10, &blue10);
get_texture_int ((full_i+1)%(1<<(11+TEXTURE_LEVEL)),
full_j+(full_j < (1<<(10+TEXTURE_LEVEL))-1 ? 1 : 0),
&red11, &green11, &blue11);
*red = ((1-frac_i)*(1-frac_j)*red00
+ (1-frac_i)*frac_j*red01
+ frac_i*(1-frac_j)*red10
+ frac_i*frac_j*red11 + 0.5);
*green = ((1-frac_i)*(1-frac_j)*green00
+ (1-frac_i)*frac_j*green01
+ frac_i*(1-frac_j)*green10
+ frac_i*frac_j*green11 + 0.5);
*blue = ((1-frac_i)*(1-frac_j)*blue00
+ (1-frac_i)*frac_j*blue01
+ frac_i*(1-frac_j)*blue10
+ frac_i*frac_j*blue11 + 0.5);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
g_type_init ();
double time = 0.;
if ( argc >= 2 )
sscanf (argv[1], "%lf", &time);
time -= floor(time+0.5);
printf ("P3\n%d %d\n255\n", IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT);
double sc = (SIZE-1.)/2;
double scx = (IMGWIDTH-1.)/2;
double scy = (IMGHEIGHT-1.)/2;
for ( int i=0 ; i<IMGHEIGHT ; i++ )
for ( int j=0 ; j<IMGWIDTH ; j++ )
int tred = 0, tgreen = 0, tblue = 0;
for ( int smp = 0 ; smp < 9 ; smp++ )
int red, green, blue;
double ifl, jfl;
ifl = i+((double)((smp%3)-1))/3;
jfl = j+((double)((smp/3)-1))/3;
ifl = i; jfl = j;
double px = (jfl-scx)/sc;
double py = (scy-ifl)/sc;
#if PROJECTION==7 // plate carrée
if ( fabs(py) >= M_PI_2 )
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
goto next;
double mlat = py;
double ux = cos(mlat) * sin(px);
double uy = sin(mlat);
double uz = cos(mlat) * cos(px);
#elif PROJECTION==6 // cylindrical
if ( fabs(py) >= 1 )
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
goto next;
double mlat = asin(py);
double ux = cos(mlat) * sin(px);
double uy = sin(mlat);
double uz = cos(mlat) * cos(px);
#elif PROJECTION==5 // Mercator
double mlat = 2*atan(exp(py)) - M_PI_2;
double ux = cos(mlat) * sin(px);
double uy = sin(mlat);
double uz = cos(mlat) * cos(px);
#elif PROJECTION==4 // Azimuthal equidistant
if ( px*px + py*py >= 1 )
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
goto next;
double v = sqrt(px*px + py*py);
double ux = (px/v) * sin(M_PI*v);
double uy = (py/v) * sin(M_PI*v);
double uz = cos(M_PI*v);
#elif PROJECTION==3 // Lambert azimuthal equal-area
if ( px*px + py*py >= 1 )
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
goto next;
double v = sqrt(1. - (px*px + py*py));
double ux = 2*px*v;
double uy = 2*py*v;
double uz = 1. - 2*(px*px + py*py);
#elif PROJECTION==2 // orthographic
if ( px*px + py*py >= 1 )
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
goto next;
double ux = px;
double uy = py;
double uz = sqrt(1. - (px*px + py*py));
#elif PROJECTION==1 // gnomonic
double v = sqrt(1. + (px*px + py*py));
double ux = px/v;
double uy = py/v;
double uz = 1/v;
#elif PROJECTION==0 // stereographic
double v = 1. + (px*px + py*py);
double ux = 2*px/v;
double uy = 2*py/v;
double uz = (1. - (px*px + py*py))/v;
#error Unknown projection.
g_assert (fabs(1 - (ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz)) < 1.e-6);
double ttx = ux;
double tty = cos(CENTER_LAT)*uy + sin(CENTER_LAT)*uz;
double ttz = -sin(CENTER_LAT)*uy + cos(CENTER_LAT)*uz;
double tx = cos(time*2*M_PI)*ttx - sin(time*2*M_PI)*ttz;
double ty = tty;
double tz = sin(time*2*M_PI)*ttx + cos(time*2*M_PI)*ttz;
double lng = atan2(tx, tz);
double lat = atan2(ty, hypot(tx, tz));
double pcx = lng/M_PI + 1;
double pcy = 0.5 - lat/M_PI;
get_texture (pcx, pcy, &red, &green, &blue);
tred += red; tgreen += green; tblue += blue;
tred = (tred+4)/9; tgreen = (tgreen+4)/9; tblue = (tblue+4)/9;
printf ("%3d %3d %3d ", tred, tgreen, tblue);
printf ("\n");
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