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\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} % -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
\newcommand{\dynkindot}[2]{\begin{scope}[shift={(\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2)}]\fill[fill=white,draw=black] (0,0) circle (\dynkinradius);\end{scope}}
\draw (0,0) -- (\dynkinstep,0);%
\draw (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) -- (\dynkinstep*#3,\dynkinstep*#4);%
\draw[dotted] (0,0) -- (\dynkinstep,0);%
\draw (0,\dynkindoublesep) -- (\dynkinstep,\dynkindoublesep);%
\draw (0,-\dynkindoublesep) -- (\dynkinstep,-\dynkindoublesep);%
\draw (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,-\dynkinarrowsize) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5+\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,0) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,\dynkinarrowsize);%
\draw (0,0) -- (\dynkinstep,0);%
\draw (0,\dynkindoublesep*1.5) -- (\dynkinstep,\dynkindoublesep*1.5);%
\draw (0,-\dynkindoublesep*1.5) -- (\dynkinstep,-\dynkindoublesep*1.5);%
\draw (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,-\dynkinarrowsize) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5+\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,0) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,\dynkinarrowsize);%
\draw (0,\dynkindoublesep*0.5) -- (\dynkinstep,\dynkindoublesep*0.5);%
\draw (0,-\dynkindoublesep*0.5) -- (\dynkinstep,-\dynkindoublesep*0.5);%
\draw (0,\dynkindoublesep*1.5) -- (\dynkinstep,\dynkindoublesep*1.5);%
\draw (0,-\dynkindoublesep*1.5) -- (\dynkinstep,-\dynkindoublesep*1.5);%
\draw (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,-\dynkinarrowsize) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5+\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,0) -- (\dynkinstep*0.5-\dynkinarrowsize*0.5,\dynkinarrowsize);%
\node[anchor=south] at (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) {\footnotesize #3};%
\node[anchor=north] at (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) {\footnotesize #3};%
\node[anchor=east] at (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) {\footnotesize #3};%
\node[anchor=west] at (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) {\footnotesize #3};%
%\draw[postaction={decorate},decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{>}}}] (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) -- (\dynkinstep*#3,\dynkinstep*#4);
%\newcommand{\dynkintripleline}[4]{\draw[postaction={decorate},decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow{>}}}] (\dynkinstep*#1,\dynkinstep*#2) -- (\dynkinstep*#3,\dynkinstep*#4);}
\newcommand{\highstrut}{\vrule height 15pt depth 2pt width 0pt}
The coefficients are such that the coefficient of each node $n$ is
\emph{one half the sum of the coefficients of all adjacent nodes $n'$}
with multiple edges counting with the corresponding multiplicity
provided the arrow points from $n'$ to $n$. (There is a unique way,
up to scalar multiples, of assigning such coefficients, and it is done
in the way that they are integers with gcd equal to $1$.)
The left column shows the (untwisted) extended Dynkin diagram. Nodes
with coefficient $1$ are called “tips”. Symmetries of the diagram act
transitively on the tips. Removing a (single) tip gives the ordinary
(= unextended) Dynkin diagram; and the node(s) to which the tip is
attached reveal the adjoint representation among the fundamental
representations (or, in the case of $A_n$, tensor product of
fundamentals). The number of tips equals the order of the center of
the semisimple group.
For the meaning of the right column (twisted diagrams, or Dynkin-Kac
diagrams) and why they are labeled that way, see Reeder, “Torsion
automorphisms of simple Lie algebras”, \textit{Enseign. Math.}
\textbf{56} (2010) 3–47. Note that it is \emph{not} obtained by
simply folding the untwisted Dynkin diagram (it is, roughtly speaking,
obtained by folding the unextended untwisted Dynkin diagram,
\emph{reversing} its multiple arrows, then extending it by adding one
more node).
Borel–de~Siebenthal theory describes how to compute maximal connected
subgroups of maximal rank as centralizers.
Over the reals, applying this to classify Cartan involutions gives a
description of all noncompact real forms of the complex Lie groups,
through their maximal compact subgroups (up to isogeny), which can be
summarized as follows: to describe all real forms of a complex simple
Lie group $G$,
\item either remove a single node with coefficient $2$ from the
diagram labeled $\widetilde{G}$ in the left column (to obtain the
unextended Dynkin diagram of the maximal compact subgroup),
\item or remove two nodes with coefficient $1$ each (i.e., tips) from
the diagram labeled $\widetilde{G}$ in the left column (again giving
the unextended Dynkin diagram of the maximal compact subgroup), and
understand that the maximal compact subgroup is to be multiplied
by $\textbf{T}$ (the unit circle),
\item or remove a single node with coefficient $1$ from the diagram
labeled $\widetilde{^2 G}$ in the right column, if there is such
(and again, giving the unextended Dynkin diagram of the maximal
compact subgroup).
For example, we can read from the diagrams labeled $\widetilde{E_6}$
and $\widetilde{^2 E_6}$ above that there are five noncompact real
forms of $E_6$, having maximal compact subgroups (up to isogeny):
$A_5\times A_1$ (first case), $D_5 \times \mathbf{T}$ (second case),
$F_4$ and $C_4$ (third case).
(Vogan diagrams are very closely related to this. \emph{Beware:} the
very confusingly similar-looking Satake(–Tits) diagrams, however, are
\emph{not} related: they are in the line of Galois cohomology,
describing real forms in relation to the split real form rather than,
as in the above, to the compact form.)
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