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Created January 31, 2019 19:45
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<- $ # module settings where
{ map, join, concat, filter, empty, fold, all, sort-by, any } = require 'prelude-ls'
response = JSON.parse """
"name":"Grupo 1",
"branch":"M SP 01 ",
"name":"São Paulo",
"branch":"M SP 02 ",
"name":"Grupo 3",
"branch":"M RJ 01 ",
"name":"Rio de Janeiro",
"branch":"M RJ 02 ",
"name":"Santa Catarina",
"name":"Grupo 4",
"branch":"M RJ 01",
"name":"Rio de Janeiro",
collect-invalid-branches = filter (.facilities)
has-only-invalid-branches = all (.facilities)
title-html-log = (text) ->
is-request-ok = (request-rpo, enterprise) ->
and enterprise.request-database
and not has-only-invalid-branches enterprise.branches
and request-rpo
is-order-ok = (enterprise) -> enterprise.order-database
branch-to-message = (branch) -> do
title: "#{branch.branch} - #{}"
type: \title
messages: [title: 'Facilities ativo' type: \error]
format-to-log = (enterprise) ->
invalid-branches = collect-invalid-branches enterprise.branches
validations =
* ((enterprise) -> not enterprise.order-database), do
title: 'Faltam de campos de usuário para O.S.'
type: \error
* ((enterprise) -> not enterprise.request-database), do
title: 'Faltam de campos de usuário para S.S.'
type: \error
* (-> not empty invalid-branches), map branch-to-message, invalid-branches
reducer = (errors, [predicate, error]) ->
switch predicate enterprise
| yes => [...errors].concat error
| otherwise errors
fold reducer, [], validations
make-icon = (type) ->
"""<i class="glyphicon colored glyphicon-#{type}"></i>"""
make-icon-for-type = (is-error) ->
glyph-type = if is-error then 'remove' else 'ok'
make-icon glyph-type
make-simple-title = (is-error, title) ->
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<span>#{make-icon-for-type is-error}</i>#{title}</span>
make-single-ul = (content) ->
<ul class="list-unstyled">#{content}</ul>
make-nested-ul = (content) ->
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<ul class="list-unstyled">#{content}</ul>
enterprise-to-log = (request-rpo, enterprise) -->
has-request-errors = !
has-order-errors = !
request-data =
position: if has-request-errors then 2 else 1
html: if has-order-errors and has-request-errors
then ''
else make-simple-title has-request-errors, "Solicitações de Serviço"
order-data =
position: if has-order-errors then 2 else 1
html: if has-order-errors and has-request-errors
then ''
else make-simple-title has-order-errors, "Ordens de Serviço"
rpo-html =
| request-rpo => ''
| has-order-errors and has-request-errors => make-simple-title true, "RPO desatualizado"
| _ => make-single-ul (make-simple-title true, "RPO desatualizado")
error-html = if not empty enterprise.errors then
if has-order-errors and has-request-errors then
|> map process-message
|> join '\n'
|> make-single-ul
|> map process-message
|> join '\n'
|> make-nested-ul
else ''
success-html = [request-data, order-data]
|> sort-by (.position)
|> map (.html)
|> join ''
process-message = (message) ->
icon = if message.type == \error then make-icon \remove else ''
messages = (message.messages or [])
|> map process-message
|> make-single-ul
#{ if message.messages then messages else ''}
has-any-errors = any (not) << empty << (.errors)
has-any-success =
any (message) -> or
evolve-enterprise = (request-rpo, enterprise) --> do
name: "#{enterprise.code} - #{}"
is-request-ok: is-request-ok request-rpo, enterprise
is-order-ok: is-order-ok enterprise
errors: format-to-log enterprise
deal-with-success = (res) ->
mapped = map (evolve-enterprise response.request-repository)
has-errors = has-any-errors mapped
has-success = has-any-success mapped
log-html = mapped
|> map (enterprise-to-log response.request-repository)
|> join ''
title = if has-errors
then "Algumas funcionalidades não poderão ser utilizadas."
else "Parabéns, todas as funcionalidades poderão ser utilizdas!"
|> title-html-log
swal do
html: yes
position: \center
close-on-confirm: yes
title: """<small id="log-title">#{title}</small>"""
text: """
<div id="enviroment-checks-log" class="logs-area">
<ul class="list-unstyled validations-tree">
!-> if has-success then ($ \#save-button).remove-attr \disabled
deal-with-error = (msg) ->
<- swal do
title: 'Oops!'
position: \center
type: \error
text: msg
close-on-confirm: yes
export check-enviroment = !->
user <- credential-modal
return if not user.password
swal do
html: yes
position: \center
show-cancel-button: no
close-on-cancel: yes
close-on-confirm: no
title: """
<small id="enviroment-checks-title">Realizando validações de ambiente</small>
text: """
<span id="enviroment-checks-loader" class="glyphicon big glyphicon-repeat spinning"></span>
confirm-button-text: 'Ok!'
$.ajax do
url: '/Manage/CheckEnviroment/' + window.cnpj
'Username': user.username
'Password': user.password
'Token': window.token
'url': ($ \#WebserviceAddress).val!
error: (res) !->
res-json = res.response-JSON
deal-with-error <| res-json.message or res-json.Message or 'Erro desconhecido'
success: (res) !->
console.log res
deal-with-success res
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Update: Tá sim, muito

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