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Last active January 6, 2024 01:28
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mkfont - A small cli utility app for converting png images to 1-bit per pixel binary representations. Typically used for pixel art fonts that need to embed graphics into the executable binary


Use to convert png image of 8x8 sized tiles into 1-bit per pixel binary representation. This can for example be used to convert a 1-bit per pixel font into a binary representation that is easily read by embedded devices and can easily be converted into the correct format on device. Each byte represent a single line of pixels where each bit represents the color for the particular pixel. Each tile uses 8 bytes. This binary can then be embedded into the executable file and used to render graphics on screen.


mkfont was made as a small script to convert a variable width pixel art styled font with 8x8 sized tiles for each character into a binary format to embed into the executable binary. This font was then used in a Gameboy Advance homebrew application.

The font:


cargo run my-pixel-art.png Will create file: my-pixel-art.bin in current directory.

name = "mkfont"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
minipng = "0.1.1"
use std::{cmp::Ordering, env, fs, path::PathBuf};
struct ColorCount<const N: usize> {
count: usize,
color: [u8; N],
fn main() {
let mut args_it = env::args();;
let Some(path) = else {
eprintln!("Path not provided");
let Ok(bytes) = fs::read(&path) else {
eprintln!("Unable to read file from disk: \"{path}\"");
let Ok(header) = minipng::decode_png_header(&bytes) else {
eprintln!("Unable to read png header of file: \"{path}\"");
let mut buffer = vec![0; header.required_bytes()];
let Ok(img) = minipng::decode_png(&bytes, &mut buffer) else {
eprintln!("Unable to decode png file: \"{path}\"");
let pixels = img.pixels();
let bit_depth = pixels.len() as u32 / img.width() / img.height() * 8;
let mut colors: Vec<ColorCount<1>> = vec![];
if bit_depth != 8 {
eprintln!("Error, bit depth is {bit_depth} is unsuppored. Consider using bit depth of 8");
for x in 0..img.width() {
for y in 0..img.height() {
let index = (y * img.width() + x) as usize;
let color = pixels[index];
if let Some(ref mut color_count) = colors
.find(|color_count| color == color_count.color[0])
color_count.count += 1;
} else {
let color_count = ColorCount {
color: [color],
count: 0,
colors.sort_by(|left, right| {
if left.count < right.count {
} else if left.count > right.count {
} else {
let bpp = match colors.len() {
..=2 => 1,
..=4 => 2,
// ..=8 => 3,
..=16 => 4,
// ..=32 => 5,
// ..=64 => 6,
// ..=128 => 7,
..=256 => 8,
_ => {
eprintln!("Incorrect color count. Can handle 256 colors in palette at max. Counted {} different colors", colors.len());
let mut pixel_colors = vec![0u8; (img.width() * img.height()) as usize];
let tile_width = 8;
let tile_height = 8;
let mut i = 0;
for y in 0..img.height() / tile_height {
for x in 0..img.width() / tile_width {
for iy in 0..tile_height {
for ix in 0..tile_width {
let index =
(y * img.width() * tile_height + iy * img.width() + x * tile_width + ix)
as usize;
let color = pixels[index];
if let Some((color_index, _)) = colors
.find(|(_, color_count)| color == color_count.color[0])
pixel_colors[i] = color_index as u8;
i += 1;
} else {
eprintln!("Could not find color {}", color);
let pixels_per_chunk = 8 / bpp;
let pixel_bits_reduced = pixel_colors
.map(|chunks| match pixels_per_chunk {
1 => chunks[0],
2 => ((chunks[0] << 4) & 0b11110000) | ((chunks[1] << 0) & 0b00001111),
4 => {
((chunks[0] << 6) & 0b11000000)
| ((chunks[1] << 4) & 0b00110000)
| ((chunks[2] << 2) & 0b00001100)
| ((chunks[3] << 0) & 0b00000011)
8 => {
((chunks[0] << 7) & 0b10000000)
| ((chunks[1] << 6) & 0b01000000)
| ((chunks[2] << 5) & 0b00100000)
| ((chunks[3] << 4) & 0b00010000)
| ((chunks[4] << 3) & 0b00001000)
| ((chunks[5] << 2) & 0b00000100)
| ((chunks[6] << 1) & 0b00000010)
| ((chunks[7] << 0) & 0b00000001)
_ => {
panic!("Incorrect chunk size: {}", pixels_per_chunk);
"img: {}x{}, bit depth: {bit_depth}, uncompressed file size: {} bytes, colors in palette: {}",
let out_path: PathBuf = path.as_str().into();
let out_path: String = out_path.with_extension("bin").to_string_lossy().into();
let Ok(_) = fs::write(&out_path, &pixel_bits_reduced) else {
eprintln!("Unable to save binary output to \"{out_path}\"");
"Saved bitmap to: \"{out_path}\", {} bytes",
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