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Last active November 1, 2019 22:48
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  • Save Groostav/09b754d1169295efda2cfa28d9e4eaba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Groostav/09b754d1169295efda2cfa28d9e4eaba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//second attempt, now with more code!
fun StyledTextArea<*, *>.asDebouncedTextChangesFlow(): Flow<PropertyChange<String?>>
= debounceAsTyping(textProperty(), textProperty().asFlow(), focusedProperty())
fun TextInputControl.asDebouncedTextChangesFlow(): Flow<PropertyChange<String?>>
= debounceAsTyping(textProperty(), textProperty().asFlow(), focusedProperty())
fun <T> Flow<PropertyChange<T>>.debounceAsTyping(source: ObservableValue<T>, focusedProperty: ObservableValue<Boolean> = BooleanConstant.TRUE): Flow<PropertyChange<T>>
= debounceAsTyping(source, this, focusedProperty)
fun <T> CoroutineScope.launchCollect(flow: Flow<T>, handler: suspend(T) -> Unit){
var dispatcher: MainCoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.JavaFx //overwrite the immediate launcher so we avoid nested event loops + animations
if(BootstrappingUtilities.isTestingEnvironment) dispatcher = dispatcher.immediate //unless we're testing, in which case run that thing right now.
launch(dispatcher) {
@JvmName("debounceAsTyping_impl") private fun <T> debounceAsTyping(
source: ObservableValue<T>,
textFlow: Flow<PropertyChange<T>>,
focusedProperty: ObservableValue<Boolean> = BooleanConstant.TRUE
): Flow<PropertyChange<T>> {
val focusChange = focusedProperty.asFlow()
.filter { it.oldValue && ! it.newValue }
.map { PropertyChange(source, TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER, source.value) }
val textChange = textFlow
.map {
if(oldValue == TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER) oldValue = it.oldValue
PropertyChange(it.source, TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER, it.newValue)
.filter {
focusedProperty.value // must still be focused, else this change is happening while some other element is selected
&& oldValue != TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER && oldValue != it.newValue // must have new change to fire...
// nope, this isnt good enough. Consider:
// 1. user makes change A("1" -> "12")
// 2. user clicks away quickly => changePublished, oldValue set null,
// 3. user clicks back (A still not published)
// 4. user starts typing "123", oldValue set to "123"
// 5. 200 ms passes... does the conflated nature mean we're safe? does change A die safely?
// Should I encode a "Version" in this state machine, such that focus increments a version?
// then we could safely detect A...
val merged = flowOf(focusChange, textChange).flattenMerge()
val timeout = fromEnvOrDefault(, "com.empowerops.common.ui.TypingDebounceTime")
?: 200L
val debounced = merged
.let { if(timeout == 0L || BootstrappingUtilities.isTestingEnvironment) it else it.debounce(timeout) }
.map { (src, old, new) ->
val oldActual = oldValue.also { oldValue = TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER }
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") //only possible way this isn't safe is oldValue, which above line checks for.
PropertyChange<T>(src as ObservableValue<T>, oldActual as T, new as T)
return debounced
fun StyledTextArea<*, *>.asDebouncedTextChangesFlow(): Flow<PropertyChange<String?>>
= debounceAsTyping(textProperty().asFlow(), focusedProperty())
fun TextInputControl.asDebouncedTextChangesFlow(): Flow<PropertyChange<String?>>
= debounceAsTyping(textProperty().asFlow(), focusedProperty())
fun <T> CoroutineScope.launchCollect(flow: Flow<T>, handler: suspend(T) -> Unit){
var dispatcher: MainCoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.JavaFx //overwrite the immediate launcher so we avoid nested event loops + animations
if(BootstrappingUtilities.isTestingEnvironment) dispatcher = dispatcher.immediate //unless we're testing, in which case run that thing right now.
launch(dispatcher + CoroutineName("launchCollect($flow)")) {
@JvmName("debounceAsTyping_impl") private fun <T> debounceAsTyping(
textFlow: Flow<PropertyChange<T>>,
focusedProperty: ObservableValue<Boolean> = BooleanConstant.TRUE
): Flow<PropertyChange<T>> {
// firstly, im defining this code as out-of-scope for all unit fixtures,
// which likely call `setText` as a way of typing
if(BootstrappingUtilities.isTestingEnvironment) {
return object: Flow<PropertyChange<T>> by textFlow {
override fun toString() = "$textFlow.[not]debounceAsTyping()"
// note: we're going to merge in a synthetic event on focus lost.
// this is in support of this typical use case:
// 1. the controller is publishing changes to the model via
// `thisFlowSource.onDeboucedTextChange { model.stuff = newText; }}`
// 2. the controller is reactive with
// `@Subscribe fun rebindViewToModelOn(event: ModelInvalidated) = rebindViewToModel()`
// 3. rebindViewToModel contains the code
// `if( ! thisFlowSource.isFocused && thisFlowSource.text != newValue) thisFlowSource.text = model.stuff`
// a key point: the `isFocused` guard on rebind view to model prevents updates from
// _changing the text while the user is editing it_
// but in order for us to be certain that we're in a consistent state
// we need to make sure an event goes off when the text field isn't focused,
// that way the update can simply be ignored by the gaurd, but a later event will ensure what the user is typing
// is written to the model
var processionSpan: PropertyChange<T>? = null
val transientPlaceholder: T = TRANSIENT_PLACEHOLDER as T
// but It makes runtime debugging easier and gives me a shim to insert some assertions about correctness.
// apologies if your up-stack looking at class-cast exceptions.
val focusLostFlow = focusedProperty.asFlow()
.filter { it.oldValue && ! it.newValue } //used to trigger commits => only interested in focus lost events
.map { processionSpan?.copy(oldValue = transientPlaceholder) }
//.map { it.also { println("FOCUS-CHANGE: $it") } }
.filterNotNull() //if its null it means focus toggled but no changes were ever made
val textChange: Flow<PropertyChange<T>> = textFlow
.map {
val oldSpan = processionSpan
processionSpan = when {
oldSpan == null -> it //this is the first change since a commit
! focusedProperty.value -> it //this is a programmatic change => write-through, effectively filtering it out
else -> oldSpan.copy(newValue = it.newValue) //else just update the new value for commit
//println("UPDATE: saw $it\nSTATE: precession now $processionSpan")
PropertyChange(it.source, transientPlaceholder, it.newValue)
.filter {
focusedProperty.value // must still be focused, else this change is happening while some other element is selected
&& processionSpan?.oldValue != it.newValue //filter by new-values only to avoid noise
val timeout = fromEnvOrDefault(, "com.empowerops.common.ui.TypingDebounceTime")
?: 200L
val debouncedTextChanges: Flow<PropertyChange<T?>> = textChange.debounce(timeout)
val merged: Flow<PropertyChange<T?>> = flowOf(debouncedTextChanges, focusLostFlow).flattenMerge()
val interrupted = merged
.map { (src, old, new) ->
check(old == transientPlaceholder) { "got intermediate with oldValue=$old" }
processionSpan.also {
check(it?.oldValue != transientPlaceholder) { "publishing a transient value $it" }
processionSpan = null
.filterNotNull() //implies change went off after a commit --possible because of focus lost
// return interrupted
//.map { it.also { println("COMMIT: $it, span=$processionSpan") } }
return object: Flow<PropertyChange<T>> by interrupted {
override fun toString() = "$interrupted.debounceAsTyping()"
private fun CoroutineScope.onDebouncedTextChange(
textProperty: ObservableValue<String>,
focusedProperty: ObservableValue<Boolean>,
handler: suspend (PropertyChange<String?>) -> Unit)
val focusChange = focusedProperty.asFlow()
.filter { it.oldValue && ! it.newValue }
.map { PropertyChange(textProperty, textProperty.value, textProperty.value) }
val textChange = textProperty.asFlow()
.filter { focusedProperty.value }
val merged = flowOf(focusChange, textChange).flattenMerge()
launchCollect(merged.debounce(200), handler)
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