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Last active August 12, 2023 09:09
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
from typing import Tuple
from copy import deepcopy
import as pio
import plotly.graph_objects as go
TICKER = 'TSLA' # Which stock to download
EMA_LENGTH = 10 # The length of the exponential moving average
N_DAYS = 100 # The number of days to smoothen and plot
ALPHA = 10 # The edge preservation factor (lower numbers = higher preservation)
T_END = 4 # How smooth to make the time series (bigger numbers = smoother series)
def get_diff_mat(n: int) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
Get the first and second differentiation matrices, which are truncated
to find the derivative on the interior points.
n : int
The total number of discrete points
[Dx, Dxx] : np.array
The first and second differentiation matrices, respecitvely.
Dx = (
np.diag(np.ones(n-1), 1)
- np.diag(np.ones(n-1), -1)
Dxx = (
np.diag(np.ones(n-1), 1)
- 2*np.diag(np.ones(n), 0)
+ np.diag(np.ones(n-1), -1)
# Truncate the matrices so that we only determine the derivative on the
# interior points (i.e. we don't calculate the derivative on the boundary)
return Dx[1:-1, :], Dxx[1:-1, :]
def perona_malik_smooth(p: np.array,
alpha: float = 10.0,
k: float = 0.05,
t_end: float = 5.0) -> np.array:
Solve the Gaussian convolved Perona-Malik PDE using a basic finite
difference scheme.
p : np.array
The price array to smoothen.
alpha : float, optional
A parameter to control how much the PDE resembles the heat equation,
the perona malik PDE -> heat equation as alpha -> infinity
k : float, optional
The step size in time (keep < 0.1 for accuracy)
t_end : float, optional
When to termininate the algorithm the larger the t_end, the smoother
the series
U : np.array
The Perona-Malik smoothened time series
Dx, Dxx = get_diff_mat(p.shape[0])
U = deepcopy(p)
t = 0
while t < t_end:
# Find the convolution of U with the guassian, this ensures that the
# PDE problem is well posed
C = convolve_PDE(deepcopy(U))
# Determine the derivatives by using matrix multiplication
Cx = Dx@C
Cxx = Dxx@C
Ux = Dx@U
Uxx = Dxx@U
# Find the spatial component of the PDE
PDE_space = (
alpha*Uxx/(alpha + Cx**2)
- 2*alpha*Ux*Cx*Cxx/(alpha + Cx**2)**2
# Solve the PDE for the next time-step
U = np.hstack((
U[1:-1] + k*PDE_space,
t += k
return U
def convolve_PDE(U: np.array,
sigma: float = 1,
k: float = 0.05) -> np.array:
Perform Gaussian convolution by solving the heat equation with Neumann
boundary conditions
U : np.array
The array to perform convolution on.
sigma : float, optional
The standard deviation of the guassian convolution.
k : float, optional
The step-size for the finite difference scheme (keep < 0.1 for accuracy)
U : np.array
The convolved function
t = 0
t_end = sigma**2/2
while t < t_end:
# Implementing the nuemann boundary conditions
U[0] = 2*k*U[1] + (1-2*k)*U[0]
U[-1] = 2*k*U[-2] + (1-2*k)*U[-1]
# Scheme on the interior nodes
U[1:-1] = k*(U[2:] + U[:-2]) + (1-2*k)*U[1:-1]
t += k
return U
def heat_smooth(p: np.array,
k: float = 0.05,
t_end: float = 5.0) -> np.array:
Solve the heat equation using a basic finite difference approach.
p : np.array
The price array to smoothen.
k : float, optional
The step size in time (keep < 0.1 for accuracy)
t_end : float, optional
When to termininate the algorithm the larger the t_end, the smoother
the series
U : np.array
The heat equation smoothened time series
# Obtain the differentiation matrices
_, Dxx = get_diff_mat(p.shape[0])
U = deepcopy(p)
t = 0
while t < t_end:
U = np.hstack((
U[1:-1] + k*Dxx@U,
t += k
return U
def get_candlestick_chart(df: pd.DataFrame):
Plot the candlestick chart with the smoothened time series + the EMA
layout = go.Layout(
title = f'{TICKER} Stock Price',
xaxis = {'title': 'Date'},
yaxis = {'title': 'Price'},
legend = {'orientation': 'h', 'x': 0, 'y': 1.075},
width = 700,
height = 700,
fig = go.Figure(
x = df['Date'],
open = df['Open'],
high = df['High'],
low = df['Low'],
close = df['Close'],
x = df['Date'],
y = df['ema'],
name = 'Exponenatial Moving Average',
line={'color': 'rgba(180, 207, 0, 1)'},
mode = 'lines',
x = df['Date'],
y = df['perona_malik'],
name = 'Perona-Malik',
line={'color': 'rgba(48, 0, 223, 1)'},
mode = 'lines',
x = df['Date'],
y = df['heat'],
name = 'Heat Equation',
line={'color': 'rgba(21, 222, 215, 1)'},
mode = 'lines',
rangebreaks = [{'bounds': ['sat', 'mon']}],
rangeslider_visible = False,
return fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
df =
df['ema'] = df['Close'].ewm(EMA_LENGTH).mean()
df = df[-N_DAYS:]
df['perona_malik'] = perona_malik_smooth(
p = df['Close'].values,
alpha = ALPHA,
k = 0.05,
t_end = T_END,
df['heat'] = heat_smooth(
p = df['Close'].values,
k = 0.05,
t_end = T_END,
fig = get_candlestick_chart(df)
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