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Created March 6, 2019 12:59
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React Table v7 TS typings definition
// Type definitions for react-table 7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Grsmto <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 3.0
declare module 'react-table' {
export type Cell = {
render: (type: string) => any;
getCellProps: () => any;
column: Column;
row: Row;
state: any;
value: any;
export type Row = {
index: number;
cells: Cell[];
getRowProps: () => any;
originalRow: any;
export interface HeaderColumn {
accessor: string | ((originalRow: any) => string);
Header?: string | ((props: Api) => JSX.Element | string);
Filter?: string | ((props: Api) => JSX.Element | string);
Cell?: string | ((cell: Cell) => JSX.Element | string);
id?: string | number;
minWidth?: string | number;
maxWidth?: string | number;
width?: string | number;
export interface Column extends HeaderColumn {
id: string | number;
export type Page = Row[];
export interface EnhancedColumn extends Column {
render: (type: string) => any;
getHeaderProps: () => any;
getSortByToggleProps: () => any;
sorted: boolean;
sortedDesc: boolean;
sortedIndex: number;
export type HeaderGroup = {
headers: EnhancedColumn[];
getRowProps: () => any;
export type Hooks = {
beforeRender: [];
columns: [];
headerGroups: [];
headers: [];
rows: Row[];
row: [];
renderableRows: [];
getTableProps: [];
getRowProps: [];
getHeaderRowProps: [];
getHeaderProps: [];
getCellProps: [];
export interface Api
extends TableProps,
UseColumnsValues {
hooks: Hooks;
rows: Row[];
columns: EnhancedColumn[];
getTableProps: () => any;
getRowProps: () => any;
prepareRow: (row: Row) => any;
getSelectRowToggleProps: () => any;
toggleSelectAll: (forcedState: boolean) => any;
export interface TableProps {
data: any[];
columns: HeaderColumn[];
state?: any;
debug?: boolean;
export interface RowsProps {
subRowsKey: string;
export interface FiltersProps {
filterFn: () => void;
manualFilters: boolean;
disableFilters: boolean;
setFilter: () => any;
setAllFilters: () => any;
export interface UsePaginationValues {
nextPage: () => any;
previousPage: () => any;
setPageSize: (size: number) => any;
gotoPage: (page: number) => any;
canPreviousPage: boolean;
canNextPage: boolean;
page: Page;
pageOptions: [];
export interface UseRowsValues {
rows: Row[];
export interface UseColumnsValues {
columns: EnhancedColumn[];
headerGroups: HeaderGroup[];
headers: EnhancedColumn[];
export interface UseFiltersValues {
setFilter: () => any;
setAllFilters: () => any;
export function useTable(props: TableProps, ...plugins: any[]): Api;
export function useColumns(props: TableProps): TableProps & UseColumnsValues;
export function useRows(props: TableProps): TableProps & UseRowsValues;
export function useFilters(
props: TableProps
): TableProps & {
rows: Row[];
export function useSortBy(
props: TableProps
): TableProps & {
rows: Row[];
export function usePagination(props: TableProps): UsePaginationValues;
export function useFlexLayout(props: TableProps): TableProps;
export function useExpanded(
props: TableProps
): TableProps & {
toggleExpandedByPath: () => any;
expandedDepth: [];
rows: [];
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tsujp commented Oct 14, 2019

My almost meaningless contribution to this formats it in Standard JS and adds getTableBodyProps: (userProps?: any) => any

Using so far with 7.0.0-beta.12

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