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Last active April 9, 2022 12:29
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// this i got the idea from this issue
type GreaterThan<
T extends number,
U extends number,
C extends unknown[] = []
> =
T extends U
? false
: C['length'] extends T
? false
: C['length'] extends U
? true
: GreaterThan<T, U, [...C, 1]>;
const a: GreaterThan<9, 0> // true
const a: GreaterThan<0, 9> // false
const a: GreaterThan<0, 0> // false
// used this issue as idea to make a insert sort
type Insert<
N extends number,
A extends Array<any>,
> =
A extends [infer C, ...infer R]
? GreaterThan<N, C> extends false
? [N, ...A]
: [C, ...Insert<N, R>]
: [N]
type Sort<
V extends Array<number>,
A extends Array<any> = []
> =
V extends [infer C, ...infer R]
? Sort<R, Insert<C, A>>
: A
let t: Sort<[2, 2, 1, 5, 6]>; // [1, 2, 2, 5, 6]
let t: Sort<[5, 20, 10000000002, 1, 25]>; // [1, 5, 20, 25, 10000000002]
let t: Sort<[5, 20, 121, 1, 25, 26, 512]>; // [1, 5, 20, 25, 26, 121, 512]
* Explanation:
* Sort has an accumulator and the array that is being sorted,
* first we get the element at index 0 and call it C as current and the rest as R
* then whe pass first element of the array(C) to helper type called Insert that uses the C element and the Accumulator(A)
* Insert uses the first value passed as N and the sort accumulator as A.
* It makes the same infer pattern as Sort does then it compares the first value of A with N
* if it is false it pushes N as first and then places the values of the Accumulator as last;
* if it is true it pushes C as first and then calls Insert again with N and the rest of the array (R);
* when this fails, it returns the value of N;
* Sort does this until infer array pattern fails then it returns the Accumulator that was sorted
* this in js:
* function sort(arr) {
* for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
* // First, choose the element at index 1
* let current = arr[i];
* let j;
* for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && arr[j] > current; j--) {
* // as long as arr[j] is bigger than current
* // move arr[j] to the right at arr[j + 1]
* arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
* }
* // Place the current element at index 0
* // or next to the smaller element
* arr[j + 1] = current;
* }
* return arr;
* }
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