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define('MY_POST_TYPE', 'my');
define('MY_POST_SLUG', 'gallery');
function my_register_post_type () {
$args = array (
'label' => 'Gallery',
'supports' => array( 'title', 'excerpt' ),
'register_meta_box_cb' => 'my_meta_box_cb',
'show_ui' => true,
'query_var' => true
register_post_type( MY_POST_TYPE , $args );
add_action( 'init', 'my_register_post_type' );
function my_meta_box_cb () {
add_meta_box( MY_POST_TYPE . '_details' , 'Media Library', 'my_meta_box_details', MY_POST_TYPE, 'normal', 'high' );
function my_meta_box_details () {
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID; // global used by get_upload_iframe_src
printf( "<iframe frameborder='0' src=' %s ' style='width: 100%%; height: 400px;'> </iframe>", get_upload_iframe_src('media') );
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