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Guddiny / Podman on
Last active October 25, 2022 21:47
Podman on windows
  1. You should have installed and enabled WSL2
  2. Dowmload and install Podman Windows client from here (version should be 4.x.x and higher): podman-v4.x.x.msi
  3. In the run command: podman machine init - it will isnstall wsl2 image with podman and setup ssh connection with it.
  4. Restart PC
  5. Berfore using podman run command podman machine start - it will up podman and it will be available in the same sockent/npipe as docker Like a replacement of docker desctop you can use
  6. You are good to go with Podman!
Guddiny /
Last active August 17, 2022 16:37
Install and setup docker on WSL2
# Install ubuntu into WSL2
# Run VM and go through next steps
# Install Docker
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
Guddiny / Any.cs
Last active November 25, 2021 22:55
Test Helpers
internal static class Any
private static int _min;
private static int _max;
private static int _maxAttemptsCount = 1000;
public static string String(int length = 10)
const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";