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Last active July 28, 2018 16:52
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Barebone wireworld simulator
#.{ [Classes]
class Cell
@[name] = idx for name, idx in ['void', 'cond', 'head', 'tail']
@cycle: (type, shift) -> (type + shift) %% 4
# -------------------- #
class Automata
# --Methods goes here.
constructor: (@width = 4, @height = 4, @wrap = false) ->
if @clear() and @wrap
@get = (x, y) -> @cells[y %% @height][x %% @width]
@set = (x, y, type = Cell.cond) -> @cells[y %% @height][x %% @width] = type
@get = (x, y) -> @cells[y]?[x]
@set = (x, y, type = Cell.cond) -> @cells[y]?[x] = type
clear: (init = Cell.void) ->
@cells = Array.from Array(@height), (=> new Uint8Array(@width).fill init)
@ticks = 0
return @
tick: (steps = 1) ->
while steps-- and ++@ticks
@cells = for row, y in @cells
accum = new Uint8Array(@width)
for cell, x in row
accum[x] = switch cell
when Cell.head then Cell.tail
when Cell.tail then Cell.cond
when Cell.cond # Conductivity
heads = 0
for [tx, ty] in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]
heads++ if @get(x + tx, y + ty) is Cell.head
if 1 <= heads <= 2 then Cell.head else Cell.cond
else cell
accum # (return).
return @
#.} [Classes]
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