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Last active March 13, 2017 03:41
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EventEmitter = require('events')
require('clr').init {assemblies: ['CSCore.dll', 'System', 'mscorlib']}
Δimport = (namespace) -> Object.assign global, namespace
Δexport = (entity) -> module.exports[] = entity
Function::getter = (name, proc) -> Object.defineProperty @prototype, name, {get: proc, configurable: true}
Function::setter = (name, proc) -> Object.defineProperty @prototype, name, {set: proc, configurable: true}
#- Requires CSCore v.1.2.0+ (
Δimport CSCore
Δimport CSCore.Codecs
Δimport CSCore.SoundOut
Δimport CSCore.Tags.ID3
#.{ [Classes]
Δexport class Record
# --Methods goes here.
constructor: (@origin) ->
if @origin instanceof Record then @origin.destroy(); @origin = @origin.origin
@origin = normalize_path @origin
@audio = Record.load_audio(@origin)
@meta = Object.assign Record.guess_title(@origin, @is_finite), (try Record.extract_metadata @origin)
Object.freeze @
destroy: () ->
rewind: (progress = 0) ->
if @can_rewind
if progress.GetType?().Equals(System.TimeSpan)
Extensions.SetPosition(@audio, progress)
else if @is_finite or not progress
@offset = @audio.Length * progress / 100
else throw new Error('unable to find position in infinite record')
return @
normalize_path = (path) ->
if typeof path is 'string' then new System.Uri path else path
@load_audio: (origin) ->
# Service objects preparation.
origin = normalize_path origin
# Consumption phase:
if origin.IsFile
return CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec origin
return new MP3.Mp3WebStream origin
@extract_metadata: (origin) ->
# Service objects preparation.
streamer = new System.Net.WebClient()
stream = streamer.OpenRead origin
# Actual metadata extraction (ID3).
if id3 = [ID3v2.FromStream(stream)?.QuickInfo, stream.Close(), streamer.Dispose()][0]
title: id3.Title; album: id3.Album; artist: id3.Artist; lead_performers: id3.LeadPerformers
comments: id3.Comments; image: id3.Image; year: id3.Year; track_number: id3.TrackNumber
original_release: id3.OriginalReleaseYear; genre: id3.Genre
@guess_title: (origin, finity = true) ->
# Service objects preparation.
origin = normalize_path origin
# Guessing switch.
unless finity # (infinite stream -> probably an internet radio)
guess: "/" + [origin.Host
":" + origin.Port if origin.Port isnt -1
origin.LocalPath if origin.LocalPath isnt '/'].filter(Boolean).join('') + "/"
heur: 'stream'
else if (local = origin.LocalPath) isnt '/' # (localizable path -> probably remote file)
guess: System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension local
heur: 'file'
else # (unable to to determine source -> no guesses)
guess: origin.ToString()
heur: "???"
# --Getters/setters.
@getter 'position', -> Extensions.GetPosition(@audio)
@getter 'length', -> Extensions.GetLength(@audio) if @is_finite
@getter 'progress', -> @audio.Position / @audio.Length * 100 if @is_finite
@getter 'title', -> if @meta.title then @meta.title else @meta.guess
@getter 'is_finished', -> if @is_finite then @position is @length else false
@getter 'is_finite', -> @audio.Length > 0
@getter 'can_rewind', -> @audio.CanSeek
@getter 'offset', -> @audio.Position
@setter 'offset', (val) -> @audio.Position = val
# -------------------- #
Δexport class PlayList
# --Methods goes here.
constructor: (initial_list) ->
@listing = []
@merge initial_list
Object.freeze @
destroy: () ->
move: (src_idx = @selected, dest_idx = 0) ->
if src_idx isnt dest_idx
@check_index dest_idx, 1
if @selected is src_idx then @selected = dest_idx
else if dest_idx <= @selected then @selected = @selected + 1
@listing.splice dest_dix, 0, @remove(src_idx)
add: (source, dest_idx = @length) ->
@listing.push {Δ: source}
@move @length-1, dest_idx
merge: (source_list) ->
if source_list instanceof PlayList then source_list = source_list.checkout()
else unless Array.isArray source_list then source_list = [source_list]
@add(src) for src in source_list
remove: (idx = @length-1) ->
@check_index idx
if idx <= @selected then @selected = Math.max(@selected - 1, 0)
return @listing.splice(idx, 1)
clear: () ->
@remove() while not @is_empty
sublink: (data, channel = '', idx = @selected) ->
@check_index idx
@listing[idx]["Δ#{channel}"] = data
request: (idx = @selected, channel = '') ->
@check_index idx
checkout: () ->
return @listing
next: (shuffle = false) ->
@selected =
if shuffle then Math.random() * @length // 1
else (@selected+1) % @length
check_index: (idx, edge = 0) ->
if idx < 0 then throw new Error "playlist index underflow"
if idx >= @length + edge then throw new Error "playlist index overflow"
# --Accumulators.
Δselected = 0
# --Getters/setters.
@getter 'length', -> @listing.length
@getter 'is_empty', -> @length is 0
@getter 'selected', -> Δselected
@setter 'selected', (val) -> @check_index val; Δselected = val
# -------------------- #
Δexport class MusicBox extends EventEmitter
# --Methods goes here.
constructor: (source_list, @random = false, @pulse_interval = 1000, @emitter = true) ->
@output = new WasapiOut()
@repertory = new PlayList
@load source_list, true
setInterval @tick.bind(@), 500
destroy: () ->
load: (source_list, refit) ->
@empty() if refit
@repertory.merge source_list
return @
eject: (record_id = @repertory.current) ->
if @cache is @repertory.request record_id, 'cache' then @stop()
return @
empty: () ->
@stop().state = 'setup'
return @
rewind: (progress = 0) ->
@cache.rewind progress
return @
next: () ->
@signal 'next_signal',
if @is_on then @play() else @stop()
return @
play: (src = @repertory.selected) ->
# Necessary preparations.
@stop().state = 'playing'
if typeof src is 'number'
src = @repertory.sublink @repertory.request(src), "cache", list_idx = src
# Actual playing procedures.
@cache = new Record src
# Event emitters.
@signal 'play_signal', @now_playing, list_idx
if @pulse_interval then @emit_pulse()
return @
stop: () ->
@state = 'halt'
@cache = 0[@signal "stop_signal", @cache]
return @
switch: (turn_on = @state isnt 'playing') ->
# Necessary check.
if @is_empty then @state = 'setup'; throw new Error "no records to setup playback"
# State-machine switching.
switch @state
when 'playing' then (@output.Pause(); @state = 'paused') unless turn_on
when 'paused' then (@output.Resume(); @state = 'playing') if turn_on
when 'idle' then @stop() unless turn_on
when 'halt', 'setup' then if turn_on
if @state = 'setup' and @random then @next()
@state = 'idle'
return @
signal: (id, args...) ->
@emit id, args... if @emitter
emit_pulse: () ->
if status = @now_playing
@signal 'pulse', status
setTimeout @emit_pulse.bind(@), @pulse_interval
return @
tick: () ->
if @is_on and not @now_playing
if not @is_empty
if @state is 'playing' then @next() else @play()
else @stop()
catch error
@stop().signal 'jam', error
return @
# --Accumulators.
Δstate = '[I am error]'
Δcache = undefined
# --Getters/setters.
@getter 'now_playing', -> return @cache if @output.PlaybackState.Equals(PlaybackState.Playing)
@getter 'is_empty', -> @repertory.is_empty
@getter 'is_on', -> @state in ['playing', 'idle']
@getter 'volume', -> @output.Volume
@setter 'volume', (val) -> @output.Volume = val
@getter 'state', -> Δstate
@setter 'state', (val) -> Δstate = val; @signal 'state_switch', val
@getter 'cache', -> Δcache
@setter 'cache', (val) -> Δcache = val; @signal 'cache_switch', val
# ==Usage sandbox==
(mbox = new MusicBox [
], true)
.on 'play_signal', (status, index) -> console.log "#{index+1} ~> [#{status.title}]"
.on 'jam', (error) -> console.log "-------/!/JAM/!/-------\n#{error.stack}"; process.exit()
.switch on
setInterval (->, 1000 * 60 * 2
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