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Created August 11, 2023 15:32
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Webpush-PHP Pool attempt
* This file is part of the WebPush library.
* (c) Louis Lagrange <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Minishlink\WebPush;
use Base64Url\Base64Url;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Pool;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class WebPush
* @var Client
protected $client;
* @var array
protected $auth;
* @var null|array Array of array of Notifications
protected $notifications;
* @var array Default options : TTL, urgency, topic, batchSize
protected $defaultOptions;
* @var int Automatic padding of payloads, if disabled, trade security for bandwidth
protected $automaticPadding = Encryption::MAX_COMPATIBILITY_PAYLOAD_LENGTH;
* @var bool Reuse VAPID headers in the same flush session to improve performance
protected $reuseVAPIDHeaders = false;
* @var array Dictionary for VAPID headers cache
protected $vapidHeaders = [];
* @var bool Blah blah
protected $cachePayloadPadding = true;
protected $paddingCache = [];
* WebPush constructor.
* @param array $auth Some servers needs authentication
* @param array $defaultOptions TTL, urgency, topic, batchSize
* @param int|null $timeout Timeout of POST request
* @throws \ErrorException
public function __construct(array $auth = [], array $defaultOptions = [], ?int $timeout = 30, array $clientOptions = [])
$extensions = [
'curl' => '[WebPush] curl extension is not loaded but is required. You can fix this in your php.ini.',
'mbstring' => '[WebPush] mbstring extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload or for VAPID authentication. You can fix this in your php.ini.',
'openssl' => '[WebPush] openssl extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload or for VAPID authentication. You can fix this in your php.ini.',
foreach ($extensions as $extension => $message) {
if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
trigger_error($message, E_USER_WARNING);
if (isset($auth['VAPID'])) {
$auth['VAPID'] = VAPID::validate($auth['VAPID']);
$this->auth = $auth;
if (!array_key_exists('timeout', $clientOptions) && isset($timeout)) {
$clientOptions['timeout'] = $timeout;
$this->client = new Client($clientOptions);
* Queue a notification. Will be sent when flush() is called.
* @param string|null $payload If you want to send an array or object, json_encode it
* @param array $options Array with several options tied to this notification. If not set, will use the default options that you can set in the WebPush object
* @param array $auth Use this auth details instead of what you provided when creating WebPush
* @throws \ErrorException
public function queueNotification(SubscriptionInterface $subscription, ?string $payload = null, array $options = [], array $auth = []): void
if (isset($payload)) {
if ($this->cachePayloadPadding && array_key_exists($payload, $this->paddingCache)) {
$payload = $this->paddingCache[$payload];
} else {
if (Utils::safeStrlen($payload) > Encryption::MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
throw new \ErrorException('Size of payload must not be greater than '.Encryption::MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH.' octets.');
$contentEncoding = $subscription->getContentEncoding();
if (!$contentEncoding) {
throw new \ErrorException('Subscription should have a content encoding');
if ($this->cachePayloadPadding) {
$this->paddingCache[$payload] = Encryption::padPayload($payload, $this->automaticPadding, $contentEncoding);
$payload = $this->paddingCache[$payload];
} else {
$payload = Encryption::padPayload($payload, $this->automaticPadding, $contentEncoding);
if (array_key_exists('VAPID', $auth)) {
$auth['VAPID'] = VAPID::validate($auth['VAPID']);
$this->notifications[] = new Notification($subscription, $payload, $options, $auth);
* @param string|null $payload If you want to send an array or object, json_encode it
* @param array $options Array with several options tied to this notification. If not set, will use the default options that you can set in the WebPush object
* @param array $auth Use this auth details instead of what you provided when creating WebPush
* @throws \ErrorException
public function sendOneNotification(SubscriptionInterface $subscription, ?string $payload = null, array $options = [], array $auth = []): MessageSentReport
$this->queueNotification($subscription, $payload, $options, $auth);
return $this->flush()->current();
* Flush notifications. Triggers the requests.
* @param null|int $batchSize Defaults the value defined in defaultOptions during instantiation (which defaults to 1000).
* @return \Generator|MessageSentReport[]
* @throws \ErrorException
public function flush(?int $batchSize = null): \Generator
if (empty($this->notifications)) {
yield from [];
if (null === $batchSize) {
$batchSize = $this->defaultOptions['batchSize'];
$iterator = function () {
foreach ($this->prepare($this->notifications) as $request) {
yield $this->client
->then(function ($response) use ($request) {
return [$request, $response];
$pool = new Pool($this->client, $iterator, [
'concurrency' => $batchSize,
'fulfilled' => function ($result, $index) {
list($request, $response) = $result;
// this is delivered each successful response
/** @var ResponseInterface $response * */
return new MessageSentReport($request, $response);
'rejected' => function (RequestException $reason, $index) {
/** @var RequestException $reason **/
if (method_exists($reason, 'getResponse')) {
$response = $reason->getResponse();
} else {
$response = null;
return new MessageSentReport($reason->getRequest(), $response, false, $reason->getMessage());
$promise = $pool->promise();
yield $promise->wait();
// $batches = array_chunk($this->notifications, $batchSize);
// // reset queue
// $this->notifications = [];
// foreach ($batches as $batch) {
// // for each endpoint server type
// $requests = $this->prepare($batch);
// $promises = [];
// foreach ($requests as $request) {
// $promises[] = $this->client->sendAsync($request)
// ->then(function ($response) use ($request) {
// /** @var ResponseInterface $response * */
// return new MessageSentReport($request, $response);
// })
// ->otherwise(function ($reason) {
// /** @var RequestException $reason **/
// if (method_exists($reason, 'getResponse')) {
// $response = $reason->getResponse();
// } else {
// $response = null;
// }
// return new MessageSentReport($reason->getRequest(), $response, false, $reason->getMessage());
// });
// }
// foreach ($promises as $promise) {
// yield $promise->wait();
// }
// }
// if ($this->reuseVAPIDHeaders) {
// $this->vapidHeaders = [];
// }
* @throws \ErrorException
protected function prepare(array $notifications)
$out = [];
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
\assert($notification instanceof Notification);
$subscription = $notification->getSubscription();
$endpoint = $subscription->getEndpoint();
$userPublicKey = $subscription->getPublicKey();
$userAuthToken = $subscription->getAuthToken();
$contentEncoding = $subscription->getContentEncoding();
$payload = $notification->getPayload();
$options = $notification->getOptions($this->getDefaultOptions());
$auth = $notification->getAuth($this->auth);
if (!empty($payload) && !empty($userPublicKey) && !empty($userAuthToken)) {
if (!$contentEncoding) {
throw new \ErrorException('Subscription should have a content encoding');
$encrypted = Encryption::encrypt($payload, $userPublicKey, $userAuthToken, $contentEncoding);
$cipherText = $encrypted['cipherText'];
$salt = $encrypted['salt'];
$localPublicKey = $encrypted['localPublicKey'];
$headers = [
'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream',
'Content-Encoding' => $contentEncoding,
if ($contentEncoding === "aesgcm") {
$headers['Encryption'] = 'salt='.Base64Url::encode($salt);
$headers['Crypto-Key'] = 'dh='.Base64Url::encode($localPublicKey);
$encryptionContentCodingHeader = Encryption::getContentCodingHeader($salt, $localPublicKey, $contentEncoding);
$content = $encryptionContentCodingHeader.$cipherText;
$headers['Content-Length'] = (string) Utils::safeStrlen($content);
} else {
$headers = [
'Content-Length' => '0',
$content = '';
$headers['TTL'] = $options['TTL'];
if (isset($options['urgency'])) {
$headers['Urgency'] = $options['urgency'];
if (isset($options['topic'])) {
$headers['Topic'] = $options['topic'];
if (array_key_exists('VAPID', $auth) && $contentEncoding) {
$audience = parse_url($endpoint, PHP_URL_SCHEME).'://'.parse_url($endpoint, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (!parse_url($audience)) {
throw new \ErrorException('Audience "'.$audience.'"" could not be generated.');
$vapidHeaders = $this->getVAPIDHeaders($audience, $contentEncoding, $auth['VAPID']);
$headers['Authorization'] = $vapidHeaders['Authorization'];
if ($contentEncoding === 'aesgcm') {
if (array_key_exists('Crypto-Key', $headers)) {
$headers['Crypto-Key'] .= ';'.$vapidHeaders['Crypto-Key'];
} else {
$headers['Crypto-Key'] = $vapidHeaders['Crypto-Key'];
yield new Request('POST', $endpoint, $headers, $content);
// return $out;
public function isAutomaticPadding(): bool
return $this->automaticPadding !== 0;
* @return int
public function getAutomaticPadding()
return $this->automaticPadding;
* @param int|bool $automaticPadding Max padding length
* @throws \Exception
public function setAutomaticPadding($automaticPadding): WebPush
if ($automaticPadding > Encryption::MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
throw new \Exception('Automatic padding is too large. Max is '.Encryption::MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH.'. Recommended max is '.Encryption::MAX_COMPATIBILITY_PAYLOAD_LENGTH.' for compatibility reasons (see README).');
} elseif ($automaticPadding < 0) {
throw new \Exception('Padding length should be positive or zero.');
} elseif ($automaticPadding === true) {
$this->automaticPadding = Encryption::MAX_COMPATIBILITY_PAYLOAD_LENGTH;
} elseif ($automaticPadding === false) {
$this->automaticPadding = 0;
} else {
$this->automaticPadding = $automaticPadding;
return $this;
* @return bool
public function getReuseVAPIDHeaders()
return $this->reuseVAPIDHeaders;
* Reuse VAPID headers in the same flush session to improve performance
* @return WebPush
public function setReuseVAPIDHeaders(bool $enabled)
$this->reuseVAPIDHeaders = $enabled;
return $this;
public function getDefaultOptions(): array
return $this->defaultOptions;
* @param array $defaultOptions Keys 'TTL' (Time To Live, defaults 4 weeks), 'urgency', 'topic', 'batchSize'
* @return WebPush
public function setDefaultOptions(array $defaultOptions)
$this->defaultOptions['TTL'] = $defaultOptions['TTL'] ?? 2419200;
$this->defaultOptions['urgency'] = $defaultOptions['urgency'] ?? null;
$this->defaultOptions['topic'] = $defaultOptions['topic'] ?? null;
$this->defaultOptions['batchSize'] = $defaultOptions['batchSize'] ?? 1000;
return $this;
public function countPendingNotifications(): int
return null !== $this->notifications ? count($this->notifications) : 0;
* @return array
* @throws \ErrorException
protected function getVAPIDHeaders(string $audience, string $contentEncoding, array $vapid)
$vapidHeaders = null;
$cache_key = null;
if ($this->reuseVAPIDHeaders) {
$cache_key = implode('#', [$audience, $contentEncoding, crc32(serialize($vapid))]);
if (array_key_exists($cache_key, $this->vapidHeaders)) {
$vapidHeaders = $this->vapidHeaders[$cache_key];
if (!$vapidHeaders) {
$vapidHeaders = VAPID::getVapidHeaders($audience, $vapid['subject'], $vapid['publicKey'], $vapid['privateKey'], $contentEncoding);
if ($this->reuseVAPIDHeaders) {
$this->vapidHeaders[$cache_key] = $vapidHeaders;
return $vapidHeaders;
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