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Last active March 2, 2022 22:39
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Persistent data structure for random selection without replacement in Haskell.
-- |
-- Module : Data.WithoutReplacement
-- Copyright : (c) Guilherme G. Brandt, 2022
-- License : Zlib
-- Persistent data structure for random selection without replacement.
module Data.WithoutReplacement(
, null
, size
, fromList
, toList
, toListStd
, randomWithoutReplacement
, randomWithoutReplacementM
) where
import System.Random (
, getStdGen
, randomR
import System.Random.Stateful (
, RandomGenM
, runSTGen
, runSTGen_
, randomRM
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Prelude hiding (null)
-- | Persistent data structure for random selection without replacement.
-- This data structure is persistent the sense that it is immutable (as things
-- usually are in Haskell), and the selection is without replacement in that
-- calling 'randomWithoutReplacement' on a version and then calling it again
-- on the new version that is returned will return the same value only as many
-- times as it appears in the originating list.
data WithoutReplacement a =
Node Int (WithoutReplacement a) (WithoutReplacement a)
| Leaf a
| Nil
deriving (Show, Eq)
Bookkeeping functions
-- | /O(1)/. Is the set empty?
-- > Data.WithoutReplacement.null (fromList []) == True
-- > Data.WithoutReplacement.null (fromList [1, 2, 3]) == False
null :: WithoutReplacement a -> Bool
null Nil = True
null _ = False
-- | /O(1)/. The number of elements still in the set.
-- > size (fromList []) == 0
-- > size (fromList [1, 2, 3]) == 3
size :: WithoutReplacement a -> Int
size (Node n _ _) = n
size (Leaf _) = 1
size Nil = 0
Natural transformations to/from List
-- | /O(n*log n)/. Build a set from a list of values.
-- __Duplicate values are preserved.__ Picking values from a set with
-- duplicates may return the same value as many times as that value is present
-- in the originating list.
fromList :: [a] -> WithoutReplacement a
fromList = treeFold . fmap Leaf
merge l r = let n = size l + size r in n `seq` Node n l r
treeFold [] = Nil
treeFold [x] = x
treeFold xs = treeFold $ pairingWith merge xs
pairingWith f (x:y:xs) = f x y : pairingWith f xs
pairingWith f xs = xs
-- | /O(n*log n)/. Extract values from the set at random into a list using ST
-- to keep the state of the RNG.
toListST :: RandomGen g => WithoutReplacement a -> STGenM g s -> ST s [a]
toListST t g = do
(res, t') <- randomWithoutReplacementM t g
case res of
Nothing -> return []
Just a -> (a:) <$> toListST t' g
-- | /O(n*log n)/. Extract values from the set at random into a list using
-- the given random number generator.
-- >>> let gen = System.Random.mkStdGen 2022
-- >>> toList gen $ fromList [1..16]
-- [15,7,2,9,5,6,12,14,13,10,11,16,1,8,4,3]
toList :: RandomGen g => g -> WithoutReplacement a -> [a]
toList g t = runSTGen_ g $ toListST t
-- | /O(n*log n)/. Extract values from the set at random into a list using
-- the standard random number generator.
-- Because it uses the standard RNG, it must return inside a 'MonadIO'.
toListStd :: MonadIO m => WithoutReplacement a -> m [a]
toListStd t = flip toList t <$> getStdGen
Random selection
-- | /O(log n)/. Pick a random value from a set without replacement using a
-- given random number generator.
-- The RNG state is maintained inside a monadic environment.
-- The first element of the returned tuple is the picked value, which may be
-- 'Nothing' when the given set was empty.
-- The second element is the new version of the set, with the picked element
-- removed.
-- >>> let pureGen = System.Random.mkStdGen 2022
-- >>> gen <- System.Random.Stateful.newIOGenM pureGen
-- >>> let wr = fromList [1..16]
-- >>> (Just x, wr') <- randomWithoutReplacementM wr gen
-- >>> x
-- 15
-- >>> (Just y, wr') <- randomWithoutReplacementM wr gen
-- >>> y
-- 7
randomWithoutReplacementM :: RandomGenM g r m => WithoutReplacement a -> g -> m (Maybe a, WithoutReplacement a)
randomWithoutReplacementM Nil g = return (Nothing, Nil)
randomWithoutReplacementM (Leaf x) g = return (Just x, Nil)
randomWithoutReplacementM (Node n l r) g =
do k <- randomRM (1, n) g
let left = k <= size l
b = if left then l else r
(res, t) <- randomWithoutReplacementM b g
let u = uncurry (Node $ n - 1) $ if left then (t, r) else (l, t)
return (res, u)
-- | /O(log n)/. Pick a random value from a set without replacement using a
-- given random number generator.
-- The first element of the returned tuple is the picked value, which may be
-- 'Nothing' when the given set was empty.
-- The second element is the new version of the set, with the picked element
-- removed.
-- The third element is the updated random number generator.
-- >>> let gen = System.Random.mkStdGen 2022
-- >>> let wr = fromList [1..16]
-- >>> let (Just x, wr', gen') = randomWithoutReplacement wr gen
-- >>> x
-- 15
-- >>> let (Just y, wr'', gen'') = randomWithoutReplacement wr' gen'
-- >>> y
-- 7
randomWithoutReplacement :: RandomGen g => WithoutReplacement a -> g -> (Maybe a, WithoutReplacement a, g)
randomWithoutReplacement t g =
let ((r, t'), g') = runSTGen g $ randomWithoutReplacementM t
in (r, t', g')
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