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Last active August 22, 2021 19:42
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Regular Expressions in haskell
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Data.List (inits, tails)
import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&))
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
data Regexp a = Empty
| Literal a
| Kleene (Regexp a)
| Union (Regexp a) (Regexp a)
| Concat (Regexp a) (Regexp a)
instance Show a => Show (Regexp a) where
show Empty = "ε"
show (Literal c) = show c
show (Kleene r) = "(" ++ show r ++ ")*"
show (Union a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ "|" ++ show b ++ ")"
show (Concat a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ ")"
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Regexp a)
splits :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splits = uncurry zip . (inits &&& tails)
accept :: Eq a => Regexp a -> [a] -> Bool
accept Empty = null
accept (Literal c) = (==) [c]
accept (Union a b) = liftM2 (||) (accept a) (accept b)
accept k@(Kleene r) = liftM2 (||) (accept Empty) (accept $ Concat r k)
accept (Concat a b) = or . fmap (uncurry (&&) . (accept a *** accept b)) . splits
generate :: Monad m => Regexp a -> m Bool -> m [a]
generate Empty = const $ return []
generate (Literal c) = const $ return [c]
generate k@(Kleene r) = generate $ Union Empty (Concat r k)
generate (Union a b) = uncurry (=<<) . (flip generate &&& fmap (\choice -> if choice then a else b))
generate (Concat a b) = (liftM2 . liftM2) (++) (generate a) (generate b)
parse :: String -> Either P.ParseError (Regexp Char)
parse = P.parse (regexp <|> Empty <$ P.eof) "Regexp"
parens = between (P.char '(') (P.char ')')
literal = Literal <$> P.alphaNum
kleene = Kleene <$> restricted <* P.char '*'
where restricted = literal <|> parens regexp
sequence = foldr1 Concat <$> many1 restricted
where restricted = P.try kleene <|> parens regexp <|> literal
union = foldr1 Union <$> sequence `sepBy1` P.char '|'
regexp = P.try union <|> sequence
main = do
input <- getLine
case parse input of
Left err -> print err
Right regex -> do
print regex
putStr "Example: "
gen <- generate regex randomIO
print gen
sequence_ . repeat $
do line <- getLine
print $ accept regex line
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