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Last active February 19, 2020 11:28
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OperatorExtensions tests with MockK
import io.mockk.clearAllMocks
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestCoroutineDispatcher
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.resetMain
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runBlockingTest
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.setMain
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith
class OperatorExtensionsTest {
//Documentation is your friend:
private val testDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
fun setupDispatchers() {
fun clearDispatchers() {
fun clear() {
fun `When throttleFirst is called, Then it will emmit the first item and skip all the following emissions until a certain time interval is respected`() {
var timesReturned = 0
lateinit var throttleFirstFx: (Unit) -> Unit
testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
throttleFirstFx = throttleFirst(1_000, this, action = { timesReturned++ })
repeat(3) { throttleFirstFx(Unit) } //only one emission will hapen
repeat(3) {
throttleFirstFx(Unit) //3 emissions
assertThat(timesReturned).isEqualTo(4) //(1+3)
fun `When throttleLatest is called, Then it returns the latest data after a time interval without emissions`() {
var valueReturned = 0
lateinit var throttleLatestFx: (Int) -> Unit
testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
throttleLatestFx = throttleLatest(500, this, action = { value -> valueReturned = value })
assertThat(valueReturned).isEqualTo(0) //nothing changed so far, we didn't respect the 500ms interval of emission, yet...
delay(500) //Note that without runBlockingTest 520ms is the minimum precision
assertThat(valueReturned).isEqualTo(3) //now that we have and the last emitted was throttleLatestFx(3), valueReturned will be 3
assertThat(valueReturned).isEqualTo(4) //the runBlocking will wait until completion so valueReturned will be 4.
fun `When debounce is called it, Then returns only if there's no new data emission for a desired time interval`() {
var timesReturned = 0
val action: (Unit) -> Unit = { timesReturned++ }
lateinit var debounceFx: (Unit) -> Unit
testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
debounceFx = debounce(500, this, action = action)
repeat(2) {
delay(600) //now that we've waited at least >500ms, let's emit the latest call, thus timesReturned = 1
repeat(2) {
delay(600) //each cycle we wait 600ms, all emissions will be fired, thus timesReturned = (1+2)
fun `When throttleClick is used, Then all supersonic clicks will be avoided, useful for UI`() {
var timesReturned = 0
testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
val clickFx = throttleClick( this, clickAction = { timesReturned++ })
repeat(100) { clickFx(Unit) }
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