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Last active April 26, 2020 14:47
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Extract euromomo plot data
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Change this
OUTPUT_FILE = 'euromomo.json'
# Change this if the script breaks
JS_FILE_PATTERN = "src-templates-graphs-and-maps-js"
# First, we need to find the JS link inside the webpage
r = requests.get(BASE_PAGE)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Cannot reach webpage {BASE_PAGE} {r.status_code}")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, features="lxml")
link_to_file = None
for possible in soup.find_all("link", attrs={"as": "script"}):
if JS_FILE_PATTERN in possible['href']:
link_to_file = "" + possible['href']
if link_to_file is None:
print(f"Could not find a JS file with {JS_FILE_PATTERN} in its name :-(")
# Now we have found the file, let's download it and find a large JSON part inside
js_file: str = requests.get(link_to_file).text
pos = 0
found = []
while True:
pos = js_file.find("JSON.parse('", pos)
if pos == -1:
end_pos = js_file.find("')", pos)
content = js_file[pos+len("JSON.parse('"):end_pos]
assert "'" not in content
pos += 1
# the biggest JSON part in the file is probably the good one ;-)
biggest = max(found, key=lambda x: len(x))
# Load it!
data = json.loads(biggest)
# We need a bit of renaming
def rename_key(key, value):
if isinstance(value, list):
if "Belgium" in value:
return "countries"
if "Total" in value:
return "age_groups"
elif isinstance(value, str):
value = int(value)
if value <= 52:
return "week"
if value >= 2020:
return "year"
elif isinstance(value, dict):
if set(value.keys()) == {"counts", "zscores", "weeks"}:
return "data_totals"
if set(value.keys()) == {"data", "years"}:
return "excess_mortality"
if set(value.keys()) == {"data", "weeks"}:
if len(value["data"]) == 24:
return "z_scores_country_age_groups"
if len(value["data"]) >= 276:
return "z_scores_country"
raise Exception("Cannot find valid key name")
data = {rename_key(k, v): v for k, v in data.items()}
# Done!
json.dump(data, open('../static/json/euromomo.json', 'w'))
print("EUROMOMO modified something in the JS, you need to adapt the script!")
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