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13 valuable things I learned using CMake

13 valuable things I learned using CMake

Author : Dua Guillaume
Date : 04-26-2020

Requirement : A first experience with CMake


As a modern C++ specialist, my job is to focus on software development, from a performance and quality perspective.
I daily deal with template metaprogramming, modern design patterns implementation, and new concepts experimentation.
Thus, I spend most of my time improving codebases quality, increasing softwares performances, as well as training teams to modern C++.
Beside, migrating existing code from legacy to modern C++ is such a rewarding work, as it usually both increase quality and performances, while greatly decreasing the amount of code.

Since about a year, I work for a famous French telecoms company.
According to the company size, I was pretty surprised when I was requested to create CMake scripts.
Indeed, I used to work in teams where someone's job was dedicated to CI/CD tools, including build scripts, Git, Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Dockers, etc.

I was suprised at first. However, being always ready for new challenges, and eager to learn, I accepted the request.
Thus, I spent the last past months writing CMake scripts, experimenting and learning new tricks along the way.

It is these tips & tricks that I'm willing to share with you across this article.

Before we start, few warnings :

  • Learning CMake is painful. Especially because of the lack of standard practices in CMake usage, and in particular the insufficient adoption of modern design patterns.
  • Googling for advises was more a source of frustration than answers.

Disclaimer : I still do not know if I use CMake the right way. I strongly encourage you to read the documentation and make your own experience.

Make sure to read until the end, I'll show you a pattern I use to create CMake modules for targets importation !

1 - Know your CMake version(s)

First, know which CMake release are your targets. Especially the lowest.

For instance, if you work with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Docker containers, you are more likely to use GCC 4.8.4 and CMake 2.8. On MS Windows 10 with Ms Visual Studio 2019, CMake 3.10 or greater.

This matters a lot, as a single CMakelist.txt may result in different behaviors when processed across multiple release. What works perfectly fine locally may be a total mess on another system.

Most projects are likely to build on different systems, involving different OS, compilers, generators, and of course cmake releases.

"Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst"
This popular saying best reflects the requested mindset here.

1.1 Use modern CMake, not legacy

In short, modern CMake starts from CMake 3.1.

Just like C++, CMake has a paradigm gap between so-called legacy and modern releases.

Modern CMake is a nice way to replace unreadable & unmaintainable "2k-lines-long" CMakelists.txt files with clean, short bunches of instructions.

Opting for modern CMake seems like a pretty straight-forward decision to make. However, considering technical constraints may interfere in that choice, as mentioned in section 1.

Even if CMake is greatly backward compatible, the CMake 3.x.x series introduced some breaking changes.

For more information, you may have a look to cmake policies. These are mecanismes introduced to ensure backward compatibilities. Basically, the user can explicitly select an NEW or OLD behavior for each policy.
See policy CMP0083 related to PIE support for instance.

Also, CMake releases prior to 3.0 are not referenced anymore in the documentation.
This only fact should be self-explanatory enough.

1.2 Protect your build, save your time

Use cmake_minimum_required as first instruction.

This prevents use of deprecated CMake releases.
Imposing your choice will make you save hundreds, if not thousands, of unmaintainable lines, and thus days of hard but avoidable work.

tip : It's often way easier to install a newer CMake release than wasting time learning and using legacy tricks.

Documentation :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <min>[...<max>] [FATAL_ERROR])

For instance :

# This will trigger an error and stop if used with a cmake version < 3.1
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

Please note that the extra argument FATAL_ERROR was omited on purpose here, as it is accepted but ignored for CMake 2.6 and higher

1.3 Match your C++ standard version

CMake needs to know your compiler's options. I strongly advise you to use a CMake release that was released after your compiler.
For instance, CMake 2.8 was released before C++11.

For instance :

CMake standard C++ standard support
CMake 2.8 C++98
CMake 3.7.2 C++98, C++11, C++14
CMake 3.8.2 C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17
CMake 3.12.4 C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20

1.4 - Make sure to read the good documentation

CMake has a lot of different versions.
When checking the documentation, make sure to read the matching one. There's a combo-box at the bottom of each page that allow you to select your matching release.

2 - Understand CMake stages

Processing CMakeLists.txt
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done

What disturbed me the most when I used CMake at first, is that the same script file is processed multiple times, for multiple steps.
Configure and generate steps both process CMakeLists.txt, executing message(...) instructions.

Configure step

This step parses the sources tree, reading all CMakeLists.txt linked from top to bottom.
It will create CMakeCache.txt files, filled with cache variables.

tip : From the command line, configure and generate steps are combined.
These are complete when the "-- Configuring done" CMake message appears.

Generate step

This step uses both informations from CMakeLists.txt and CMakeCache.txt files, to generate native build tool files.

This is complete when the "-- Generating done" CMake message appears.

Build step

On this step, the native build tool will build all the project's targets.

Take my_fancy_target for instance :

Scanning dependencies of target my_fancy_target
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/my_fancy_target.dir/my_fancy_target.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable my_fancy_target
[100%] Built target my_fancy_target

Test step

Here is a step where CTest tool can be use to create a test suite, in order to run multiple executable files, and/or the same executable with different parameters.

This requires enable_testing() and add_test(NAME <target> COMMAND <CMD_ARGS...>).

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12.4)

# 3 tests binaries
add_executable(test_1 test_1.cpp)
add_executable(test_2 test_2.cpp)
add_executable(test_3 test_3.cpp)


add_test(NAME test_1 COMMAND test_1)
add_test(NAME test_2 COMMAND test_2)
add_test(NAME test_calc_sum COMMAND test_calc_sum)

# assuming test_calc_sum <args...> expects (arg_1 + arg_2 == arg_3)
add_test(NAME test_calc_sum COMMAND test_calc_sum_1 2 1 3)
add_test(NAME test_calc_sum COMMAND test_calc_sum_2 40 2 42)

In the build destination directory, run ctest command.

Test project /.../tests
    Start 1: test_1
1/5 Test #1: test_1 ...........................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 2: test_2
2/5 Test #1: test_2 ...........................   Passed    0.12 sec
    Start 3: test_calc_sum
3/5 Test #3: test_calc_sum ....................   Passed    0.00 sec
    Start 4: test_calc_sum_1
4/5 Test #4: test_calc_sum_1 ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 5: test_calc_sum_2
5/5 Test #5: test_calc_sum_2 ..................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5

Install step

This final step basically copy each targets output files to specified directories, such like include, bin, etc., as described in its install() instruction.

3 - CMake generator expression

CMake's generator-expressions is a convenient way to introduce conditions in your scripts without code-bloat, such like platform-specifics, compiler-specifics, or configuration-specifics instructions.

However, quoting the documentation, CMake's generator-expressions are "evaluated during build system generation to produce informations specifics to each build configuration".
Meaning that during previous steps, these are not evaluated yet.

For instance :

add_library(my_library INTERFACE)
set_target_properties(TARGET my_library

This works because generator-expressions $<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:DEBUG_ONLY_PROPERTIES> is evaluated before set_target_properties.

On the contrary, these examples that use generator expressions before generator-expression evaluation are wrong :

add_executable ($<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:${PROJECT_NAME}_debug, ${PROJECT_NAME}_release> # wrong !
    <...> # sources files ...
set_target_properties(TARGET ${target_name}
    <...> # other properties
1> [CMake] CMake Error at <...>\my_project\CMakeLists.txt:8 (add_executable):
1> [CMake]   The target name "$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:Test_CMake_debug," is reserved or not
1> [CMake]   valid for certain CMake features, such as generator expressions, and may
1> [CMake]   result in undefined behavior.
1> [CMake]
1> [CMake]
1> [CMake] CMake Error at <...>\my_project\CMakeLists.txt:12 (set_target_properties):
1> [CMake]   set_target_properties Can not find target to add properties to: TARGET

Printing messages using message() instruction produces a self-explanatory result :

message(STATUS "$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:this_is_debug, this_is_release>")
$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:this_is_debug, this_is_release>

4 - Debugging

Print variable

I use this pattern to print variables, here any_variable.
The extra enclosing brackets helps for extra spaces detection at both the beginning and the end of any variable's value.

message(STATUS "any_variable=[${any_variable}]")
message(STATUS "! extra space here        ^") # for example purpose
any_variable=[hello, world ]
! extra space here        ^

Also, I recently started using a CMake module that makes variables printing way easier, called CMakePrintHelpers.


CMakePrintHelpers module provides a convenient function that supports variadic arguments :

cmake_print_variables(var1 var2 ..  varN)

For instance :



But also allows per-target usage, which makes it really efficient :

cmake_print_properties(TARGETS foo bar PROPERTIES

tip : Use CMakePrintHelpers (cmake_print_variables, cmake_print_properties) to print variables and targets properties.

Tracing runs


CMake supports an verbose-mod option, [--verbose, -v], which enable verbose output.


CMake provides few --trace options, to print a trace of all calls made and from where.

This will most likely generate a tons of logs.
Thus, you may be willing to use --trace-redirect="filename.ext" to store this output into a file.
This is also available for specific files, using --trace-source=<filename.ext>.
To expand variables in this trace, --trace-expand is what you are looking for.

Another useful option is --trace-format=<format> that formats the output to human or json-v1. This is mint for external tools such like CIs or debuggers.

5 - Do not trust your variables

tip : Use scopes !
tip : Never assume that variables have values you set it to.

Most, if not all, CMake variables ca be omitted or overriden with an environment or cache variables.
Take the verbose option mentioned above for instance. According to the documentation :

This option can be omitted if VERBOSE environment variable or CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE cached variable is set.

This is why scopes matters so much. In particular, PARENT_SCOPE and CACHE.
Have a look to the set() documentation.

set(<variable> <value>... [PARENT_SCOPE])

"If the PARENT_SCOPE option is given the variable will be set in the scope above the current. Each new directory or function creates a new scope. This command will set the value of a variable into the parent directory or calling function (whichever is applicable to the case at hand). The previous state of the variable’s value stays the same in the current scope (e.g., if it was undefined before, it is still undefined and if it had a value, it is still that value)."

Variables overriding

tip : Don't do this !

Let's have a look to a self-explanatory, error-prone pattern I actually saw in production code few years ago :

top-level CMakelists.txt :

message(STATUS "Top-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}]")
message(STATUS "Top-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}]")

<... add targets, libraries, executables, etc. ...>

subdirectory CMakelists.txt :

message(STATUS "subdir-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}]")
message(STATUS "subdir-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}]")

<... add targets, libraries, etc. ...>
1> [CMake] -- Top-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug]
1> [CMake] -- subdir-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug]
1> [CMake] -- subdir-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug]
1> [CMake] -- Top-level CMakeLists.txt : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[RELEASE]

As you can see, this is very dangerous. Not only the subdirectory CMakelists.txt did not get what seems to be the expected build type, but the top-level CMakelists.txt was polluted.

In fact, the example above was even worst, as for some obscure reasons, the scope PARENT_SCOPE was set using a variable !


Options are better than cache variables

The option() instruction is the best way to provides an option that the user can optionally select. Documentation here.

In legacy CMake, we used to see :

set(FOO true CACHE BOOL "description")

In modern CMake, we now can write :

option(FOO "description" ON)

At first sight, the two snippets above seems to result in the same behavior ... but is it really the case ? No.

option() is more restrictive than set() : it allows only boolean values defaulted to OFF.
What would append for instance if you are indeed execting a boolean value, and the user provide something else, like a string or a list ?

In fact, a list will most likely generate an error during the CMakeCache generation step.
However, CMake allows string evaluation as a boolean.

Options values are booleans

Let's have the following snippet for instance :

# An option `BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARIES` and a condition that evaluates it.

option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARIES "Build also shared libraries, or only statics ?" ON)

   message(STATUS "Building shared libraries ...")
else ()
   message(STATUS "Building only static libraries ...")
value (-D<name>=<value>) output
SHARED 1> [CMake] -- Building only static libraries ...
True 1> [CMake] -- Building shared libraries ...
A;B;C 1> [CMake] CMake Error at <...>\CMakeLists.txt:10 (if):
if given arguments:
"A" "B" "C"

Another issue is the CMake inconsistency when it comes to boolean values.
Semantically, boolean values can only be true or false. But CMake is quite permissive :

true values false values
True false
Yes No

Also, all the above values, like most CMake variables and values, are case-insensitive. And as mentioned before, string can be evaluated as booleans.

Options can even depends on each others, using the CMakeDependentOption module.

                       "USE_BAR;NOT USE_ZOT" OFF)

This module greatly avoid code bloat that previously existed using legacy CMake releases.

Use CMake to list available options

tip : Use CMake -L

Use CMake -L[A][H] to list available options for you, instead of reading the CMakeLists.txt or using some grep commands.
Here is the output format :


As mentioned before, make sure that the value matches the type.

Even better, as mentioned in this stackoverflow post :

cmake -LA | awk '{if(f)print} /-- Cache values/{f=1}'

Also, most CMake tools with GUIs provide way to show and edit these variables.

6 - Hardcode is evil

Avoiding use of hardcoded stuff is a best practice in most, if not all, programming and script languages.
This is also the case for CMake.

Always use absolute paths

Projects structure may change. Maybe not the one you are creating, but your external dependencies may.

CMake provides a bunch of variables to prevent relatives paths usage :


The two first are full paths to the top-level of the current CMake build tree, the two lasts are full paths to the directory that is currently being processed by cmake.

Top-down variables pollution

As mentioned before, it is easy using CMake to produce unexpected behavior, when spreading values through subdirectories.

Compilers options

The add_compiler_options instruction will spread compilers options from the current directory and below.

A traditional usage of this is to handle compiler-specific options, when and only when there is not idiomatic way to add these.

For instance, compilers warning options :

if (MSVC)
    add_compile_options(/W4 /WX)
    add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror)

However, it's often better to add this options per-targets, and using generator-expressions.

target_compile_options(my_library PRIVATE
     $<$<OR:$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:Clang>,$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:AppleClang>,$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU>>: # Clang or GCC

The snippet above may be improved using per-configuration specifications.


Global directories

tip : Do not use include_directories and link_directories

Many CMake scripts use include_directories and link_directories to add directories to those the compilers search for includes and librairies.

set(my_sources_directory  some/path/to/sources)
set(my_includes_directory some/path/to/includes)


add_library(my_lib SHARED ${my_sources_directory} ${my_includes_directory})

This is so wrong. CMake has many way to carry dependencies properly, instead of global directories pollution. We will see that in the nexts sections.

Sources paths

This is an execption to this section : hardcoded source paths are better than file(GLOB_RECURSE <...>).

Let's say you have something like :

add_library(my_lib SHARED ${MY_SOURCES})

This is error-prone. Some files may remain in the source tree while being not compiled for instance. Or not compiled in this specific configuration, plateform, release, etc.

The following is safier, but increase the amount of lines :

add_library(my_lib SHARED

7 - Do not trust the documentation

Tip : Also check for unfixed issues

There are many unfixed open issues (2800+ as I write this article) that may prevent you from using CMake properly.

Such like :

8 - Take care of dependencies

tip : Utopically, only deal with your own dependencies.
tip : Use FIND_PACKAGE and/or ExternalProject_Add to use an external dependency.

Each target may have dependencies.
Most likely, each library depends on third-party libraries, which may themselves depends on other third-parties, etc. This creates what we call the dependency tree.

Idealy, each dependency takes care of its own ones. Meaning that there is no need for the user to dig down the dependency tree to understand which component is missing.

Adding a new dependency should be as easier as using a FIND_PACKAGE or ExternalProject_add instruction. We will mention this last one later.

Options and minimum CMake versions are the only requirements the user should care of.
However, this is not an utopia world, and some (old ?) libraries relies on manual actions, such like manual package installations, paths as mandatory options, etc.

A study case : Boost

tip : Use FindBoost module using FIND_PACKAGE(Boost)

This is a common pattern : a C++ project that requires some of the Boost libraries.
There is many way to do this, but only a good one.

Bad :

set(boost_include_dir /path/to/boost/includes)
set(boost_library_dir /path/to/boost/libraries)


Bad :

Even worst : set these variables as environment values.

This is so wrong.
First, what append if the user needs multiple versions of Boost in the project ?
Or what guarantee do we have that the paths even exist ?
Also, this is polluating all of the subdirectories with potential unexpected values.

The good solution is to use the FindBoost module using FIND_PACKAGE(Boost).
As mentioned in the documentation, this will set all required variables.

Good :

    REQUIRED spirit <...>

Also, a quick tip : CMake provides a way to run the find-package tool directly.

cmake --find-package <package_name>

A study case : Apache/httpd

Create a project that depends on Apache/httpd, I expected something like the following to work :

add_executable(my_binary_target <... sources ...>)

FIND_PACKAGE(APACHE_HTTPD) # Attempt to find the package
IF(NOT APACHE_HTTPD)       # If not found, then create it using URL, GIT, etc.
add_dependencies(my_binary_target APACHE_HTTPD)

However, ExternalProject_add is not a complete solution here.

Have a look to Apache/httpd's CMakeLists.txt :

  • At the beginning, it indeed use FIND_PACKAGE which is the good way to add external dependencies :
  • But then, for other dependencies that are also developed by Apache such like APR (Apache Runtime), we end up with something quitehow unexpected :
# Options for support libraries not supported by cmake-bundled FindFOO

# Default to using APR trunk (libapr-2.lib) if it exists in PREFIX/lib;
# otherwise, default to APR 1.x + APR-util 1.x
IF(EXISTS "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libapr-2.lib")
  SET(default_apr_libraries "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libapr-2.lib")
  SET(ldaplib "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/apr_ldap-1.lib")
  IF(NOT EXISTS ${ldaplib})
  SET(default_apr_libraries ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libapr-1.lib ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libaprutil-1.lib ${ldaplib})
SET(APR_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" CACHE STRING "Directory with APR[-Util] include files")
SET(APR_LIBRARIES ${default_apr_libraries} CACHE STRING "APR libraries to link with")
  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "APR include directory ${APR_INCLUDE_DIR} is not correct.")
  IF(NOT EXISTS ${onelib})
    MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "APR library ${onelib} was not found.")

Which means that you need to manually provide APR_INCLUDE_DIR, as well as APR_LIBRARIES if not already installed in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

This should be a sufficient warning :


The probleme is, as frustrating as it is, is that httpd DOES NOT manage all of its dependencies. And this is the same for the dependencies themselves.

A solution would then be :

ExternalProject_add(APACHE_APR <...>)
ExternalProject_add(APACHE_HTTPD <...>)
add_dependencies(APACHE_HTTPD APACHE_APR)

But this leads to a bunch of missing symbols error. After a quick investigation, an option was missing :

OPTION(APR_INSTALL_PRIVATE_H  "Install selected private .h files (for httpd)"  OFF)

Just like the APR case, the same pattern goes on for other dependencies.
Again, this is both frustrating and a waste of time.

tip : Create a Apache_httpd.cmake module that provides a complete httpd target, ready for including/linking.

Create a clean dependency tree

tip : Use add_dependencies

Many times, I saw CMakeLists.txt in production that required "multiple run, as it crash sometimes for unknown reasons".

Feels like concurrency issue, right ? It is.

Let's take a simple case for example :

  • A custom library that is part of the project's solution
  • An first external project that manage its own dependencies correctly
  • A second external project that depends on the first one.
    (see the previous section for instance)

Bad :

add_library(library_1 <...>)

ExternalProject_add(library_2 <...>)

ExternalProject_Get_Property(INSTALL_DIR library_2)
list(APPEND library_3_CMAKE_ARGS "-Dlibrary_2_INCLUDEDIR=${INSTALL_DIR}/include")
list(APPEND library_3_CMAKE_ARGS "-Dlibrary_2_LIBDIR=${INSTALL_DIR}/libs")
list(APPEND library_3_CMAKE_ARGS "-Dlibrary_2_BINDIR=${INSTALL_DIR}/bin")

    CMAKE_ARGS ${library_3_CMAKE_ARGS}

add_executable(my_binary <...>)
add_target_dependency(my_binary library_1 my_library_3)

In this case, library_1 is guaranteed to be ready when my_binary needs it.
However, we have no guarantee that library_2 is complete when library_3 needs it. library_2 could still be in its download step for instance.

An easy way to fix this is :

    DEPENDS library_2                 # Here we explicitly requires library_2
    INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS DOWNLOAD # ... but not for the download step

An even more error-prone case is when a target relies on include_directories or link_directories.

Dependencies visualisation

CMake provides a way to generate graphviz diagrams of your dependency tree, using the --graphviz= option.
This is a great way to get the big picture of an existing projet dependency tree, in order to clean unexpected dependencies for instance.

cmake <...>
dot -Tpng -o foo.png

9 - Generators matters

I noticed some minor differences in CMake scripts, dependening on CMake generators requirements.

For instance, Ninja as opposed to Unix makefile, requires the BUILD_BYPRODUCTS options of ExternalProject_add to be properly set, useless CMake will produce an error like :

> No known rule to build <target_name> target

Also, LINKS_DEPENDS property, which is mint to specify additional files on which a target binary depends for linking, is only supported by Ninja and Makefile generators.

10 - Use modules

Modern CMake enhanced modules usage, to partition and share useful functions and targets.

At the end of section 9, I mentioned a "Apache_httpd.cmake" module that download, build and install Apache's httpd with all of its dependencies.

How to use modules ?

Take a foo.cmake for instance :


This can be use this way in any other CMakeLists.txt, using CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and include() :

list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/my_custom_cmake_modules/)


There is plenny of available CMake modules, just like CMakePrintHelpers and CMakeDependentOption we mentioned before.

12 - Project's structure matters

A special attention must be paid to project's structure, and paths in general.

During both build and install steps, files path may collide and result in an unexpected behavior.

For instance, multiple external projects may use installation paths like :

  • /usr/bin
  • ${INSTALL_DIR}/../
  • ${SOURCE_DIR}/install/

Which is so much error-prone.

Tip : Use GNUInstalldir module to handle installation paths.
Tip : Use a ${INSTALL_DIR}/<project_name>/3rd_party directory to install your dependencies in.

13 - External projects importation

Tip : Use ExternalProject_* to import external projects
Tip : Let CMake manage libraries prefix, suffix and extensions

Filename suffix/prefix/extension

Does this looks familiar ?


Using CMake variables, we can write the following :


Which may results in foo.dll on Windows, and on Linux.

My "library import" pattern

Here is the pattern I use to import external projects, using ExternalProject_add.

All of my import_<library_name>.cmake modules actuall use it.

set(ExternalComponentName foo)
set(${ExternalComponentName}_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/3rd_party/${ExternalComponentName})

list(APPEND ${ExternalComponentName}_external_CMAKE_ARGS
    # <.. other CMAKE_ARGS ...>
### Libraries
# Raw names
list(APPEND ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES
    # <.. other output librairies ...>
# Static librairies paths
list(TRANSFORM ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES
    REPLACE "^(.+)$"
    OUTPUT_VARIABLE  ${ExternalComponentName}_external_STATIC_LIBS_PATHS
# Dynamic librairies paths
list(TRANSFORM ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES
    REPLACE "^(.+)$"
    OUTPUT_VARIABLE  ${ExternalComponentName}_external_SHARED_LIBS_PATHS
# Products
list(APPEND ${ExternalComponentName}_external_BUILD_BYPRODUCTS_ARGS


    # DEPENDS                <... dependencies ...>

    # Use URL, GIT, SVN, etc.
    URL          <... url ...>.tar.gz
    URL_HASH     SHA256=<... sha256 ...> 

    PREFIX       ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}

    # boiler plate
    TMP_DIR      ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}/ExternalProject_BoilerPlate/${ExternalComponentName}/tmp
    STAMP_DIR    ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}/ExternalProject_BoilerPlate/${ExternalComponentName}/stamp
    DOWNLOAD_DIR ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}/ExternalProject_BoilerPlate/${ExternalComponentName}/download
    SOURCE_DIR   ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}/ExternalProject_BoilerPlate/${ExternalComponentName}/source
    BINARY_DIR   ${ExternalProject_PREFIX}/ExternalProject_BoilerPlate/${ExternalComponentName}/binary
    # installation
    INSTALL_DIR  ${${ExternalComponentName}_INSTALL_DIR}
    CMAKE_ARGS   ${${ExternalComponentName}_external_CMAKE_ARGS}
    # ninja specific
    BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${${ExternalComponentName}_external_BUILD_BYPRODUCTS_ARGS}
ExternalProject_Get_Property(${ExternalComponentName}_external INSTALL_DIR)
if (NOT EXISTS ${INSTALL_DIR}/include/)
    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${INSTALL_DIR}/include/) # hack to fix

add_library(${ExternalComponentName} INTERFACE)
# target_link_libraries(${ExternalComponentName} INTERFACE <... dependencies ...>)
add_dependencies(${ExternalComponentName} ${ExternalComponentName}_external)
message(STATUS " - ${ExternalComponentName} : Processing output libraries ...")
# CMake 3.17 : ZIP_LISTS
# foreach(raw_name static_library_name shared_library_name
#     ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES
#     ${ExternalComponentName}_external_STATIC_LIBS_PATHS
#     ${ExternalComponentName}_external_SHARED_LIBS_PATHS
# )
# Previous CMake release :
LIST(LENGTH ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES libraries_count)
MATH(EXPR libraries_count "${libraries_count} - 1")
FOREACH (library_it RANGE ${libraries_count})
    LIST(GET ${ExternalComponentName}_external_LIBS_RAW_NAMES    ${library_it} raw_name)
    LIST(GET ${ExternalComponentName}_external_STATIC_LIBS_PATHS ${library_it} static_library_name)
    LIST(GET ${ExternalComponentName}_external_SHARED_LIBS_PATHS ${library_it} shared_library_name)

    set(library_name ${ExternalComponentName}::${raw_name})
    message(STATUS "   - ${library_name} : ${shared_library_name} => ${static_library_name}")

    add_library(${library_name} SHARED IMPORTED)
    set_target_properties(${library_name} PROPERTIES
        IMPORTED_IMPLIB                 ${static_library_name} 
        IMPORTED_LOCATION               ${shared_library_name}
    add_dependencies(${library_name} ${ExternalComponentName}_external)

    target_link_libraries(${ExternalComponentName} INTERFACE ${library_name})
    add_dependencies(${ExternalComponentName} ${library_name})

Time to make a module from this ?


The purpose of this pattern is to add an external project as one and only target, no matter how many librarires it contains. It relies on ExternalProject_Add and GNUInstallDir CMake modules.

Of course, this is not bullet-proof, especially when it comes to libraries naming conventions. But it works for most, if not all, modern CMake third parties I used so far.

Also, this can be simplified if the external project only produce one library. Just remove LISTs and foreach-loops to do so.

There are four steps here that requires more than a simple copy and paste :

  • Set the target's name. Here, foo.
  • Set the external project's CMake arguments.
  • List all libraries generated by the project you want add to your target.
  • The project's source (URL, GIT, SVN, ...)

Now, we can imagine something like the following :

    target_name                     # string
    target_librairies_list          # list
    project_source_arguments_list   # list
    CMakeArgs                       # list (optional)
    string (REPLACE ";" " " source_args "${project_source_arguments_list}")

    # Importation parttern ...
    set(ExternalComponentName ${target_name})
    set(${ExternalComponentName}_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/3rd_party/${ExternalComponentName})

    list(APPEND ${ExternalComponentName}_external_CMAKE_ARGS ${CMakeArgs})
    # etc ... (see above, previous section)


And then :


LIST(APPEND components_list
LIST(APPEND source_arguments_list
    URL          <... url ...>.tar.gz
    URL_HASH     SHA256=<... sha256 ...> 


# use target `Foo`

As mentioned above, this is no silver-bullet nor bullet-proof. But it actually do the job all cases I tested it.

Bonus : CMake dependency management module

After typing this article, I found out this morning during my daily check of 's thread a project called CPM, for CMake Dependency Management.
Its syntax is close to ExternalProject_add, with a much smaller codebloat, which makes it interesting.

To quote the author, this module is a wrapper built around the FetchContent CMake module.

The main difference between FetchContent and ExternalProject_add is when the download step occurs. ExternalProject_Add downloads at build time, while the FetchContent module makes content available immediately, allowing the configure step to use the content for its commands.

Bonus : MS Visual Studio cross-plateform

MS Visual Studio and CMake synergize pretty well.

Cross-configuration, cross-plateform

Using the "Manage configuration" panel, the user is able to create many configurations that will match its needs.

In combination with the "cross-platform" management (Debug > Options > Cross Platform), you can create any platform/architecture/build-type/Cmake-options/options combinaison.

These are stored into a CMakeSettings.json file.

For instance, I use to create the following configurations :

  • Local Windows 10, x64, debug, msvc_x64_x64
  • Local Windows 10, x64, release, msvc_x64_x64
  • Local Windows 10, x64, debug, clang_x64
  • Local Windows 10, x64, release, clang_x64
  • Remote Fedora 32, x64, debug, GCC 10
  • Remote Fedora 32, x64, release, GCC 10
  • Local Ubuntu 18_04 docker container, x64, debug, GCC 7.4
  • Local Ubuntu 18_04 docker container, x64, release, GCC 7.4
  • Local Ubuntu 18_04 docker container, x64, debug, Clang 6
  • Local Ubuntu 18_04 docker container, x64, release, Clang 6

This way, I save a huge amount of time.
In few clicks, and no command line, I am able to select a configuration, build and run my project.
This is especially handy when its comes to debug, as Visual Studio handles remote debug session through SSH.

One tool to rules them all ?


I hope you enjoyed reading this article.

As you surely noticed, English is not my mother tongue, and I'd like to apologize for the lack of grammar and vocabulary.

Anyway, I wish you a great experience using CMake.
I wish that some tips above will soften the pain. =)

Guillaume Dua.

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